Is this your year for Nucerite®? - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: May 18, 1964. Copyright © 1964 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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Is this your year for Nucerite ? The year was 1960. Pfaudier introduced a new family of ceramic-metal composites called Nucerite. Although still a "lab baby," it held great promise for the CPI. If offered high-temperature stabil­ ity, excellent corrosion resistance, exceptional abrasion resistance, good mechanical strength and workability. What's the verdict? Did Nucerite make the grade where it counts—in the plant? We think so. Here are some of the reasons why:

metal decanter is used for each batch. These rings are compact. They take only %th as much head­ room as a glassed-steel extension collar. They are also lightweight. One man handles them, easily. Outlasts metal, meets tight toler­ ances A Nucerite pump plunger has stood up to abrasion for more than twelve months in a triplex pump. Stainless plungers scored, sometimes only after a single day, when handling a fluid consisting of 5% anhydrous ammonia and 95% water at ambient temperature. Special alloys also failed in a month or two. Upon scoring, the

Prevents contamination In han­ dling metal halides at 1100° F, piping of uncoated, high alloys contaminated the product in a few weeks. No contamination in over a year with a Nucerite piping as­ sembly.

Copes with abrasion and corro­ sion A Nucerite reactor, with im­ peller and baffle, gave 12 months of maintenance-free service and still is going strong, handling aqua regia and a sand-like abrasive at over 200° F.

Saves space, takes abuse Man­ hole protection rings have twice the abrasion resistance of those made of the best glassed steel. One firm reports Nucerite rings showed no defects from mechan­ ical abuse or corrosion after more than 1100 hours, even though a

900° F level. After 75 days, Nucerite units showed no build-up; stain­ less ones read 10° to 15° lower, accumulated X"-thick deposits.

metal plungers cut grooves in the packing, causing leakage and ulti­ mate shutdown. Outside diameter of the Nucerite plunger is 1.25" + .001". This tight tolerance was met by grinding the ceramic sur­ face. Inhibits build-up, aids accuracy Coke build-up on stainless thermowell units caused erroneous tem­ perature measurements in a mat­ ter of days. Errors led to processing at temperatures above the desired

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Other data Here are some other uses, briefly noted: (a) Hydrogen barrier at 1200° F (b) 95-98% sulphuric acid at 450° F (c) 96% H2S04 at 575° F (d) Curing of solid rocket fuels at 350° F (e) Hydrochloric acid and chlori­ nated organics at 570° F (f) Chlorine at 1525° F (g) Methane sulfonic acid at 600° F (h) Sulfur vapors at 1100° F

(i) Acetic acid at 450° F Is this your year? To find out, start with Bulletin 1014. Then, let's talk test samples. Write: The Pfaudier Co., Dept. CEN-54, Rochester, New York 14603.