It would take 5000 frames to show all the size reductions you can get

Nov 4, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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It would take 5000 frames to show all the size reductions you can get from these SPROUT-WALDRON Machines SPROUT-WALDRON Heavy Duty Precision Type CRUSHER—Four other types.

O n e of a variety of SPROUT-WALDRON Rotary Knife CUTTERS.

One of many different models of S P R O U T - W A L D R O N ROLLER MILLS.

You can crack, crush, curl, cut, decorticate, granulate, grind, hull, pulp, pulverize, rub, shear or twist hundreds of different materials within the functional range of these machines—and d o it well and economically. It's essentially a question of selecting the most suitable type and then fitting it to your specific problem. It is here that SPROUT-WALDRON'S experie n c e , gained in thousands of widely different processing operations which include controlled size reduction, is of benefit to you. Nowhere else c a n you find a line with so many basic types of grinders which have been applied to so wide a range of products, either alone or in combination with other SPROUT-WALDRON equipment for sifting, classifying, mixing, blending or other mechanical processing—for new economies and production records. Start using this 78-year wealth of experience b y writing for more information. The more you tell us about your product and processing problems, the more helpful our reply can b e to you.

SW COMPANY SPROUT, MM 1M W A L D R O NP S T R E E T EngiManufacturing U N C Y , E N N A , neers Since 2866 C O M N B I E D C R U S H E R a n d Rsizes.M L IL — m d ae n i sH eA vM erM alE B R i m avn caM aI.L cS teis foarregilm htadeorn hU eaR yy d uptyL

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