KEKULÉ CENTENNIAL - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 22, 2012 - KEKULÉ CENTENNIAL. Anal. Chem. , 1967, 39 (10), pp 74A–74A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60254a771. Publication Date: August 1967. ACS Legacy ...
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Kekulé Centennial

ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY SERIES No. 61 Ten papers develop the background leading up to Kekule"s benzene theory, the controversies surrounding it, and its repercussions during the past century. Topics include :

• • • • • • •

History of structural representation Kekulé-Buterlov-Markovnikov controversies Effects on the dye industry Development of unsaturation Nonclassical aromatic compounds The Ladenburg formula Strain theory

198 pages with index. Cloth bound (1966) $6.50 postpaid in U. S. and Canada; plus 20 cents foreign and PUAS.



Set of L. C. cards free with library orders.

Other books in ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY SERIES on Chemical Literature, History, and Nomenclature include: No. 30 Searching the Chemical Literature. Thirty-one articles survey the use of indexes and abstracts, problems of names, nomenclature, and language, types of literature sources, government sources, searching techniques, and the facilities of four leading libraries.

No. 10 Literature of the Chemical Process Industries. Information sources on market research (13 papers), resins and plastics (7 papers), textile chemistry (6 papers), food industry (10 papers), petroleum (10 papers), literature searching and language problems (13 papers).

326 pages with index.

582 pages with index.

Cloth bound



No. 20 Literature of the Combustion of Petroleum. Twentyone papers about the chemistry and kinetics of combustion, petroleum products as the fuel for engines, and combustion studies in engines. 295 pages.

Paper bound



44 pages.

Paper bound



No. 16 A Key to Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry Literature. Twenty-five articles on the literature of specialties such as analgesics, antibiotics, antituberculars, radioactive pharmaceuticals, toxicology, botanicals, pyrogens, and embalming. 254 pages.

Paper bound






Paper bound



No. 8 Chemical Nomenclature. Concerns nomenclature in organic, inorganic, and biological chemistry as well as coding, indexing, and classifying, with some attention to nomenclature in industry. International aspects are also covered. 112 pages.

Paper bound



All books postpaid in U. S. and Canada; plus 20 cents each foreign and PUAS.

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74 A


No. 14 Nomenclature for Terpene Hydrocarbons. The system that has been accepted by the Nomenclature Committee of the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry and recommended as definitive by IUPAC. Profusely illustrated with figures, charts, and diagrams. 98 pages.

No. 17 Training of Literature Chemists. Approaches to the training of literature chemists presented by a diversified group of authors from chemical industry, a consulting laboratory, a university, a library school, and Chemical Abstracts.

Paper bound

Dept. B. Special Issues Sales American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20036