News Determination of Metals in Biological Samples with an Induction-Coupled Radio-Frequency Plasma Torch. C. L. Grant, Donald Macnaughtan, Jr., Engineering Experiment Station, Uni versity of New Hampshire, Durham, Ν. Η., Merle Thorpe, Humphreys Corp., Concord, Ν. Η. Long Term Studies of Elemental Intake and Excretion of Three Adult Male Subjects. Isabel H. Tipton, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.; Peggy L. Stewart, University of Tennessee and Stewart Laboratories, Inc. Atmospheric Monitoring for Vapors of 1, 1-Dimethylhydrazine with a Porta ble Automatic Colorimetric Instru ment. Alfred M. Grosso, Manfred J. Prager, Joseph L. Kalinsky, Naval Ap plied Science Laboratory, Brooklyn, Ν. Υ. ATR Infrared Spectroscopy of Biochemi cal Substances at Liquid-Nitrogen Temperature. Frank S. Parker, New York Medical College, New York City, Ν. Υ. Odor Threshold and Gas Chromato graphic Assays of Vaginal Odors dur ing Nitrofurazone Treatment. Louis Keith, Irving Bush, Cook County Hos pital, Chicago, III.; Andrew Dravnieks, B. K. Krotoszynski, NT Research In stitute, Chicago, III. Patterns of Urinary Copper Excretion in Patients with and without Urinary Tract Disease. Jose A. Berrios, Frances Alexander, AI Dubin, George C. Baumgartner, Irving Bush, Hektoen Institute of Medical Research of Cook County Hospital and Chicago Medical School, Chicago, III. Dietary Zinc Intake in Man. Dace Osis, Emily Wiatrowski, Joseph Samachson, Herta Spencer, Veterans Admin istration Hospital, Hines, III. Instrumentation in a Hospital Labora tory. Alvin Dubin, Hektoen Institute for Medical Research, Chicago, III. Isolation and Identification of Morphine in Biological Material by Spectrome try and Gas Chromatography. George Christopoulos, Cook County Coro ner's Laboratory, Chicago, III. Applications of Instrumentation in Clini cal Toxicology. Eleanor Berman, Hektoen Institute for Medical Re search, Chicago, ill. Fluorometric Analysis of Serum and Tis sue Lipids on TLC Scanner. Donald Silverman, Hektoen Institute, Chi cago, III. Fractional Vacuum Sublimation and Mass Spectrometry. Part I. Applica tion in Toxicological Studies. Paritosh K. De, Charles J. Umberger, Department of Forensic Medicine, New York University Medical Center and Department of Toxicology, Office of Chief Medical Examiner, New York Analysis of Corneal Tissue with an Elec tron Microprobe. Mary Jo Ingram, Department of Physiology and Bio physics, Donald R. Doughman, M.D., Department of Ophthalmology, Uni versity of Iowa, 240 Medical Labs., Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Quantification of Tricarboxylic Acid Cy cle and Related Acids in Human Urine by Gas-Liquid Chromatog raphy. Diane S. Zaura, Jack Metcoff, Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, 2901 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, III. 60616 Data Acquisition and Data Processing
Separate amines easily, efficiently with
New Chromosorb* 103 Separation of nine amines in dilute aqueous solution 4-ft χ 4 - m m I.D. glass coil, 1 0 0 / 1 2 0 mesh Chromosorb 103, 35 m l / m i n , FID. Sample size: 0.1 J . Column p r o g r a m : 200-250° C, 1 5 ° / m i n . 1. Methylamine 2. Ethylamine 3. iso-propylamine 4. n-propylamine 5. sec-butylamine 6. n-butylamine 7. jsio-penty lamine 8. ji-penty lamine 9. j]-hexylamine
Chromosorb 103 is a polyaromatic porous resin de veloped by Johns-Manville as a solid-type support for the separation of amines and basic compounds. Until now, amine separation has been both labo rious and difficult. With new highly selective Chromo sorb 103, it's fast and easy. For more specific information, write for our bulletin FF-181. Johns-Manville, Box 290-C, Trenton, New Jersey.
• C h r o m o s o r b is a J o h n s - M a n v i l l e registered t r a d e m a r k for its b r a n d of p r o d u c t s d e v e l o p e d f o r use as s u p p o r t m a t e r i a l or a d s o r b e n t s for gas c h r o m o t o g r a p h y . Circle No. 50 on Readers' Service Card See ACS Laboratory Guide for All Products/Sales Office
VOL. 4 1 , NO. 4, APRIL 1969
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