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SUPER SERVICE Now your J.T. Baker distributor can also ship you things he doesn't have! How can your Baker distributor ship you things he doesn't have? Easy. He now can immediately contact the Baker Super Service Center and— in almost every instance—have the desired item shipped directly to you within 24 hours. It's as though your J. T. Baker distributor has just added the largest reagent warehouse in the world to his backyard to serve you. (To super-serve you.) Now depend on your nearest Baker distributor for all of your laboratory reagent needs. He's listed on the facing page. And do you have our new 428-page Catalog 750 featuring thousands of Baker quality laboratory chemicals? If not, please write. Thanks.

And, of course, J. T. Baker's Super Service is also available for...

NEW ULTRAPURES: Ammonium Hydroxide, "metal-free" solvent, ultrapure metals, metal oxides, and products for fiber optic research. TheJ.T. Baker ULTREX" line is an ever-expanding listing of the ultimate ultrapures. For example: ULTREX Ammonium Hydroxide, ULTREX Methyl iso-Butyl Ketone, ULTREX Silicon Dioxide, etc., etc. Plus dozens of previously-introduced ULTREX products.

J.T.Baker ®

J. T. Baker Chemical Co., 222 Red School Lane, Phillipsburg, N.J. 08865 201 859-5411



Sargent-Welch Scientific Co. Garfield H e i g h t s , C l e v e l a n d , O h . 2 1 6 / 587-3300

Preiser Scientific Inc. L o u i s v i l l e , Ky. 502 / 636-3307

Arthur H. Thomas Co. P h i l a d e l p h i a , Pa. 215 / 574-4500

Sargent-Welch Scientific Co. B i r m i n g h a m , AI. 205 / 251-5125

VWR Scientific Columbus, Oh. 614 / 445-8281

Arthur H. Thomas Company P h i l a d e l p h i a , Pa. 215 / 574-4500

VWR Scientific Rochester, N.Y. 716 / 288-5881

VWR Scientific A t l a n t a , Ga. 404 / 351-3872


Ashland Chemical Co. B i n g h a m t o n , Ν. Υ. 607 / 723-5455

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. A t l a n t a , Ga. 404/349-3710

Sargent-Welch Scientific Co. Dallas, Tx. 214 / 357-9381

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. C i n c i n n a t i , Oh. 513 / 671-1200

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. M i a m i , Fl. 305 / 552-8052

VWR Scientific El Paso, Tx. 915 / 778-4225

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. Cleveland, Oh. 216 / 883-2424

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. O r l a n d o , Fl. 305 / 859-8281

VWR Scientific H o u s t o n , Tx. 713 / 641-0681

Carolina Biological Supply Co. B u r l i n g t o n , N.C. 919 / 584-0381

Capitol Scientific A u s t i n , Tx. 512 / 836-1167

Durr-Fillauer Surgical Supplies Inc. Chattanooga, Tn. 615/267-1161

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. Dallas, Tx. 214 / 747-2503

Estes Surgical Supply Co. A t l a n t a , Ga. 404 / 521-1700

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. H o u s t o n , Tx. 713 / 923-1661

NORTHEAST Ace Scientific Supply Co. Inc. L i n d e n , N.J. 2 0 1 / 925-3300 Albany Laboratories, Inc. Albany, N.Y. 518 / 434-1747 Beckman Instruments Inc. M o u n t a i n s i d e , N.J. 2 0 1 / 232-7600 Berg Chemical Co. New York, N.Y. 212 / 563-2684 J . & H. Berge, Inc. S o u t h P l a i n f r e l d , N.J. 2 0 1 / 561-1234

MID-ATLANTIC General Scientific R i c h m o n d , Va. 804 / 264-2861 General Scientific V i e n n a , Va. 703 / 938-3500

Genetec Hospital Supply Co. Div. of McKesson & Robbins Milwaukee, Wi. 414 / 271-0468 General Medical of Indiana I n d i a n a p o l i s , In. 317 / 634-8560 Lapine Scientific Chicago, II. 312 / 735-4700


Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. New Orleans, La. 504 / 524-0475

Macalaster Bicknell of N.J. Inc. M i l l v i l l e , N.J. 609 / 825-3222


Ace Scientific Supply Co. Inc. L i n d e n , N.J. 2 0 1 / 925-3300

Macmillan Science Co., Inc. Chicago, 11. 312 / 488-4100

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. T u l s a , Ok. 918 / 622-1700

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. Wayne, N.J. 2 0 1 / 278-3300

Beckman Instruments Inc. M o u n t a i n s i d e , N.J. 2 0 1 / 232-7600


Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. W o b u r n , Mass. 617 / 935-8888

Bellevue Surgical Supply Co. Reading, Pa. 215 / 376-2991

Physicians & Hosp. Supply Co. S c i e n t i f i c & L a b o r a t o r y Div. Minneapolis, Mn. 612 / 333-5251

Doe & Ingalls, Inc. M e d f o r d , Mass. 617 / 391-0090

Berg Chemical Co. New York, N Y . 212 / 563-2684

Duso Chemical Co. Inc. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 914 / 454-6500

J. & H. Berge, Inc. S o u t h P l a i n f i e l d , N.J. 2 0 1 / 561-1234

Brand-Nu Laboratories Inc. Meriden, Conn. 203 / 235-7989

Eastern Scientific Co. Providence, R. I. 4 0 1 / 831-4100 Healthco Scientific C a n t o n , Mass. 617 / 828-3310 Kern Chemical Mt. Vernon, N.Y. 9 1 4 / 699-3110 New York Lab Supply Co. West H e m p s t e a d , N.Y. 5 1 6 / 538-7790 Sargent-Welch Scientific Co. S p r i n g f i e l d , N.J. 2 0 1 / 376-7050 S c i C h e m Co. Everett, Mass. 617 / 389-7000 SGA Scientific Inc. B l o o m f i e l d , N.J. 2 1 2 / 267-9451 Arthur H. Thomas Company P h i l a d e l p h i a , Pa. 2 1 5 / 574-4500 VWR Scientific Rochester, N.Y. 716 / 288-5881 VWR Scientific N e w t o n Upper Falls, M a s s . 617 / 969-0900

Bowman-Mell Co., Inc. H a r r i s b u r g , Pa. 717 / 238-5235 Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. Beltsville, Md.

301 / 937-5950

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. Wayne, N.J. 2 0 1 / 278-3300 Dolbey Scientific P h i l a d e l p h i a , Pa. 215 / 748-8600 John G. Merkel & Sons W i l m i n g t o n , De.

302 / 654-8818 Para Scientific Co. Fairless H i l l s , Pa. 609 / 882-4545 Reading Scientific Co. Reading, Pa. 215 / 921-0221 Sargent-Welch Scientific Co. S p r i n g f i e l d , N.J. 2 0 1 / 376-7050 SGA Scientific Inc. B l o o m f i e l d , N.J. 2 1 2 / 267-9451 2 0 1 / 748-6600 Scientific Equipment Co. P h i l a d e l p h i a , Pa. 215 / 222-5655 Seidler C h e m . & Supply Co. Newark, N.J. 2 0 1 / 622-4495


Arthur H. Thomas Company P h i l a d e l p h i a , Pa. 215 / 574-4500

Preiser Scientific C h a r l e s t o n , W. Va. 3 0 4 / 343-5515

VWR Scientific Baltimore, Md. 3 0 1 / 796-8500

Preiser Scientific Inc. L o u i s v i l l e , Ky. 502 / 636-3307 Riverside Chemical Co. N. T o n a w a n d a , N.Y. 716 / 692-1350 Sargent-Welch Scientific Co. C i n c i n n a t i , Oh. 513 / 771-3850

SOUTHEAST Nashville Surgical Supply Co. Nashville, Tn. 615 / 255-4601 Preiser Scientific Inc. Durham, N.C. 919 / 688-5583

Rascher & Betzold, Inc. Chicago, II.

312 / 275-7300 Rupp & Bowman Company Detroit, M i .

313 / 491-7000 SGA Scientific Inc. Elk Grove V i l l a g e , III

312 / 439-2500 Sargent-Welch Scientific Co. Detroit, Mi.

313 / 931-0337 Sargent-Welch Scientific Co.

Skokie, II. 312 / 267-5300 Technical Industrial Products East Peoria, II. 309 / 694-6226 Wilkens-Anderson Co. Chicago, II. 312 / 384-4433 Hawkins Chemical Co. Minneapolis, Mn. 612 / 331-6910

Sargent-Welch Scientific Co. Denver, Co. 303 / 399-8220 VWR Scientific Albuquerque, N.M. 505 / 842-8650 VWR Scientific Denver, Co. 303 / 371-0970 VWR S c i e n t i f i c Phoenix, Az. 602 / 272-3272 VWR Scientific Salt Lake City, Ut. 8 0 1 / 486-4851 VWR Scientific T u c s o n , Az. 602 / 624-8371 Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. Kansas City, Mo. 816 / 561-8780

FAR WEST VWR Scientific B r i s b a n e , Ca. 415 / 469-0100

Melton Company, Inc. Labco S c i e n t i f i c Div, O k l a h o m a City, Ok. 405 / 235-3526

VWR Scientific

Lerlab Supply Co. Hibbing, Mn. 218 / 262-3456

VWR Scientific San Diego, Ca. 714 / 262-0711

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. Detroit, Mi.

313 / 964-0310

VWR Scientific P o r t l a n d , Or. 503 / 225-0400

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. Elk Grove Village, II. 312 / 439-5880

VWR Scientific Seattle, Wa. 2 0 6 / 447-5811

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. Kansas City, Mo. 816 / 561-8780

VWR Scientific Honolulu, Hi. 808 / 847-1361

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. Midland, Mi. 517 / 631-9500

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. B r i s b a n e , Ca. 415 / 467-1040

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. Minneapolis, Mn. 612 / 378-1110

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. F o u n t a i n Valley, Ca. 714 / 963-6761

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. New Orleans, La. 504 / 524-0475

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. Seattle, Wa. 206 / 575-0575

Curtin-Matheson Scientific Co. St. Louis, Mo.

314 / 872-8100

Labproducts T u k w i l a , Wa. 206 / 575-0820

A. D a i g g e r & Co. Chicago, II. 312 / 644-9438

Northwest Scientific Co. B i l l i n g s , Mt. 406 / 252-3269

Drake Brothers M e n o m o n e e Falls, W i . 414/781-2166

Sargent-Welch Scientific Co. A n a h e i m , Ca. 714 / 772-3550

Los Angeles, Ca. 213 / 265-8123