Jarrell Ash

background absorption dueto matrix effects, or flame/nebulizer variations. Read analytical data directly in concentration on a digital display—or in...
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The New

Jarrell-Ash 800 Atomic Absorpiion

Spectrophotometer ...a dual double-beam instrument with unmatched analytical capabilities

The Jarrell-Ash 800 is—literally—two instruments in one. It has two independent double-beam analytical channels—each with its own high-resolution monochromator, its own detector, and its own concentration computers. This dual double-beam design provides some remarkable analytical capabilities. You can: Determine two metals at the same time, in the same sample—both by atomic absorption, or one by atomic absorption and one by flame emission. (Right there, you're practically doubling the speed of routine analyses.) Use the second channel to compensate for flame-originated interferences— background absorption due to matrix effects, or flame/nebulizer variations. Read analytical data directly in concentration on a digital display—or in linear absorbance, % absorption or emission intensity, if you prefer. You can dial-in curvature correction if you

Increase analytical precision by using signal integration. A built-in elec-

tronic integrator averages the analytical signal over a pre-set time before the final reading is displayed.

need to. ·

For full information write to Fisher Scientific Company, 711 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219.

Division of Fisher Scientific Company

Circle No. 83 on Readers’ Service Card

24 A

The "800" offers some additional interesting features. Its new corrosionresistant burner is easily disassembled for cleaning. A pushbutton ignites the flame instantly. Panel switches select fuels and oxidants quickly and safely. Precision slits are step-selectable. These major features, together with the finest Jarrell-Ash optics and highdispersion gratings and the most advanced integrated circuitry, make the "800" an instrument that is unmatched for performance and reliability. Whatever your analytical requirements in trace-metal determinations—now or in the future—the Jarrell-Ash 800 is the instrument you should be using.

