jarrell-ash company - ACS Publications

visionary, but perhaps only more fortunate hands. It is, of course, the enterprising and the visionary who plan and execute the exploration of space. ...
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know if they produce the equivalent of a Michelangelo, a Praxiteles, or a Rodin ; whether they had a Beethoven, a Chopin, or a Tchaikovsky. How do they handle boredom? Is it with tele­ vision, acrostics, or dog-racing? If they are not much more than vege­ tables, but possibly many millenia be­ yond us, it would be fascinating to know how they organize large research projects. After acquiring sufficient ad­ ministrators, a reliability division, ma­ terials control, redundancy section, cost accounting group, legal staff, and public relations council, do they have enough WKWTGM's (we know where to get more) in the treasury to hire an extra scientist for the staff? After this, is there enough left in the poke to hire a Martian janitor to sweep out the joint? Do they hire professors of Mar­ tian literature to write more entertain­ ing and truthful reports? Do they have executives who can terminate a project after the expenditure of enough WKWTGM's in a completely arbitrary manner, or have the tax­ payers developed homocidal tendencies which make this impractical ?


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We begin to admire the archeologists more and more. When they have high goals and when they are lucky, they find some magnificent monuments to Man's finest accomplishments. In our humble opinion, it's much like mineral or oil prospecting. It helps enormously to know about where to look and dig. The architectural masterpieces un­ covered in Asia Minor have been a source of unending admiration and with them went unquestioned evidence that the ancient people inhabiting them flourished under social, political, and economical conditions that have not been greatly exceeded, if we make rea­ sonable concessions in time. Solon and Hammurabi were far from primitive. Here, in our own Southwest, we have learned, dedicated, and competent ar­ cheologists, but alas, their labors are rewarded with some primitive paint­ ings, baskets, and dime-store pottery.

Jarrell-Ash manufactures 11 types of spectrometers for handling almost any conceivable analysis problem. HIGH APERTURE SPECTROGRAPHS (f/6.3) Analyses of faint or short duration light sources. Available with photo­ electric attachment, framing, and streaking cameras. 0.5 & 1M SEYA-NAMIOKA VACUUM SPECTROMETERS For absorption and emission studies. Available with optional camera, light sources, and detectors. 0.5M EBERT SCANNING SPECTROMETER For combustion and reaction studies, flame temperature measurements,

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There are countless millions of the living on this Earth who ran out of gas, broke a wheel or a skid, and civiliza­ tion passed on into more enterprising, more visionary, but perhaps only more fortunate hands. It is, of course, the enterprising and the visionary who plan and execute the exploration of space. We continue to be delighted with their technical ac­ complishments, but largely for the benefits which rub off and enhance Man's better instincts and his cultural