JCE Online Store Grand Opening

Jan 1, 2005 - We are excited to offer our subscribers and customers the convenience of safe and secure online ordering. We hope you take advantage of ...
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JCE Online

Jon L. Holmes University of Wisconsin–Madison Madison, WI 53715-1116

JCE Online Store Grand Opening Now Open! JCE Online Store JCE Online is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the JCE Online Store. Now, from the convenience of your desktop you can purchase subscription renewals and software. Simply point your Internet browser at

http://store.jce.divched.org to begin shopping for JCE products online. What Can You Purchase Online? Products currently available from the JCE Online Store are Journal subscriptions (new subscriptions and renewals, individuals and institutions, U.S. and non-U.S.); JCE Software CD-ROMs, videotapes, and videodiscs; and the JCE

Books “Chemical Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” and “TA Handbook”. The JCE Online Store is well-integrated with other parts of JCE Online so that you can easily research your purchases before you buy. The JCE Online Store uses open source e-commerce software and VeriSign security technology so you can be assured that your online transactions are safe and secure. What’s Coming? Future plans for the JCE Online Store include the ability to purchase and immediately download selected JCE Software titles. We are also investigating the ability to purchase single articles from the Journal and Chemistry Comes Alive! video clips and images. We are excited to offer our subscribers and customers the convenience of safe and secure online ordering. We hope you take advantage of the JCE Online Store soon and often.

Convenient • All JCE products in one place • Open 24/7 • No envelopes or stamps required

Easy to Pay • Major credit cards, checks, money orders, and P.O.s accepted

Safe and Secure • Uses VeriSign security


Journal of Chemical Education

Vol. 82 No. 1 January 2005
