J.T. Baker Chemical Co

assurance of fast and reproducible sample preparations. For more information, write or call: J.T. Baker Chemical Co. Product Manager/Separation Scienc...
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The 'BAKER'-10 EXTRACTION SYSTEM Four Times F a s t e r Than Liquid-Liquid Extraction T e c h n i q u e s

' Pittsburgh Conference Booth #513-519 ' Environmental Seminars Room ES-3 on BAKER-10. Check our booth for times

At last. A time saving and efficient method for routine sample preparation. J.T. Baker introduces the 'BAKER'- 1Q EXTRACTION SYSTEM-a specially designed vacuum manifold capable of simultaneously processing up to 10 samples through 'BAKER' DISPOSABLE EXTRACTION COLUMNS. T i m e Saving—This simple method yields a 7 5 % time reduction over conventional extraction techniques. Efficient--Higher, purer and drier sample recoveries are achieved as compared to resin columns and liquid-liquid extraction.


R e p r o d u c i b l e - - Un iform phase bonding and narrow particle and pore size distribution of the sorbent insure consistent extractions.

H i g h Capacity--BAKER' DISPOSABLE EXTRACTION COLUMNS offer a Highly Surface Active Bonded Phase which accommodates sample volumes ranging from a few microliters to several hundred milliliters. E c o n o m i c a l - -The system reduces the expense of labor, glassware, solvents and ancillary equipment used in sample preparation. Safe--Offers a 90% volume reduction in the use of hazardous solvents.

Specify the BAKER-10 EXTRACTION SYSTEM-your assurance of fast and reproducible sample preparations. For more information, write or call: J.T. Baker Chemical Co. Product Manager/Separation Sciences 222 Red School Lane Phillipsburg, INJ 08865 (201)859-2151 CIRCLE 14 ON READER SERVICE CARD