Johns- Manville

to reduce surface sheen. The Powder That Flows Like a Liquid—Micro-Cel, latest development of Johns-Manville Research, will greatly improve the flow...
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MICRO-CEL to to to to to to to

absorb liquids provide bulk prevent caking control viscosity extend pigments aid suspension reduce surface sheen

New Johns-Manville mineral filler can help you improve products and cut costs W A N T t o absorb liquids or control viscosity? T r y Micro-Cel—it absorbs u p t o 6 times its weight in water, remains a free-flowing powder even after absorbing twice its weight in liquids. W a n t t o bulk u p your compound for better control of package density? T r y Micro-Cel—a cubic foot weighs as little as 5 pounds. W a n t t o prevent caking? T r y Micro-Cel—its high absorption works wonders in controlling deliquescent products. W a n t t o extend pigments or reduce surface sheen? T r y Micro-Cel—it combines fine particle size, large sur­ face area and inertness with high absorption suggesting m a n y applications. W a n t to assure better suspension of heavy solids? T r y Micro-Cel—its particle size, a s low a s .02 micron, pro­ vides uniform dispersion a n d blending. Micro-Cel is a brand-new Une of synthetic calcium silicates produced by combining lime with diatomaceous silica under carefully controlled conditions. I t s unique combination of properties h a s already brought impor­ t a n t benefits and savings t o m a n y processors. M a y b e y o u will be next. J u s t mail coupon for further information, samples a n d techni­ cal assistance.

Johns- Manville




T h e Powder T h a t Flows Like a Liquid—Micro-Cel, l a t e s t d e v e l o p m e n t o f J o h n s - M a n v i l l e R e s e a r c h , will g r e a t l y i m p r o v e t h e flowability o f m a n y p r o d u c t s .

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