Issue Editorial Masthead - Langmuir (ACS Publications)

DOI: 10.1021/lav032i049_908057. Publication Date (Web): December 13, 2016. Copyright © 2016 American Chemical Society. Cite this:Langmuir 2016, 32, 4...
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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: FRANÇOISE M. WINNIK Université de Montréal Département de Chimie Montréal QC H3C 3J7, Canada (514) 340-5286 [email protected]

EXECUTIVE EDITOR Richard M. Crooks University of Texas [email protected]

SENIOR EDITORS Bruce Armitage Carnegie Mellon University [email protected]

Frank Quina Universidade de São Paulo [email protected]

Daniel K. Schwartz University of Colorado [email protected]

Bernard (Bernie) Binks University of Hull [email protected]

Vaidhyanathan Ramamurthy University of Miami [email protected]

Atsushi Takahara Kyushu University [email protected]

Robert M. Corn University of California, Irvine [email protected]

Walter Richtering RWTH Aachen University [email protected]

David Sholl Georgia Institute of Technology [email protected]

Tejal A. Desai University of California, San Francisco [email protected]

Maria M. Santore University of Massachusetts [email protected]

Xi Zhang Tsinghua University [email protected]

Shaoyi Jiang University of Washington [email protected]

Joseph Schlenoff Florida State University [email protected]

Han Zuilhof Tianjin University/Wageningen University [email protected]

MANAGING EDITOR Jon Mallett [email protected]

EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Nicholas Lawrence Abbott University of Wisconsin, Madison

Watson Loh Unicamp

Olivier Spalla CEA

Steven Armes University of Sheffield

Margie L. Longo University of California, Davis

Francesco Stellacci École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Piero Baglioni CSGI

Thomas J. McCarthy University of Massachusetts

Keith Stevenson University of Texas, Austin

Santanu Bhattacharya Indian Institute of Science

Paul Mulvaney University of Melbourne

William Ducker Virginia Tech

Catherine J. Murphy University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Menachem Elimelech Yale University

K. G. Neoh National University of Singapore

Joelle Frechette Johns Hopkins University

Faruk Nome Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Syuji Fujii Osaka Institute of Technology Eric M. Furst University of Delaware Jingcheng Hao Shandong University

Soo-Young Park Seoul National University Bruce Parkinson University of Wyoming Dimiter Nikolov Petsev University of New Mexico

Shinsuke Takagi Tokyo Metropolitan University Heikki Tenhu University of Helsinki Sankaran Thayumanavan University of Massachusetts, Amherst Tsukasa Torimoto Nagoya University Vladimir V. Tsukruk Georgia Institute of Technology Patrick Unwin University of Warwick Orlin D. Velev North Carolina State University Yilin Wang Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science

Ilona Kretzschmar City College of New York

C. N. R. Rao Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research

Tonya Kuhl University of California, Davis

Francisco M. Raymo University of Miami

David Whitten University of New Mexico

Daeyeon Lee University of Pennsylvania

Laurence S. Romsted Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Itamar Willner Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Graham Leggett University of Sheffield

Vincent Rotello University of Massachusetts

Li-Zhu Wu Chinese Academy of Sciences

David A. Weitz Harvard University