Janingenhousz—Plant physiologist. With a history of the discovery of

sixty preparations are given. A new feature of the present volume is the inclusion of reviews of the preparative chemistry of three groups of compound...
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Editor-in-Chief: Ludwig F. Audrieth, University of Illinois. First edition. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1950. xi 230 pp. 40 figs. 3 tables. 15.5 X 23.5 cm.



LIKEits nredecessors. this volume describesin detail the laboratory preparation of useful or intererring inorganic suhetancee, varying in compl~xityfrom nnlrylnw iron (111) chlorirlc to his ( N , S ' - d i s a l i r y l s l r t l y l e ~ ~ e J i ~ ~ m i n r ) - - : (11). dit Altogether some sixty preparations sre given. A new feature of the present volume is the inclusion of reviews of the preparative chemistry of three groups of compounds: basic beryllium derivatives of organic acids, organosilicon compounds, and the poly- and metaphosphates and "strong phosnhoric scids!' Each review is followed bv directions for nrenarine ;Ifew representative compounds of the Goup. The sectibn bn thz complex phosphates (which includes fluophosphates) is particularly timely. Several carbon compounds are included, such as carbon tetrafluoride and tetraiodide, cyanamide, dioyanodiamide and ammonium dithiocarhamate, compounds which fdl between the realms of organic and inorganic chemistry, avoided by the t e x t book writers of bath fields.. and -vet of interest in both. The nrenaration of manv useful fluorine comnounds is deaarihed. idoludine sulfur lkafluoride., tunesten' hexrtfluoride.