zone. Installation requires only one power connection, an inlet-outlet con nection for water cooling, and connec tion to a gas supply. Astro In dustri...
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ELECTROMETER MODEL 601 Ultra-high temperature, high pressure furnace is designed to heat test speci­ mens to 4 5 0 0 ° F under inert gas pressures up to 3 0 0 psig. Maximum sustained temperature is 5 6 0 0 ° F. The laboratory size Model 2 0 - 2 5 0 0 has a hot zone dimension of 2.47 inches diameter by 7 inches long. Loading access is from either end of the furnace with radial and axial ports provided for observation or instru­ mentation penetration into the hot zone. Installation requires only one power connection, an inlet-outlet con­ nection for water cooling, and connec­ tion t o a gas supply. Astro In­ dustries, Inc., 6 0 6 N. Olive St., Santa Barbara, Calif. 9 3 1 0 1 417

ι 1 mv f. s. to Wv, with 10 '4 π input resistance ι 10'* amp. f.s. to 0.3 amp. ι 100 ohms f.s. to 10" ohms ι 10" coulomb to 10s coulomb ι 200 μ v/hr. zero sta­ bility ι 1,000-hour battery life even when recording ι $625 with input leads

Lasers New frequencies for ruby and neodymium lasers are attained with a se­ ries of Raman cells. These cells, the KR series, use an active liquid such as di­ methyl sulfoxide or an aromatic hydro­ carbon to produce a Raman shift in the basic laser output. If the Model K-M frequency multiplier is used with the K-R, laser output may be frequency doubled, then Raman shifted, or vice versa. Korad Corp., 2520 Colorado Ave., Santa Monica, Calif. 418

IB Everything about this handy portable is new . . . except the name electrometer! Its 3-terminal input allows complete low terminal isolation, full high terminal guarding, from the case. It also permits 1500 volt off-ground capability—a feature offered only by the 6 0 1 . I B Extra flexibility is provided by 73 ranges for measuring voltage, current, resistance, charge and three outputs, highlighted by a 0.005% accuracy unity-gain amplifier. I H And perhaps best. . . now measure continuously for 1000 hours while using a 1 ma recorder! Makes recharging interruptions during long-term experiments un­ necessary. IB These are only a few reasons why the carry-around 601 electrometer is outstandingly new. More are detailed in our free Engineering Note. Send for it today!

Radiation M e t e r A solid state radiation survey meter powered by three "D" cell flashlight batteries weighs 2.5 pounds. The unit accepts any 900-V Geiger or scintilla­ tion probe and provides analog read­ out from 0-600 cpm X l , X10, X100 and X1000. Britco, 5909 Melrose Ave., Hollywood, Calif. 90038 419

KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS 12415 . Cleveland, I N Euclid S TAve. R U M E NOhio T 44106 S EUROPE: 14 A v e . V i l l a r d i n , 1 0 0 9 P u l l y , S u i s s e

Circle No. 56 on Readers' Service Card V O L 39, NO. 3, MARCH 1967 ·

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