Kekulé Centennial

Brahe, Tycho. 117. Bredt's rule. 155. Breslow, R. 97. Brown, A. Crum. 3, 83. Briihl, J. 177. Brunck, Heinrich. 51. Bunsen, R. W. 41. Butlerov, Alexand...
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Addition compounds 173 Alchemy 118 Alizarin 45, 50 Alizarin Blue S 53 Alternatives to the Kekulé formula. 163 Aminoazobenzene 37 Anaximander 114 Aniline yellow 33 [14]Annulene 105 [16]Annulene 107 [18]Annulene 107 [30]Annulene 108 Annulenes 105 Anschiitz, Richard 31 Antipyrene 39 Atoms, interactions of 22 Arabs 117 Architecture of molecules, Kekulé and the 1 Aristotle 117 Armstrong-Baeyer centric formula . 92 Armstrong, Η. Ε 166 Aromatic compounds, nonclassical . 91 Aromaticity, criteria for 96 Aston, F. W 135 Azobenzene 37

Β Baeyer, Adolph 25, 41, 166 Baeyer strain theory 141 Bamberger, Ε 92 Beilstein, F 19 Bent bonds 159 Benzene 91 Benzene molecule, spatial configu­ ration of 72 Benzene structure 7 1,2,3-Benzotriazole 36 Benzvalene 190 Bernthsen, August 57 Berthallides 133 Blanc's rule 153 Blomstrand, C. W 36 Boeseken, Jacob 150 Bond angles 142 Bond strain, quantum mechanics and 159 Bonn vii, 48 Boron 124 carbide 122 hydrides 124

Bostock, J 120 Bragg, W . H 150 Bragg, W . L 150 Brahe, Tycho 117 Bredt's rule 155 Breslow, R 97 Brown, A . Crum 3, 83 Briihl, J 177 Brunck, Heinrich 51 Bunsen, R. W 41 Butlerov, Alexander . . 1, 13, 35, 82. 121 ierf-Butyl alcohol 17, 88 Butylène 88

C Carborane 126 Caro, Heinrich 26, 54 Catalysis 134 Centric formula 166 Armstrong-Baeyer 92 Chemical molecule 2 Chemical structure 15, 83 controversies on 13 Cholesterol 155 Chrysamine G 40 Chrysoidine 65 Civetone 151 Clathrates 126 Claus, A 166 Clausius, Rudolf 135 Collie, J. Ν 168 Color theory 66 Colour Index 29,57,59 Controversies on chemical structure 13 Couper, A . S 1,13, 81,163 Coxeter, H . S. M 114 Craig, D . Ρ 95 Craig's rule 95 Criteria for aromaticity 96 Cyclobutadiene 87, 108 Cyclodecapentaene 103 Cyclohexane 150 Cyclononatetraenyl anion 104 Cyclooctatetraenide anion 104 Cycloparaffins 148 Cyclopentadienyl anion 101 Cyclophanes 157 Cyclopropane 90, 147 Cyclopropanones 100 Cyclopropenylium cation 97 Cyclopropenyl radical 99





Dale, John 55 Dalton, John 120 Daltonides 133 David's cross 176 Davidson, William 117-18 Decalin 150 Dehydro[14]annulene 106 Democritus 116 Descartes-Euler formula 113 Dewar isomer 78 Dewar, M . J. S 95, 166 Diagonal formula 166 Diazodinitrophenol 32 Dication of cyclobutene 101 Dihydroxytartaric acid 30 Dipotassium cyclooctatetraenide .. 104 Divalent carbon 82 Dodecahedron 113 Double bond 85 Duisberg, Carl 62 Dreams 129 Duppa, B. F 85 Dye industry, Kekulé and the 24 Dynamic formulas 168 Ε Ehrhardt, E. F Electron theory End of the Kekulé formula Energy Entropy Equilibrium of heterogeneous sub­ stances Erlenmeyer, Emil 87, Ethylene Ewart

56 22 72 135 135 136 176 81 120


Fischer, Emil Frank, Philipp Frankland, Edward Frost, A. A Fuchs-functions

144 130 3, 85 93 130

Hamilton, Sir W. R Heat of combustion Heidelberg


18 Ill 7 32 181 170 93, 189 93 38 I

Icosahedron Ikonic model Imines Indigo Inner anhydrides Interactions of atoms Isobutylene Isatin Isomerism

Ill 132 153 43, 53 174 22 88 29 17, 83, 121


Julius, Paul


Κ Kekulé, August 13, 81, and the architecture of molecules dreams and the dye industry formula alternatives to the end of the Kepler, Johannes Kipping, F. S Knorr, Ludwig Kolbe, H 21, Koerner, Wilhelm 61, Konig, Β Kuhlmann, Frédéric

121 1 10 24 163 72 117 133 39 121 168 168 134


132 Ill 14, 82 136 121 25, 47 108 44 28, 32

Lactone formation Ladenburg, A formula Large rings Laurent Lavoisier, Antoine le Bel, J. A Le Bon, Gustav Le Chatelier, H . L Leucippus Liebermann, Cari Leibig Lord Kelvin

130 148 41

Marckwald, W Markovnikov, V. V Markovnikov's rule

G Gaudin, M . A. A Geometry Gerhardt, C Gibbs, T. W Gillis, J Glaser, Carl Gleicher, G. J Graebe, Carl Griess, Peter

Heintz, W. H Hexagon formula Hofmann, A. W Horstmann, A. Hiibner, H Hiickel, Ε Hiickel's rule Hydroxyazobenzene

152 4, 171 163 149 122 119 6,121 135 136 116 46 1,41 132 M 181 13 22


N IDEX Mechanical theory of heat 135 Mesitylene ··· 6 Methylene 89 blue 39 Meyer, Lothar 178 Meyer, Victor 9,140 Mohr, Ernst 150 Molecular models 7 Molecular structure 4 Molecules, Kekulé and the architecture of 1 Multiple bonds 85 Muscone 151 Musulin 93 Ν Neopentyl alcohol Nonclassical aromatic compounds .

90 91

Ο Octahedral formula Octahedral model Octahedron Offusius Olefins Optical activity Ostwald, Wihelm Ouroboros

167 74 Ill 117 90 11 136 130

Ρ Pappas, S. Pasteur, Louis Perkin, W. H . Jr Petermann, A Phenol Phenoldisulfonic acid Phenylazophenol Phenylhydrazine Physical molecule Planets Planetary model Plato Polycyciic valence isomers Polyhedra Popper, Karl Prismane Prism formula Prismatic model Propyl alcohol Pyridine Pythagoreans

190 121 143 170 27 35 33 37 2 119 132 114 77 112 114 191 4, 174 73 84 31 114

Q Quantum mechanics and bond strain Quaternions

159 130


Rankine, W. J. M Redgrove, H . S

132 182

Regan, C M Resonance energies for annulenes . Resorcinol Ring closure Roberts, J. D Robinson, R Roll symbols Rosenstiehl, A Ruzicka, Leopold S Sabatier, Paul Sachse, H Schiff, R Schorlemmer, Carl Schultz, Gustav Serpent Silicium Silicone Six-tetrahedra Small rings Spatial configuration of the benzene molecule Spatial significance Stas, J. S Stereochemistry Stohmann, F Strain theory 140, Baeyer Strecker, Adolph Streitwieser, A Structural formula Swartz, Theodor Τ Tartrazine Terpenes Tesselation Tetrahedral model Tetrahedron Tetravalency of carbon Thermal aspects of bond strain Thiele, J Thompson, William Thomsen, H. P. J. J Thomson, J. J Thomson, William Three-electron bonds Tombrock, Willebrord Topography of atoms Transformation content Transmutation Transuranium elements Tridehydro [ 18] annulene si/m-Triphenylcyclopropenylium perchlorate Triphenylmethane Triple bond Tropone Tropylium bromide Tropylium ion Type formulas

97 108 28 153 97 93 164 167 151

133 57 177 84 58 138 133 133 168 143 72 175 49 9 178 183 141 37 97 83 52

31 155 113 8 I l l , 131 81 . . . 148 92 132 167, 178 132 135 77 181 ... 4 135 116 137 107 98 32 87 102 102 101 14



u Undeca-l,3,5,7,9-pentaenes Unsaturation Urisymmetrical formula

W 103 7, 81, 90 166

V von Helmholtz, Hermann 132, 134 van Tamelen, Ε 190 van t Hoff, J. Η 6, 121, 131, 175 Visions^ 129 VaubeFs configuration 167 Viehe, H. G 190 von Baeyer, Adolf 141 von Hofmann, Wilhelm 82

Wafâ, Abul Werner, Alfred Wislicenus, J. A Witt, Ο. Ν Wôhler, Friedrich Wollaston, W. H Wroblewsky, Ε. Wurtz, Charles Ζ Zeitschrift fiir Chemie

117 116 6, 121 64 133 120 . . . . 170 . 82, 121