J. T. Baker Chemical Co

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HPLC Solvents by J.T. Baker

High performance liquid chromatography problems are frequently related to the variability of the reagents used. Specifically: spurious UV absorbance, particulate matter, residues, unknown or uncontrolled water, etc. 17 Baker HPLC solvents, however, now provide maximum reproducibility... new predictability... exceptional consistency. How is such unusual consistency achieved? Extremely tight specifications coupled with superior product definition create consistency. Examples? HPLC Acetonitrile is controlled for low UV absorbance at 210 nm (0.10 max.), 254 nm (0.05 max.), 280 nm (0.02 max.) and at 350 nm (0.01 max.); water 0.02% max.: residue 0.0005% max. Refractive index: controlled, consistent. Plus physical data. And of course, the actual lot analysis for the specific lot in question is always on the 'Baker Analyzed'™ container label. You can always verify our claims for reproducibility beforehand. Consistency? Here are 10 consecutive lots of Baker HPLC Methanol: Water % Residue % Abs a t 2 5 4 n m

0 03 0.04 002 0.03 0.02 0.03 0 02 0 02 0.02 0.03 0 0003 0 0001 0 0O01 0 0001 0 0001 0 0002 0 0002 0 00005 0.00005 0.00005 < 0 01