by B E T gas adsorption techniques on materials with surface areas as low as 0.1 square meter per gram 1
1 1
The portable induction salinometer, the Model RS-7A is used to determine the salinity of a sample of seawater by comparing i t with standard Copen hagen seawater or a substandard sample. Differences in temperature of as much as 3 ° C. between sample and standard are automatically com pensated for without the use of a constant temperature bath. Indus trial Instruments, Inc., 89 Commerce Road, Cedar Grove, N. J . 411
- .30
.33 .40
reported results include a plot of the adsorption isotherm For complete details write to
ISOTOPES, INC. 123 Woodland Avenue, Westwood, New Jersey
Circle No. 49 on Readers' Service Card
U n q u e s t i o n e d durability Special size sinks of natural Alberene at no extra cost
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n k U b l l L I l L O I U I M L nently satisfactory material for chemical laboratory table tops, shelving, sinks, splash backs, drain boards and fume hoods. Prompt delivery. ALBERENE S T O N E - A DIVISION OF THE GEORGIA M A R B L E COMPANY. For FREE literature and t e c h n i c a l assistance address: THE ALBERMAR COMPANY, 386 PARK AVE._S0UTH, NEW YORK 16, N. Y., DEPT. C. Circle No. 1 on Readers' Service Card 136
The Model H6T macro-analytical bal ance is designed f o r laboratory, i n dustrial, and school use where the time and space required for weighing instruments must be kept to a mini mum. It allows weighings up to 1200 mg. without using the weight set. The H6T has a built-in rapid taring device. Loads up t o 900 mg. can be tared by dialing tare weights, and another 100 mg. can be compensated by dialing the optical fine tare. By using the weight set as additional tare, any load up to 160 g. can be easily compensated to the last decimal place. Mettler Instrument Corp., 2 0 Nassau St., Princeton, N. J . 412