John A. Smith Appointed Associate Editor - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 30, 2012 - John A. Smith Appointed Associate Editor. Anal. Chem. , 1987, 59 (15), pp 931A–931A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00142a716. Publication Date: Augu...
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John A. Smith Appointed Associate Editor At this year's meeting of ANALYTICAL C H E M I S T R Y ' S Adviso-

ry Board in May, Editor George H. Morrison announced t h e a p pointment of J o h n Alexander Smith of Harvard Medical School as the journal's first Associate Editor for analytical biotechnology (see also Editorial, p. 929 A). Smith joins t h e other Associate Editors—Klaus Biemann (mass spectrometry), Georges Guiochon (separations), Fred Lytle (spectroscopy), a n d Robert Osteryoung (electroanalytical chemistry)—in assuming responsibility for peer review of original scientific papers under t h e direction of the Editor. In addition to his responsibilities for peer review, Smith will invite experts in t h e field to write reviews on methods used in analytical biotechnology. Smith earned a B.S. in chemistry from P u r d u e University, an M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in biochemistry from t h e University of Melbourne, and an M.D. from t h e University of Missouri School of Medicine. After completing an internship and residency in pathology at Brigham a n d Women's Hospital in Boston, Smith received an academic a p p o i n t m e n t at Harvard Medical School, where he is currently assistant professor of pathology. He also holds concurrent appointm e n t s as assistant molecular biologist a n d assistant pathologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. Smith's current research interests include t h e following: the structure and regulation of enzymes mediating acetylation and acyl-amino acid hydrolysis of protein amino-terminal residues; molecular a n d immunological mechanisms involved in the processing a n d presentation of protein antigens; properties of protein antigenic sites recognized by antibodies and cellular elements; protein isolation, protein sequence analysis, a n d oligodeoxynucleotide-directed sitespecific mutagenesis; a n d peptide and oligonucleotide synthesis. A recent paper {Anal. Chem. 1987, 59, 1021-27) resulted from a research collaboration among Smith, S. T e r abe of Kyoto University, a n d A. S. Cohen a n d Barry L. Karger of Northeastern University on t h e high-performance capillary electrophoretic separation of nucleoside bases, nucleosides, and oligonucleotides.

Nominations Sought for Division Awards T h e ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry is seeking nominations for t h e four awards t h a t it will present in 1988. T h e Award in Chemical Instrumentation, sponsored by Dow Chemical Company, consists of a $4000 stipend, a $1000 travel allowance, and a plaque. T h e award recognizes individuals who have advanced t h e field of chemical instrumentation through scholarly activity. T h e Award for E x c e l l e n c e in T e a c h i n g , cosponsored by the division a n d Du Pont, is given to foster excellence in the teaching of analytical chemistry at t h e undergraduate

and graduate levels a t colleges a n d universities in t h e United States a n d Canada. Awardees are recognized for having enhanced t h e personal a n d professional development of analytical chemistry students through excellence in teaching in both t h e classroom a n d research environments. T h e award consists of an honorarium, u p to $1000 in travel expenses, a n d a plaque. T h e Award in S p e c t r o c h e m i c a l Analysis, sponsored by t h e Perkin-Elmer Corporation, was established in 1986 to foster innovation in t h e conceptualization, development, and use of spectroscopy to further t h e science of chemical analysis. T h e award is presented t o an individual who has had a significant influence on t h e field of spectrochemical analysis through scholarly activity. It consists of a $4000 stipend, a $1000 travel allowance, a n d a plaque. T h e A w a r d in E l e c t r o c h e m i s t r y , sponsored by t h e Electrochemical I n s t r u m e n t s Division of EG&G Princeton Applied Research Corporation, recognizes a person who through scholarly activity has made outstanding contributions to t h e conceptualization, understanding, development, a n d use of electrochemistry in analytical chemistry. It consists of a $4000 stipend, a $1000 travel allowance, a n d a plaque. This is a new award t h a t will be presented for t h e first time at t h e fall 1988 ACS meeting in Los Angeles, when t h e division will be celebrating its 50th anniversary. T o be eligible for any of the awards, a nominee must be a member of the Division of Analytical Chemistry. Documentation for t h e awards (12 text pages or less) should include nominating a n d seconding letters, biographical statements, and other supporting materials. Renomination is required for previously nominated individuals not selected for an award. All nominations should be sent to Mary A. Kaiser, Polymer Products Dept., E256/314, Du Pont, Wilmington, Del. 19898. T o be eligible for t h e 1988 awards, nominations must be received by Sept. 1, 1987 (Sept. 15 for t h e Award for Excellence in Teaching).

Lippincott, Palmer Awardees Named C. Bradley Moore, professor of chemistry at t h e University of California a t Berkeley a n d senior scientist a t Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, has been selected as this year's recipient of the Ellis R. Lippincott Award. T h e award recognizes Moore's "ingenious application of laser spectroscopy to t h e study of molecular energy transfer, chemical reaction dynamics, a n d photochemistry." T h e award, which is sponsored by t h e Optical Society of America, t h e Coblentz Society, a n d t h e Society for Applied Spectroscopy, is presented annually to an individual who has demonstrated significant achievement in vibrational spectroscopy, either theoretical or experimental, basic or applied. J a m e s Fritz of Iowa State University was named t h e 1987 Palmer Award winner a t t h e Minnesota Chromatography Forum spring symposium held in May. Fritz was cited for his contributions to t h e science of chromatography a n d to t h e forum. His research interests include ion chromatography, ion exchange resins, chelation resins, organic pollutants in water, nonaqueous titrimetry, organic functional group determinations, complexometric titrations, a n d chromatographic theory.