Jeifermn... for highest — quality
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MoiKMittaeetaftto· "- ,· ' ' Trfftthaitetamlft*,
^1nevï*a«!Sît(«*.Officii"$1β M«fro»«'Bwl|dlitgί'Ήόΐιίίβ» : 2 # Τ«Ό*"' ?'p!TW«r«é«i*f Stomt Tiwwty, M#w Jtrteyi €f*»s« # SS&nof»# Heuttg^'T**et
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No. 4 hi a Scries
D e s l u d g i n g fluid for i n t e r n a l combustion engines, Diesel e n gines and the like, can be formulated using ethylene dichloride, soap, alcohol, cresol and n a p h t h a . T h i s formula when substituted for lubricating oil will not only effectively desludge the crankcase and associated parts but will have a lubricating effect on the operating u n i t s . A n a b a s i n e , a liquid alkaloid that closely resembles nicotine in physical, c h e m i c a l , toxological a n d i n s e c t i c i d a l p r o p e r t i e s , can be extracted from all parts of the tree tobacco plant with ethylene dichloride. B e n z o y l p e r o x i d e may be reacted will ι ethylene dichloride t o give p h e n o l a n d b e n z e n e . C o p r o d u c t s of the reaction are p-PhCfil I4CO211, diphenyl, tric h l o r o b u t e t i e , a n d 1, 2 , J , 4 tctrachlorobutauc.
Available immediately in tank cars and 55-gaIIon drums, or in samples for your prelimîha^^ ',. . \ ,',;/• • .. J^djdress -inquÎries;tp; Department :Ç.) ;
Jefferson CHEMICM COMPANY, f Λ&;Χ=
^ / « r recent literature
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N-vinyl c o m p o u n d s s u c h a s N-vinyl pyrrole or N-vinyl carbazolc m o n o m e r s , can be poly merized in ethylene dichloride solution to form materials which have high softening points. T h e reaction, using BFj as a catalyst, is started at room temperature with the ratio of solvent to mono mer of 4 o r 6 : 1 . When such a ratio is employed, the reaction is more readily controlled because the temperature will remain near ly constant at about the boiling point of the ethylene dichloride. These developments are abstracted from recent fat If I tea fions or U. Λ. patents. They may suggest applica tions ofJe]fer son Ethylene Dichlor· ide in your products or processes. 5425