J. BISHOP & CO. - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 16, 2012 - J. BISHOP & CO. Anal. Chem. , 1959, 31 (3), pp 50A–50A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60147a748. Publication Date: March 1959. ACS Legacy Archive...
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Analysis Calendar (Continued from page 48 A) Research Laboratory. Contact: A. G. Sharkey, U. S. Bureau of Mines, 1200 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh 13, Pa. April 17 to 18—Metropolitan Microchemical Society, American Museum of Natural History, New York. 14th Annual Symposium with Round Table Discussion on Nitrogen and Gadget Table of Laboratory Aids. Contact: Erik R. Hoffmann, Ethicon, Inc., P . O. Box 151, Somerville, N . ,T. April 21—Society for Applied Spectroscopy, Philadelphia, Pa., Section. Topic: Vac­ uum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy. Speaker; J . F . Rendina, E. I. du P o n t de Nemours & Co., Inc. Contact: W. A. Askew, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. April 25 to 30—Scientific Apparatus Makers Association, Greenbrier Hotel, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. Annual meeting. Contact: James Irving, SAMA, 20 North Wacker Drive, Chicago 6, 111. May 2—Analytical Group, New York Section, ACS, College of the City of New York. Weighs and Means in Analytical Chemistry. Contact: E. A. Wynne, Fisher Scien­ tific Co., 1 Reagent Lane, Fair Lawn, N . J. Page 47 A. May 5 to 7—14th Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, Purdue University. Contact: D. E . Bloodgood, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. May 11 to 13—Symposium on Instrumentation and Computation in Process Develop­ ment and Plant Design, Westminster, England. Sponsored jointly by the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Society of Instrumental Technology, British Computer So­ ciety. Contact: Institute of Chemical Engineers, 16 Belgrave Sq., London, S.W. 1, England. May 17—Seventh Meeting on Mass Spectrometry, ASTM Committee E-14, Hotel Statler, Los Angeles. Contact: A. G. Sharkey, U. S. Bureau of Mines, 4800 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh 13, Pa. Page 51 A, Nov. May 18 to 20—5th National Symposium on Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Houston, Tex. Instrument Society of America. Contact: M. D. Weiss, program chairman, Union Carbide Olefins Co., South Charleston, W. Va. Page 40 A, January. May 30 to J u n e 5—Fifth World Petroleum Congress. Coliseum, New York. Contact: Fifth World Petroleum Congress, Inc., 527 Madison Ave., New York 22, Ν . Υ. Page 36 A, January. June 1 to 4—Tenth Annual Symposium on Spectroscopy, American Association of Spectrographers, Conrad Hilton Hotel, Chicago. Contact: H . M. Wilson, Conti­ nental Can Co., 7622 So. Racine Ave., Chicago 20, 111. Page 51 A, Nov. June 9 to 11—International Symposium on Interferometry, Teddington, England. Contact: International Symposium on Interferometry, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, England. June 10 to 12—Division of Analytical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry, University of Illinois. 1959 Summer Symposium. Topic: Complex Reactions in Analytical Chemistry. Contact: G. L. Clark, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. June 10 to 12—Second International Symposium on Gas Chromatography, East Lan­ sing, Mich. Instrument Society of America. Contact: H . S. Kindler, ISA, 313 Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh 22, Pa. June 11 to 12—International Union of Crystallography, Karolinska Institutet, Stock­ holm, Sweden, Conferences on Precision Lattice Parameter Determination and Counter Methods for Crystal Structure Analysis. Contact: William Parrish, Philips Laboratories, Irvington-on-Hudson, N . Y. Page 50 A, Nov. June 15 to 17—Second International Symposium on X-Ray Microscopy and X - R a y Microanalysis, Stockholm. Page 50 A, Nov. June 15 to 19—Ohio State University. Symposium on Molecular Structure and Spec­ troscopy. Contact: R. A. Oetjen, The Ohio State University, Columbus 10, Ohio. Page 46 A. June 17 to 19—2nd Nuclear Instrumentation Symposium, Idaho Falls, Idaho. ISA. June 21 to 26—American Society for Testing Materials, Annual Meeting. Atlantic City, N . J . Contact: ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. June 24 to 26—Second Nuclear Instrumentation Symposium, Idaho Falls, Idaho. I n ­ strument Society of America. Contact: H . S. Kindler, ISA, 313 Sixth Ave., Pitts­ burgh 22, Pa. August 12 to 14—8th Annual Conference on Applications of X-Ray Analysis, Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, Colo. Sponsor: Denver Research Institute. Contact: W. R. Mueller, Denver Research Institute, University of 'Denver, Denver 10, Colo. Page 47 A. August 24 to 29—Second International Congress of Polarography. Polarographic Society. University of Cambridge, England. Contact: G. F . Reynolds, Ministry of Supply, C. 36, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, London S.E. 18, England. Page 41 A, January. Sept. 1 to 8—International Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Czechoslovak Acad­ emy of Science, Prague, Czechoslovakia. Contact: Prof. Dr. Ing. Vaclav Hovorka, Praha-Dejvice, Technicka ul. 1905, Czechoslovakia. Page 46 A. Sept. 13 to 18—American Chemical Society, 136th National Meeting, Atlantic City, N.J. Sept. 14 to 16—Sixth Ottawa Symposium on Applied Spectroscopy. Canadian Asso­ ciation for Applied Spectroscopy. Ottawa, Canada. Contact: W. O. Taylor, Ontario Department of Mines, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont. Sept. 21 to 25—14th Annual Instrument-Automation Conference and Exhibit, Inter­ national Amphitheater, Chicago, 111. Instrument Society of America. Contact: H. S. Kindler, ISA, 313 Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh 22, Pa., re program and F . J. Tabery, 3443 South Hill St., Los Angeles 7, Calif., re exhibits. October 11 to 16—ASTM Spectroscopy Symposium, A S T M Committees E-2 and E-13, San Francisco. Contact: R. J. Wirshing, General Motors Corp., Box 188, North End Station, Detroit 2, Mich. Nov. 16 to 20—Fifth International Automation Congress and Exposition, New York Trade Show Building, New York. Contact: Richard Rimbach, Managing Director, 845 Ridge Ave., Pittsburgh 12, Pa.