It's the NET RESULT - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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. . . of the manufacturing cycle that tips the scales, and versatile Metasap Metallic Soaps help to achieve net results that are tops. Their insolubility in water, unique gelling characteristics, lubricating and plasticizing properties, and effectiveness as driers help industry to produce and preserve innumerable items—not excluding fish nets themselves! COARSE FIBER MATERIALS—such as rope, fishing nets, burlap, tarpaulins—are, in fact, rendered highly rotproof when treated with Metasap Stearates dissolved in carbon tetrachloride, benzol or petroleum thinners. TEXTILES are made water-repellent. THE PAINT MANUFACTURER finds Metasap Metallic Soaps eminently suitable for increasing the viscosity of vehicles—enabling him to obtain primers and sanding sealers for porous surfaces, impart heavy body to flat paints in which pigment content cannot be raised. THE LUBRICANT MANUFACTURER u s i n g Metasap Stearates produces the fluid, semifluid, stiff, stringy, adhesive greases that today's exacting market demands. Anhydrous greases of high stability that do not freeze,

dissolve or evaporate, but assure efficient lubrication under the most severe operating conditions. And scores of other examples can be cited.

For Instance: In the plastics


Metasap Zinc and Calcium Stearates, incorporated as lubricants, help speed the molding cycle. In metal working, Metasap Calcium Stearate acts as a valuable grinding aid and lubricant in wire drawing and bolt stamping. In the construction field, Metasap Stearates increase waterproofness and workability of mortar and concrete. And in the paper industry, Metasap Stearates are outstanding for improving coatings. All the varied and valuable services performed by Metasap Metallic Soaps cannot be enumerated here, but you can read about them in our new, free book: M E T A L L I C SOAPS for R E S E A R C H A N D I N D U S TRY. Send for your copy today. You'll find it a handy reference, and very probably a good source for ideas that can be applied with profit to your own production procedures.

METASAP CHEMICAL COMPANY. DEPARTMENT 10. HARRISON, N. J . BRANCHES: BOSTON • CHICAGO • CEDARTOWN. GA. • RICHMOND. CALIF. Stocks at Cleveland and Akron, Ohio; Los Angeles and San Francisco, Calif.; Louisville, Kentucky
