so the state of the sam- ple is not ... 2 The Howard Estate/Chilton Road. Chesham ... Tel: (0494) 778877/Telex: 837966 KEVX UK/Fax: (0494) 778185. CIR...
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Kevex XRF Deserves a Closer Look. There are a lot of ways to perform quantitative elemental analysis, and you're probably familiar with most of them. Atomic absorption, wet chemistry arc and spark emission are all standard analytical resources. A more recent development, ICP, is another alternative. Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Kevex would like you to take a closer look at one more possibility: energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence. Because while all these methods perform similar analytical functions, XRF has some outstanding advantages. Fast, Multi-element Analysis X-ray fluorescence simultaneously detects all elements heavier than fluorine, allowing complete qualitative and quantitative analysis in a single run. By using multiple-element secondary

per million (or even parts per billion in organic matrices) to one hundred percent. XRF looks at innershell atomic structure, so the state of the sample is not important. That means virtually no sample preparation is necessary. Samples can include solids, liquids, powders, aerosols and small particles. And all analyses are nondestructive.

targets, you can optimize detection limits for several elements at once, when critical results are sought. And analyses typically last only a few minutes. A Broad Dynamic Range Because XRF isn't vulnerable to many of the interferences that plague AA and ICR you can use it to determine elemental concentrations from a few parts

So give Kevex a closer look. We've already installed close to 200 systems in laboratories worldwide, analyzing samples as diverse as metals, ores and petroleum products, industrial chemicals and waste, aerosols, ceramics, forensic samples, food, pharmaceuticals and semiconductor wafers. Kevex XRF maybe the right alternative for you, too. Contact Kevex today for literature and applications information.

kevex® KEVEX CORPORATION 1101 Chess Drive/Foster City, CA 94404 In California: 415/573-5866 Toll Free: 800/227-0277 2 The Howard Estate/Chilton Road Chesham, Bucks. HP5 2AU/United Kingdom Tel: (0494) 778877/Telex: 837966 KEVX UK/Fax: (0494) 778185 CIRCLE 187 ON READER SERVICE CARD