Isophthalic Based House Paints are Vastly Superior - C&EN Global

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T h e proof is piling up!

Isophthalie Based House Paints are Vastly Superior Exterior house paints based on isophthalic— ti€3VQ uniform through-dry—no paint wrinkling Oronite^s extensive testing, plus results by lead­ i n g resin m a n u f a c t u r e r s , p r o v e I s o p h t h a l i c greatly superior to other materials in this regard. h a v e faster drying


T h e higher, more uniform molecular weights give a d r y film — quicker. have practically no yellowing in light tints With Isvophthalic, oils can be used which greatly reduce "the amount of normal paint yellowing. cart b® manufactured

h a v e mildew


This quality appears to result from less unat­ tached fatty acids present. h a v e outstanding



At longer oil lengths greater flexibility results from higher proportion of flexible fatty acids in. the molecule. h a v e better color retention

Closer bonding of pigment particles give more uniform color appearance after application.

at lower cost

Manufacturing costs can be reduced because more low-cost oils can be used. Resin and paint manufacturers can now offer new and improved products with Oronite's new, advanced raw material — Isophthalic. Contact any Oronite office for complete information—or ask your resin or paint manufacturer about Isophthalic.

ORONITE CHEMICAL. COMPANY E X E C U T I V E O F F I C E S : 2 0 0 Buih S t r e e t , S a n Francisco 2 0 , C a l i f o r n i a SALES OFFICES 3 0 Rockefeller P l a z a , N e w York 2 0 , Ν . Υ . C a r e w T o w e r , Cincinnati 2, Ohio 2 0 N o r t h W a c k e r D r i v e , Chicago 6 , I l l i n o i s 7 1 4 W . O l y m p i c B l v d . , Los Angeles 1 5 , C a l i f . M e r c a n t i l e Securities B l d g . , D a l l a s 1 , T e x a s 4 5 0 Mission S t r e e t , San Francisco 5 , C a l i f . EUROPEAN OFFICE 36, Avenue W i l l i a m - F a v r e , G e n e v a , Switzerland 4021

FEB. 2 5,

1957 C&EN