Issue Editorial Masthead - ACS Combinatorial Science (ACS

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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: M.G. FINN Georgia Institute of Technology School of Chemistry and Biochemistry Atlanta, Georgia 30332 USA (404) 385-0906 [email protected]

ASSOCIATE EDITORS Larry Truesdale NovaBay Pharmaceuticals, Inc. [email protected] Jason Hattrick- Simpers University of South Carolina [email protected]

FOUNDING EDITOR Anthony W. Czarnik University of Nevada, Reno

MANAGING EDITOR Christopher G. England [email protected]

EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Fernando Albericio University of Barcelona

Justin P. Gallivan Emory University

David Liu Harvard University

Floris P. J. T. Rutjes Radboud University Nijmegen

Jeffrey Aubé UNC Chapel Hill

Samuel Gerritz Bristol-Myers Squibb

Alfred Ludwig Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Ulrich S. Schubert Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena

Wilhelm Maier University of Saarland

Kay Severin Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne

Andreas Marzinzik Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research

Ahmad Shaabani Shahid Beheshti University

Xu Bai Jilin University Mark Bradley University of Edinburgh Stefan Bräse Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Gerardo Byk Bar Ilan University Gerbrand Ceder UC Berkeley Young-Tae Chang National University Singapore Andrew D. Ellington The University of Texas at Austin Jonathan Ellman Yale University

Yong-Dae Gong Dongguk University John Gregoire Caltech R. Kiplin Guy St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Paul R. Hanson University of Kansas Craig Hawker University of California

Paul McGinn University of Notre Dame Morten Meldal SPOCC Center

Thomas Kodadek The Scripps Research Institute

Michael G. Organ York University

Hideomi Koinuma National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)

Seung Bum Park Seoul National University

Victor Krchnák University of Notre Dame Kit Lam University of California, Davis

Patrick Pasau UCB John A. Porco, Jr. Boston University

Miroslav Soural Palacky University Chung-Ming Sun National Chiao Tung University Ichiro Takeuchi University of Maryland Shu-Jiang Tu Xuzhou Normal University Yashiro Uozumi Institute for Molecular Science Seong Ihl Woo KAIST Jie Wu Fudan University

Michael Fasolka National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Yulin Lam National University of Singapore

Radislav Potyrailo GE Global Research

Zhen Yang Peking University

Steven Firestine Wayne State University

Craig W. Lindsley Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Jun Qi Harvard Medical School

Wei Zhang University of Massachusetts Boston