Isosteric Replacement of Carbon with Silicon in the ... - ACS Publications

Scott McN. Sieburth. Department of Chemistry, State University of New ... mount, has been particularly successful. An unsuccessful application of this...
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Chapter 4

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Isosteric Replacement of Carbon with Silicon in the Design of Safer Chemicals Scott McN. Sieburth Department of Chemistry, State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3400

Organosilanes are inexpensively made, lack intrinsic toxicity, and have many similarities to comparable carbon compounds. Isosteric replacement of carbon with silicon in compounds with desirable properties can lead to products with enhanced environmental degradation, or other safety features. Many examples of silicon substitution have been studied in agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals. Application of this strategy to agrochemicals, where environmental concerns are paramount, has been particularly successful. An unsuccessful application of this isosteric replacement strategy is also instructive. Three case studies, and the current understanding of the environmental fate of organosilanes, are discussed.

Isosterism and the Design of Safer Chemicals The process of designing safer synthetic chemicals implies an application of chemical principles to eliminate one or more undesirable feature found in a material, while retaining the desirable properties. For agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals, that subset of chemical research concerned with biologically active molecules, the science of finetuning molecular properties has been under development for several decades (7,2). Many broadly useful concepts have emerged from this research. One of the early concepts for rationally modifying chemical properties was isosterism (Figure 1), an idea originally advanced by Langmuir to show broad trends among disparate molecules with an identical arrangements of bonds (3). Isosteric molecular fragments have a similarity of shape, the shape yields certain properties, and therefore isosteric fragments are potentially interchangeable. In the application of isosterism to biologically active molecules, the term Ttioisosterisrri has developed for

Figure 1. Isosteric and bioisosteric pairs (4). 0097-6156/96/0640-0074$15.00/0 © 1996 American Chemical Society

In Designing Safer Chemicals; DeVito, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Isosteric Replacement of Carbon with Silicon


interchangeable groupings of atoms that elicit a similar biological response, even if they are sterically dissimilar (4). Because bioisosterism includes groups that are not isosteric, the terms 'molecular metaphor and 'bioanalogy' have recently been nominated to take its place (5,6). 1

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Silicon as an Isostere of Carbon One of the now classic isosteric replacements is the substitution of silicon for carbon. From a chemistry perspective this is a rather natural replacement, as silicon and carbon are grouped in column 4A of the Periodic Table, and therefore have many chemical similarities. Like all 3A 4A 5A Group 4A elements, silicon and carbon are tetravalent, 8 tetrahedral, and form stable bonds with carbon. c N10 Notwithstanding the current issues involving silicone A! SI P | S j implants (7), organic derivatives of silicon and carbon generally have no intrinsic toxicity (8, 9), in contrast Ge with the other Group 4A elements germanium (10), tin (77), and lead (72). From a toxicity perspective, silicon i«n Sn Sb|l«j is die only Group 4A element that is a suitable 1 *f* Pb Bi |PC:: replacement for carbon. In addition, silicon is an abundant, inexpensive element and one that is available in a variety of forms. An intriguing aspect of organosilanes is the environmental novelty of the silicon-carbon bond. Naturally occurring silicon-carbon bonds are unknown (75). Undoubtedly this is due to the high relative strength of the silicon-oxygen bond and it suggests that organosilanes would be expected to have a finite environmental lifetime. Some early examples of silicon substitution for carbon in biologically active molecules are shown in Figure 2. Urethanes 2 and 3, neutral analogs of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (1), were found to be antagonists of 1 with identical doseresponse curves (74). Interestingly, silane 3 was much less toxic to mice than 2, and exhibited muscle relaxant properties (75). Carbamate insecticide 4 and its silicon analog 5 were found to have similar toxicity to the house fly (76). In both of these examples, the terr-butyl and trimethylsilyl groups function simply as isosteres of trimethylammonium.

1 !


O ^^\Z^Q^^Q|_|


o NH,



muscarinic antagonists

Figure 2. Silicon substitution in acetylcholine analogs.

In Designing Safer Chemicals; DeVito, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



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Similarities and Differences of Silicon- and Carbon-based Chemicals Silicon is the element most similar to carbon, however it is not a generic replacement for all carbon atoms and certain strict limitations apply (77). Double bonds to silicon, and three-membered rings containing silicon, are unstable to air and moisture (75,79). Single bonds from silicon to heteroatoms such as nitrogen and oxygen are strong but can hydrolyze readily. The silicon-hydrogen bond is more polarized than the carbonhydrogen bond. In contrast to the carbon case, increasing the number of hydrogen on a silicon increases the ease of oxidation, and the parent silane (S1H4) is pyrophoric. Nevertheless, an analog of polyethylene that is rich in S1H2 groups (Figure 3) has recendy been reported to be air stable (20). H H Si—CH 2




H x =







/ n




poly(l-silaethylene) (stable)

1-silaethylene (unstable)










u n




un *n 2

polyethylene (stable)

ethylene (stable)

Figure 3. A silane analog of polyethylene is reported to be air stable (20). A subde yet influential difference in atomic size exists (Figure 4) for silicon and carbon (27). Important differences in chemical reactivity also exist. When silicon is proximal to unsaturation, as in a vinyl or allyl silane, the compounds are stable, but unlike their carbon analogs they are subject to acid catalyzed silicon-carbon bond cleavage (22). Herein lies a potential avenue for die design of environmentally degradable products (Figure 5).




Space filling models White: C(CH ) Black: Si(CH ) 3



Figure 4. Size comparison of tetramethyl silicon and carbon (27).




an allyltrimethylsilane






H,0 HO

H H Figure 5. Allyl and vinyl silanes break down under acid catalysis.

a vinyltrimethylsilane


In Designing Safer Chemicals; DeVito, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Isosteric Replacement of Carbon with Silicon


Degradation and Oxidative Metabolism of Organosilanes

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An important component of designing safer chemicals is predicting their environmental fate, and both abiotic degradation and biological oxidation can play a role. Designing chemicals that will biodegrade to innocuous products is highly desirable, and isosteric substitution of carbon with silicon in many cases may enhance abiotic degradation and biological oxidation. The environmental fate of organosilanes has been discussed (23). Metabolism of organosilanes by mammals has been comprehensively reviewed (24). Abiotic Degradation. Currendy the major environmental source of organosilanes is silicone polymer (siloxanes, see Figure 6), primarily polymers of 1,1-dimethylsilanediol. Siloxanes were once thought to be environmentally stable, but are now known to depolymerize in the presence of water and soil (25-25). Furthermore, labeling studies have shown that the methyl groups can be photochemically cleaved from the silicon, with the final product being the naturally occurring silicates (29). |


-nH 0




I 1,1 -dimethylsilanediol

* f Si-O-V +nH 0 2



/ n


Figure 6. In the presence of water and/or soil, siloxanes hydrolyze to smaller oligomers and monomelic 1,1-dimethylsilanediol (26-28). Biological Oxidation. Early studies of microbial growth in the presence of permethyl siloxanes suggested that biological cleavage of silicon-carbon bonds could occur (30). More recent work has shown that microorganisms can utilize dimethylsiloxanes as a source of carbon (37), and soil incubation of C labeled siloxanes have been found to release CC>2 (32). Pioneering work by Fessenden on the metabolism of organosilanes by mammals found that phenyl and alkyl silanes were oxidized very much like their carbon analogs (33). A notable difference, however, was found for dimethylphenylsilane (8) in which the silicon-hydrogen bond was rapidly oxidized in vivo (Figure 7). 1 4


Figure 7. Mammals rapidly oxidize the silicon-hydrogen bond, whereas the carbons attached to silicon are metabolized much like simple hydrocarbons (34).

In Designing Safer Chemicals; DeVito, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Environmentally Safer Chemicals by Silicon Substitution

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The silicon-for-carbon isosteric replacement has been extensively studied with pharmaceuticals, and this area has been die subject of several excellent reviews (24,33, 35-37). A contemporaneous effort in agrochemical research has also been reviewed (38). The environmental fate of pesticides has received great scrutiny, and so pesticide examples of the use of silicon-for-carbon substitution are particularly relevant to the design of environmentally safer chemicals. Three examples are discussed below. Silane Analogs of DDT. Despite the relative safety of DDT (10) to mammals, its toxicity to other species and environmental persistence led to the ban of this important pesticide (39). In an early effort to design a more benign version of DDT, a number of silane analogs such as the DDD analog 12 (Figure 8) were prepared with the anticipation that these would be less environmentally persistent (40). While this would undoubtedly be true, all of the silanes proved to be nontoxic to insects. The presence of the readily oxidized silicon-hydrogen bond would have been one source of instability, both environmentally and in vivo (33). More significant for this research however, was an SAR study that found the overall size of the DDT molecule strongly correlated with bioactivity, implicating the atomic size of the central silicon for the lack of insect toxicity for 12 and congeners (see Figure 4).

10 11


X = C1 X=H


Figure 8. The insecticides DDT, DDD, and a silicon analog (40). Organosilane Fungicides. As a novel entry into the class of triazole fungicides, Moberg and coworkers prepared a series of silane analogs (41, 42). One of these, flusilazole 13 (Figure 9) proved to be a highly effective crop fungicide and is now a major commercial product. Compound 13 is an inhibitor of sterol biosynthesis, similar to other triazole fungicides. The properties of this compound responsible for its field performance, including volatility, solubility, and movement within plants, have been described (43). The primary metabolite of 13 is the silanol 14, resulting from cleavage of the triazole-substituted methyl groupfromsilicon (44). Presumably 14 has litde or now biological activity, and the higher oxidation level 14 will enhance the rate of its further degradation (relative to 13). Flusilazole is an excellent example of the commercial potential for biologically active organosilanes. Organosilane Pyrethroids. A major new class of insecticides to emerge during the 1970s were the synthetic pyrethroids, analogs of the naturally occurring pyrethrins (45). The pyrethrin analogs ethofenprox 15 and MTI-800 16 (Figure 10) (46), described in the 1980s, were the first pyrethroids with a central, quaternary carbon that could be reasonably altered by an isosteric substitution with silicon (47). This gemdimethyl group is critical for biological activity and is very sensitive to modifications (47). Silafluofen (17) slightly increases the size of the gem-dimethyl group. In laboratory tests, silafluofen 17 proved to be somewhat less active as an insecticide than

In Designing Safer Chemicals; DeVito, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Isosteric Replacement of Carbon with Silicon


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XX 0


,0H ,Si. CH



Figure 9. Fungicideflusilazole(13) and its major metabolite 14 (43). MTI-800, and more active than 15. As 15 was to become a commercial product, 17 was the first silane with a commercial level of insecticidal activity. One feature of 15 and 16 that differentiated them from the earlier pyrethroids, was the relatively low fish toxicity of these structures. Previously prepared pyrethroids, like die natural product itself, were very low in toxicity to birds and mammals but were extremely toxic to fish. This made them unsuitable for crops such as rice. Silafluofen 17 had appreciable insecticidal activity and proved to be nontoxic to fish. Steric and aqueous solubility changes have been proposed to account for this fish safety (47, 48).

15 ethofenprox X = O Y = H 16 MTI-800 X = CH2 Y = F

17 silafluofen

Figure 10. Two carbon-based pyrethroids and a silane analog. As with DDT, the degradation rate of pesticides is one of the environmentally critical parameters: the substance must last as long as required, but should last no longer. For aryl silane 17, as well as the non-silanes 15 and 16, a potential route of decomposition is protodearylation (Figure 11, related to the chemistry shown in Figure 5). Ipso protonation of 18 by an acid, such as humic acids found in soil (49-57), would lead to cationic intermediate 19. Capture of this intermediate by a nucleophile like water would lead to cleavage of the carbon-X bond, releasing the aromatic ring and an alcohol (or silanol) 21. Acid catalyzed dealkylation and desilylation of tenbutylarenes and arylsilanes, respectively, are well known synthetic transformations. The rates of desilylation (X = Si) were estimated by Eaborn (52) to be faster than dealkylation (X = C) by four orders of magnitude! Thus, silafluofen (17) might be expected to have a snorter half-life than its carbon analog 16. Although the details of the environmental persistence of these two proprietary materials are not yet public knowledge, notably the silane 17 (53-56) is now a commercial insecticide in Japan, whereas 16, more potent and invented earlier (57), is not. Field Activity of Organosilane Insecticide Silafluofen. Silane 17 proved to be very effective under field conditions, with an excellent level of activity for several weeks following a single application. Figure 12 shows the use of 17 to control the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) on oak trees (48). The silane was tested at two

In Designing Safer Chemicals; DeVito, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.




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X = C, Si


Figure 11. Protodearylation of carbon and silicon. The rate for silicon is faster by a factor of about 10,000 (52). different rates, and compared to the standard chemical treatment for gypsy moth infestations, carbaryl (22, commercially known as SEVIN), used at a substantially higher rate.

+ carbaryl (22 1100 g/hectare • silafluofen (17) 110 g/hectare A silafluofen (17) 55g/hectare 10


Days After Treatment Figure 12. Results of a field test of silane 17, in comparison with22, for the control of the gypsy moth (Lymantri dispar) on oak. Conclusions Isosteric replacement of carbon with silicon is an appropriate strategy for modifying quaternary carbons, as well as methines (CH) and perhaps methylene groups (CH2). Organosilanes lack intrinsic toxicity and can be expected to oxidatively and hydrolytically decompose in the environment with the silicon ultimately becoming silicate, one of the most broadly distributed, naturally occurring chemical entities (58, 59). For the fields of fungicides and insecticides, isosteric replacement of silicon for carbon has produced a new commercial product in a well established area of research (triazole fungicides, pyrethroid insecticides). The fish safety of silafluofen (16) gives this product a significant environmental advantage. The use of isosteric substitution other than silicon for carbon in the design of safer drugs has been comprehensively reviewed (60). The application of these types of isosteric substitutions for the design of safer industrial chemicals presents an intriguing and promising area of research.

In Designing Safer Chemicals; DeVito, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Isosteric Replacement of Carbon with Silicon


Acknowledgment. The author is grateful to Dr. Jim Cella of General Electric Corporation, Dr. Gert Volpp of FMC Corporation, and Dr. William Moberg of DuPont for helpful discussions. Literature Cited

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Isosteric Replacement of Carbon with Silicon


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In Designing Safer Chemicals; DeVito, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.