Kinetic and Thermodynamic Analyses of Spontaneous Exchange

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Kinetic and Thermodynamic Analyses of Spontaneous Exchange between High-Density Lipoprotein-Bound and Lipid-Free Apolipoprotein A‑I Daisuke Handa,† Hitoshi Kimura,† Tatsuya Oka,† Yuki Takechi,† Keiichiro Okuhira,† Michael C. Phillips,‡ and Hiroyuki Saito*,† †

Institute of Health Biosciences, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokushima University, 1-78-1 Shomachi, Tokushima 770-8505, Japan ‡ Division of Translational Medicine and Human Genetics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, 3400 Civic Center Boulevard, 11-130 Translational Research Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-5158, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: It is thought that apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) spontaneously exchanges between high-density lipoprotein (HDL)bound and lipid-free states, which is relevant to the occurrence of preβHDL particles in plasma. To improve our understanding of the mechanistic basis for this phenomenon, we performed kinetic and thermodynamic analyses for apoA-I exchange between discoidal HDLbound and lipid-free forms using fluorescence-labeled apoA-I variants. Gel filtration experiments demonstrated that addition of excess lipidfree apoA-I to discoidal HDL particles promotes exchange of apoA-I between HDL-associated and lipid-free pools without alteration of the steady-state HDL particle size. Kinetic analysis of time-dependent changes in NBD fluorescence upon the transition of NBD-labeled apoA-I from HDL-bound to lipid-free state indicates that the exchange kinetics are independent of the collision frequency between HDLbound and lipid-free apoA-I, in which the lipid binding ability of apoA-I affects the rate of association of lipid-free apoA-I with the HDL particles and not the rate of dissociation of HDL-bound apoA-I. Thus, C-terminal truncations or mutations that reduce the lipid binding affinity of apoA-I strongly impair the transition of lipid-free apoA-I to the HDL-bound state. Thermodynamic analysis of the exchange kinetics demonstrated that the apoA-I exchange process is enthalpically unfavorable but entropically favorable. These results explain the thermodynamic basis of the spontaneous exchange reaction of apoA-I associated with HDL particles. The altered exchangeability of dysfunctional apoA-I would affect HDL particle rearrangement, leading to perturbed HDL metabolism.


residues 1−18715,16 and folded into a dynamic four-helix bundle.17−19 The C-terminal region spanning the remainder of the molecule forms an intrinsically disordered domain that mediates high-affinity lipid binding, coupled with α-helix formation by this region.20,21 The dynamic nature of apoA-I structure and its relative instability presumably explain the facile ability of its helical segments to unfold and refold during HDL formation and maturation.3 The apoA-I molecules in HDL particles are also in a highly dynamic state,22−24 so that apoA-I can dissociate from the HDL surface and exchange between different HDL particles.25,26 This exchangeable pool is a precursor of lipid-poor apoA-I or preβHDL,4,27,28 and the cycling of apoA-I molecules on and off HDL particles occurs during HDL metabolism. Such dynamic

igh-density lipoprotein (HDL) possesses antiatherogenic properties because it can mediate the reverse cholesterol transport pathway in which the principal protein, apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), plays a central role.1−3 Although apoA-I is essentially associated with HDL particles, some 5−10% of the apoA-I in human plasma is present as lipid-poor or lipid-free species that are called preβ-HDL.4−6 It is thought that the first step in reverse cholesterol transport involves the efflux of cellular lipids to this lipid-poor apoA-I, which is mediated by interactions with ABCA1.7−9 Thus, the presence of biologically active lipid-poor apoA-I in the arterial wall is essential for cardioprotection,10,11 and conversely, oxidized apoA-I from human atheroma that has defective cholesterol acceptor activity is associated with increased cardiovascular disease risk.12,13 ApoA-I is a 243-residue polypeptide that contains characteristic 11- and 22-residue repeats of amphipathic α-helices.14 It has been demonstrated that the helical segments are located in the N-terminal domain of the apoA-I molecule spanning © XXXX American Chemical Society

Received: October 28, 2014 Revised: December 15, 2014


DOI: 10.1021/bi501345j Biochemistry XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX



mixtures were incubated at room temperature for 1 h (ATTO565 NHS ester) or overnight (IANBD amide) in the dark. Unreacted ATTO565 NHS ester or IANBD amide was removed by extensive dialysis at 4 °C in Tris buffer (pH 7.4). The degree of labeling was determined using an extinction coefficient for ATTO565 of 1.5 × 105 M−1 cm−1 at 563 nm or for NBD of 23500 M−1 cm−1 at 480 nm. Gel Filtration Chromatography. Lipid-free ATTO565labeled apoA-I or ATTO565-labeled apoA-I/POPC discs incorporating NBD-PE (0.1 mol % to POPC) were loaded on a Superdex 200 column (60 cm × 1.6 cm) and eluted at a rate of 1 mL/min with Tris buffer (pH 7.4) using a BioLogic DuoFlow system (Bio-Rad). The elution profiles were monitored by either the absorbance at 280 nm or the fluorescences of ATTO565-labeled apoA-I and NBD-PE with excitation and emission wavelengths of 563 and 592 nm and 463 and 536 nm, respectively. The Stokes diameter was determined by comparing the Kav value given by the following equation with those of standard proteins with known diameters: Kav = (Ve − V0)/(Vt − V0), where V0, Vt, and Ve are the void, column, and elution volumes, respectively. Circular Dichroism (CD) Spectroscopy. Far-UV CD spectra were recorded from 185 to 260 nm at 25 °C using a Jasco J-1500 spectropolarimeter. The apoA-I solutions (50 μg/ mL) in Tris buffer (pH 7.4) were subjected to CD measurements in a 2 mm quartz cuvette, and the results were corrected by subtracting the buffer baseline. The α-helical content was derived from the molar ellipticity at 222 nm ([θ]222) using the equation % α-helix = [(−[θ]222 + 3000)/ (36000 + 3000)] × 100. For monitoring chemical denaturation, the equilibrium constant of denaturation (KD) at various concentrations of GdnHCl was calculated from the change in ellipticity values at 222 nm.39 The Gibbs free energy of denaturation, ΔGD°, the midpoint of denaturation, D1/2, and m value, which reflects the cooperativity of denaturation in the transition region, were determined by the linear equation ΔGD = ΔGD° − m[GdnHCl], where ΔGD = −RT ln KD. Fluorescence Measurements. Fluorescence measurements were taken with a Hitachi F-4500 fluorescence spectrophotometer in Tris buffer (pH 7.4). The NBD emission fluorescence of proteins at a concentration of 12 μg/mL was recorded from 500 to 650 nm using an excitation wavelength of 480 nm. The kinetics of exchange of apoA-I between HDLbound and lipid-free states were measured by monitoring the time-dependent decrease in NBD fluorescence intensity for NBD-labeled apoA-I variant, in which the reduction in NBD fluorescence reflects the transformation of NBD-labeled apoA-I from the HDL-bound to the lipid-free state. Discoidal or spherical reconstituted HDL particles were mixed with lipidfree apoA-I at various temperatures to a final molar ratio of 1/2. The relative decrease in NBD fluorescence intensity was calculated according to the equation (F − Fmin)/(F0 − Fmin), where F and F0 are fluorescence intensities for NBD-labeled apoA-I in the presence and absence of lipid-free apoA-I, respectively, and Fmin represents the theoretical fluorescence intensity after complete exchange of NBD-labeled apoA-I that was calculated from fluorescence intensities of NBD-labeled apoA-I in the HDL-bound (F0) and lipid-free states. The data were analyzed by a one-phase exponential decay curve to estimate the kinetic constant k of the exchange reaction at various temperatures. Thermodynamic parameters were determined from the Eyring equations

association and/or dissociation behaviors of apoA-I on the HDL surface originate from the great flexibility of the apoA-I molecule, which allows it to adopt multiple lipid-bound conformations on HDL particles of different sizes and shapes.29−32 Previous studies of site-directed fluorescence-labeled26 or spin-labeled33 apoA-I demonstrated that apoA-I indeed spontaneously and rapidly exchanges between HDL-associated and lipid-free pools and that this apoA-I exchangeability is an important aspect of HDL function in cardiovascular disease. In this study, we analyzed the kinetics and thermodynamics of apoA-I exchange between discoidal HDL-bound and lipid-free forms using apoA-I variants labeled with the fluorescence probe 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD). Our results demonstrated that HDL−apoA-I exchange is an enthalpically unfavorable but entropically favorable process in which the transition of lipid-free apoA-I to an HDL-bound state is rate-limiting. Thus, apoA-I variants with impaired lipid binding abilities exhibit reduced exchangeability.

EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES ApoA-I Proteins. The mutations in apoA-I to introduce R173C (Milano), F229C, F225L/F229A/Y236A, F225L/ F229C/Y236A, and L230P mutations or delete E235 (Nichinan) were made using the QuikChange site-directed mutagenesis kit (Stratagene). Wild-type (WT) apoA-I and engineered mutants were expressed in Escherichia coli as thioredoxin fusion proteins and isolated and purified as described previously.18,34 The apoA-I variants progressively lacking different regions along the molecule (Δ1−43, Δ44−65, Δ123−166, Δ191−220, and Δ223−243) have also been described previously.18,35 Cleavage of the thioredoxin fusion protein with thrombin leaves the target apoA-I with two extra amino acids, Gly and Ser, at the N-terminus. The apoA-I preparations were at least 95% pure as assessed by sodium dodecyl sulfate−polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In all experiments, apoA-I variants were freshly dialyzed from 6 M guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) and/or a 1% β-mercaptoethanol solution into the appropriate buffer before use. Reconstituted HDL Preparation. Reconstituted discoidal HDL was prepared from 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) and apoA-I by cholate dialysis and purified by gel filtration chromatography as described previously.36,37 Spherical HDL was prepared by cosonication of POPC, triolein, and apoA-I.38 Briefly, POPC (1 mg) and triolein (1 mg) in 2.0 mL of Tris buffer [10 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCl, and 0.02% NaN3 (pH 7.4)] were initially sonicated using a TOMY ultrasonic disruptor with tapered microtip for 15 s at 27 °C under nitrogen; 2.0 mL of the apoA-I solution (1 mg/mL) was added to the lipid suspension and incubated for 30 min at 37 °C, and then the protein/lipid mixture was sonicated for 1 min at 40 °C three times punctuated by cooling on ice for 30 s. The HDL particles were isolated by sequential ultracentrifugation adjusted over a density range of 1.063−1.21 g/mL in a Beckman Optima TL ultracentrifuge with a TLA-110 rotor at 53000 rpm for 12 h at 4 °C. The average compositions (molar ratio) of discoidal or spherical HDL particles were 1/73 for apoA-I/POPC particles or 1/19/20 for apoA-I/POPC/triolein particles. Fluorescence Labeling. A 2 mg/mL stock solution of ATTO565 NHS ester (Sigma-Aldrich) or a 10 mM stock solution of IANBD amide (Thermo Fisher Scientific) in DMSO was added to apoA-I so that final molar ratios of probe to protein were 1/1 or 10/1, respectively. The reaction B

DOI: 10.1021/bi501345j Biochemistry XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Biochemistry ⎛k ⎞ ⎛k⎞ ΔH * 1 ΔS* ln⎜ ⎟ = − + + ln⎜ B ⎟ ⎝T ⎠ ⎝h⎠ R T R


⎛ hk ⎞ ΔG* = −RT ln⎜ ⎟ ⎝ kBT ⎠


existence of a homogeneous preparation of discoidal HDL particles (the approximate hydrodynamic diameter was calculated to be 10 nm). Dynamic light scattering measurements also demonstrated a homogeneous distribution of discoidal particles with a diameter of 10 nm (Figure S1 of the Supporting Information). As shown in Figure 1B, CD analysis demonstrated that lipid-free and discoidal apoA-I F229C-NBD have α-helical contents of 40 ± 2 and 86 ± 4%, respectively (Table 1). Although the α-helical content in the

where kB and h are the Boltzmann and Planck constants, respectively. The activation enthalpy (ΔH*) and entropy (ΔS*) of exchange were obtained from the slope and yintercept of the linear plot according to eq 1, respectively. The activation Gibbs free energy (ΔG*) was calculated from k according to eq 2 or from ΔH* and ΔS* according to ΔG* = ΔH* − TΔS*.

Table 1. α-Helical Contents and Parameters of GdnHCl Denaturation for ApoA-I F229C-NBD in the Lipid-Free State and on POPC Discs at 25 °C

RESULTS Characterization of Reconstituted Discoidal HDL. Figure 1A shows a gel filtration elution profile of reconstituted apoA-I/POPC discoidal HDL. Overlapping of peaks of absorbance at 280 nm mainly monitoring apoA-I protein and NBD-PE fluorescence monitoring phospholipid indicated the

apoA-I F229CNBD

α-helical content (%)

ΔGD° (kJ/mol)

m [kJ (mol of apoAI)−1 (mol of GdnHCl)−1]

D1/2 (M)

lipid-free POPC discs

40 ± 2 86 ± 4

13.0 ± 0.5 13.7 ± 0.5

13.7 ± 0.5 4.0 ± 0.2

1.0 ± 0.1 3.4 ± 0.3

lipid-free form is somewhat low, there are no significant differences from previously reported values.20,29,37 The GdnHCl denaturation curve of discoidal HDL-bound apoA-I was shifted to concentrations of GdnHCl much higher than those seen with lipid-free apoA-I (Figure 1C), indicating a higher degree of structural integrity of disc-bound apoA-I than of the lipid-free form. However, the Gibbs free energy of denaturation (ΔGD°) that reflects equilibrium thermodynamic stability is similar in disc-bound and lipid-free forms (Table 1), consistent with the notion that HDL particles are stabilized by kinetic factors, not by energy barriers in the thermodynamic equilibrium.40 ApoA-I Exchange Monitored by Gel Filtration. We next investigated whether apoA-I can be freely exchanged between discoidal HDL-bound and lipid-free states in the absence of HDL remodeling enzymes.26 To this end, reconstituted WT apoA-I/POPC discs labeled with NBD-PE were prepared, and the mixture with a 2-fold excess of ATTO565-labeled lipid-free apoA-I was subjected to gel filtration chromatography. Before incubation, both discoidal HDL reported by NBD fluorescence and lipid-free apoA-I reported by ATTO565 fluorescence showed separate single peaks corresponding to hydrodynamic diameters of approximately 10 and 7 nm, respectively (Figure 2A). After incubation for 4 h at 37 °C, a significant amount of ATTO565 fluorescence was detected at the elution volume corresponding to discoidal HDL, indicating that apoA-I exchange occurs without alteration of HDL particle size in the steady state (Figure 2B). In addition, the POPC/apoA-I ratio of the discoidal HDL fraction did not significantly change after incubation (data not shown), consistent with the occurrence of apoA-I exchange rather than apoA-I accumulation. By correcting for the difference in the ATTO565 fluorescence intensity of apoA-I in lipid-free and disc-bound forms (Figure 2B inset), we calculated the amount of ATTOlabeled apoA-I to be distributed in HDL-bound and lipid-free pools at an approximately 1/2 ratio. This finding agrees with the assumption that if all apoA-I species have equal affinities for disc-bound and lipid-free fractions, one-third of ATTO-apoA-I is in the HDL-bound pool and two-thirds in the lipid-free pool at equilibrium. These results demonstrate that the presence of excess lipid-free apoA-I causes efficient displacement of HDLbound apoA-I.26,33

Figure 1. Characterization of apoA-I/POPC discs. (A) Gel filtration profile of apoA-I/POPC discs labeled with 0.1 mol % NBD-PE on a Superdex 200 column monitored by absorbance at 280 nm or NBD fluorescence. (B) Far-UV CD spectra of apoA-I F229C-NBD in the lipid-free state (---) or on POPC discs (). (C) GdnHCl denaturation curves for lipid-free (○) or POPC disc-bound (●) apoA-I monitored by the change in molar ellipticity at 222 nm. C

DOI: 10.1021/bi501345j Biochemistry XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX



ApoA-I Exchange Monitored by NBD Fluorescence. To measure the kinetics of the apoA-I exchange reaction between HDL-bound and lipid-free states, we used the apoA-I F229C-NBD variant in which the C-terminal helical region was labeled with an environment-sensitive fluorescent probe NBD. In our earlier studies, pyrene labeling at the same site allowed us to monitor the lipid binding behaviors of the C-terminal domain of apoA-I because of the significant increase in pyrene fluorescence upon binding to lipid particles or HDL.22,29 In this study, we evaluated the exchange kinetics of NBD-labeled apoA-I between HDL-bound and lipid-free states by monitoring the decrease in NBD fluorescence upon dissociation of NBD-labeled apoA-I from HDL. We note that the Cys replacement and/or fluorescence labeling at F229 has little or no effect on the structure, stability, and lipid interaction of apoA-I.29 Figure 3A shows the change in NBD fluorescence emission spectra of apoA-I F229C-NBD/POPC discs upon incubation with a 2-fold excess of lipid-free WT apoA-I at 37 °C. Discbound NBD-apoA-I exhibited NBD fluorescence >10-fold greater than that of the lipid-free state, and time-dependent decreases in NBD fluorescence were observed upon dissociation of NBD-labeled apoA-I from discoidal HDL. We note that such decreases in NBD fluorescence are not due to spontaneous dissociation of apoA-I from HDL as opposed to exchange with lipid-free apoA-I because there was virtually no change in NBD fluorescence when the HDL particles were incubated in buffer (Figure 3B). In addition, incubation of apoA-I F229C-NBD/POPC discs with a 2-fold excess of WT apoA-I/POPC discs did not result in a decrease in NBD

Figure 2. ApoA-I exchange monitored by gel filtration. (A) Gel filtration profiles of lipid-free apoA-I labeled with ATTO565 and apoA-I/POPC discs labeled with NBD-PE. (B) Gel filtration profile of apoA-I/POPC discs after incubation for 4 h with a 2-fold excess of lipid-free ATTO-apoA-I at 37 °C. The inset shows fluorescence emission spectra of ATTO-apoA-I in the lipid-free state (---) or on POPC discs ().

Figure 3. ApoA-I exchange monitored by NBD fluorescence. (A) Change in the NBD fluorescence intensities of apoA-I F229C-NBD/POPC discs upon incubation with a 2-fold excess of lipid-free WT apoA-I at 37 °C. (B) Time courses of the relative decrease in NBD fluorescence intensities of apoA-I F229C-NBD/POPC discs upon exchange with a 2-fold excess of lipid-free WT apoA-I (○) or WT apoA-I/POPC discs (▲) at 37 °C. It should be noted that there was no change in NBD fluorescence upon incubation in buffer (▽). (C) Effect of lipid-free WT apoA-I concentration on apoA-I exchange rates for apoA-I F229C-NBD/POPC discs at 37 °C. (D) Comparison of the NBD fluorescence change for apoA-I F229C-NBD/ POPC discs (○) or apoA-I F229C-NBD/POPC/triolein spherical HDL particles (■) upon exchange with a 2-fold excess of lipid-free WT apoA-I at 37 °C. D

DOI: 10.1021/bi501345j Biochemistry XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Biochemistry fluorescence, despite the occurrence of apoA-I exchange not only between HDL-bound and lipid-free states but also between HDL particles (Figure S2 of the Supporting Information). These results indicate that the change in NBD fluorescence reflects the exchange of NBD-apoA-I between HDL-bound and lipid-free states. The estimated half-time of exchange from Figure 3B (0.17 h) is much shorter than the previously reported result (0.94 h).26 One possible reason for this discrepancy is that the replacement of Trp with Phe residues used in the previous study may have impacted selfassociation and lipid interaction behaviors of apoA-I.41 As shown in Figure 3C, the rate of apoA-I exchange derived from fitting to a monoexponential decay model does not depend on lipid-free apoA-I concentration, indicating that the frequency of diffusional collisions between disc-bound and lipid-free apoA-I has no influence on the apoA-I exchange kinetics. In addition, the exchange rates of NBD-apoA-I are similar between discoidal and spherical HDL particles (Figure 3D), indicating that the change in particle shape from disc to sphere in HDL remodeling does not affect the apoA-I exchange reaction. Effects of Deletions or Mutations in ApoA-I on Exchange Kinetics. To investigate which region of the apoA-I molecule is important in terms of its exchange ability, we compared the exchange kinetics of disc-bound apoA-I F229C-NBD upon incubation with lipid-free apoA-I deletion variants lacking different regions along the molecule.18,35 We note that although the apoA-I conformation in discoidal HDL would be affected by the deletions of different regions, all deletion variants used in this study have an ability to form HDL particles to some extent.20 As shown in Figure 4A, deletions of N-terminal (residues 1−43 or 44−65) or C-terminal (residues 191−220 or 223−243) regions that have strong lipid binding affinity20,39 greatly reduced the exchange kinetics of apoA-I, whereas deletion of central residues 123−166 had a relatively small effect. Importantly, deletion of residues 223−243 almost completely inhibited the ability of apoA-I to exchange, indicating that the C-terminal lipid binding region plays a critical role not only in binding to HDL particles22,24 but also in the ability of apoA-I to exchange between HDL particles. We next examined the effect of C-terminal mutations that reduce lipid binding affinity on the exchange behavior of apoAI. Figure 4B shows the exchange kinetics of disc-bound apoA-I F229C-NBD with the lipid-free apoA-I C-terminal variants F225L/F229A/Y236A,34 L230P,42 and Nichinan (ΔE235)43 as well as the Milano (R173C) variant.44 These C-terminal mutations reduce the lipid binding affinity of apoA-I by decreasing hydrophobicity or disrupting α-helical structure in the C-terminal region. As listed in Table 2, the exchange rates for the apoA-I C-terminal variants were much slower than those of WT apoA-I, and as a result, activation Gibbs free energies of exchange were higher for the C-terminal variants. Importantly, the order of decrease in exchange rates or increase in activation Gibbs free energies (Nichinan < F225L/F229A/Y236A < L230P) agrees with the order of decrease in 1,2-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) clearance efficiency,34,42,43 indicating that the lipid binding activity of apoA-I is critical in its exchangeability between HDL-bound and lipid-free states.26 In agreement with this, the Milano variant that has comparable ability to solubilize DMPC vesicles to WT apoA-I44 exhibited exchange kinetics similar to those of WT apoA-I (Figure 4B). To further explore the mechanism of apoA-I exchange, we examined the exchange behavior of apoA-I/POPC discs

Figure 4. Effect of the apoA-I truncations or mutations on exchange kinetics. (A) Time course of the relative decrease in NBD fluorescence intensities of apoA-I F229C-NBD/POPC discs upon exchange with apoA-I variants lacking different regions along the molecule at 37 °C: apoA-I WT (○), Δ1−43 (△), Δ44−65 (▲), Δ123−166 (◆), Δ191− 220 (▽), and Δ223−243 (▼). (B) Time course of the relative decrease in NBD fluorescence intensities of apoA-I F229C-NBD/ POPC discs upon exchange with apoA-I variants at 37 °C: WT apoA-I (○), R173C (◆), L230P (□), ΔE235 (△), and F225L/F229A/ Y236A (▼). (C) Comparison of apoA-I exchange kinetics between apoA-I F229C-NBD/POPC discs and apoA-I F225L/F229C-NBD/ Y236A/POPC discs at 37 °C. ApoA-I F229C-NBD/POPC discs were incubated with a 2-fold excess of lipid-free WT apoA-I (○) and apoA-I F225L/F229A/Y236A (▼), while apoA-I F225L/F229C-NBD/ Y236A/POPC discs were incubated with a 2-fold excess of lipid-free WT apoA-I (◆) and apoA-I F225L/F229A/Y236A (△).

composed of the F225L/F229C-NBD/Y236A variant. Despite its reduced lipid binding ability, the apoA-I F225L/F229CNBD/Y236A variant bound to discoidal HDL exhibited exchange kinetics comparable to those of apoA-I F229CNBD/POPC discs upon incubation with lipid-free WT apoA-I (solid line in Figure 4C). Thus, alteration of the lipid affinity of the HDL-associated apoA-I has no influence on the kinetics of exchange. In addition, apoA-I F225L/F229C-NBD/Y236A/ POPC discs and apoA-I F229C-NBD/POPC discs both showed similar but slower exchange kinetics with the lipidE

DOI: 10.1021/bi501345j Biochemistry XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Biochemistry Table 2. Kinetic and Thermodynamic Parameters for Exchange of ApoA-I Variants between HDL-Bound and Lipid-Free States at 37 °C k (h−1) WT ΔE235 F225L/F229A/Y236A L230P a

4.1 2.5 1.1 0.10

± ± ± ±

0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3

Table 3. Thermodynamic Parameters for the Exchange Kinetics of ApoA-I Variants between HDL-Bound and LipidFree States at 37 °C

ΔG* (kJ/mol)a 94 95 97 103

± ± ± ±

0.2 0.3 0.5 4

F229C-NBD F225L/F229C-NBD/ Y236A

ΔH* (kJ/mol)a

ΔS* (J mol−1 K−1)a

ΔG* (kJ/mol)b

124 ± 8 147 ± 8

94 ± 8 167 ± 18

94 96

ΔH* and ΔS* were obtained from the slope and y-intercept of the linear plot, respectively, according to eq 1. bΔG* was calculated from ΔH* and ΔS* according to ΔG* = ΔH* − TΔS*. a

ΔG* was calculated from k according to eq 2.

free apoA-I F225L/F229A/Y236A variant (dashed line in Figure 4C). This finding shows that altering the lipid affinity of the lipid-free apoA-I in solution modifies the exchange kinetics. Taken together, these results indicate that the lipid binding ability of apoA-I affects the kinetics of exchange of apoA-I between discoidal HDL-bound and lipid-free states via the association process of lipid-free apoA-I, not by the dissociation of HDL-bound apoA-I. Thermodynamic Aspects of ApoA-I Exchange. To understand the thermodynamics of apoA-I exchange between HDL-bound and lipid-free states, the kinetics were determined at different temperatures. Figure 5A demonstrates that the

transition state that is enthalpically unfavorable but entropically favorable. That is, the high enthalpy barrier in the transition state is offset by an increase in entropy with apoA-I exchange. Interestingly, such an entropically favorable process was also reported for the exchange of phospholipids between discoidal HDL particles.45 Figure 5B and Table 3 also show the Eyring plot and thermodynamic parameters of exchange for the C-terminal variant, apoA-I F225L/F229A/Y236A, obtained from the exchange of apoA-I F225L/F229C-NBD/Y236A/POPC discs with lipid-free apoA-I F225L/F229A/Y236A at various temperatures. As listed in Table 3, this C-terminal mutation significantly increases both the activation enthalpy and entropy, resulting in an increased activation Gibbs free energy and reduced rate of apoA-I exchange. Thus, the impaired exchange ability of the C-terminal variants of apoA-I (Figure 4) appears to arise from the higher activation enthalpy of the transition state.

DISCUSSION Molecular Mechanism of ApoA-I Exchange. The conformational plasticity and molten globule characteristics of apoA-I46 allow it to have a flexible and adaptable lipid-bound conformation on different HDL subclasses. Hydrogen− deuterium exchange experiments demonstrated that the multiple α-helices in apoA-I bound to discoidal and spherical HDL particles have stabilities in the range of 3−5 kcal/mol, consistent with the apoA-I molecules being in a highly dynamic state with helical segments unfolding and refolding in seconds.23,37 On the basis of the two-domain tertiary structure of apoA-I, we previously demonstrated that apoA-I binds to a lipid surface in a two-step manner: α-helices in the C-terminal domain interact with the lipid surface first, followed by the opening of the N-terminal helix bundle to create more helix− lipid interactions.18,21 Given the reversibility of lipid binding of apoA-I,22,27,47 apoA-I adopts multiple lipid-bound conformations in which the N-terminal helix bundle is either in or out of contact with lipids.29,32 Additionally, some of a central part of the apoA-I molecule can be excluded from the lipid surface leaving both the N- and C-terminal helices attached32,47 because of the lower lipid affinity of α-helices in the central region compared to the that of N- or C-terminal helices.48 For discoidal HDL, a central apoA-I segment spanning residues 125−158 exhibits bimodal hydrogen−deuterium exchange kinetics, indicating that this segment can adopt an interconverting helix-disordered loop conformation.37 In agreement with this finding, a study of site-directed Trp fluorescence and spinlabeled electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies determined that residues 134−145 in apoA-I are loosely lipid-associated in discoidal HDL particles of different sizes.30

Figure 5. Thermodynamic analysis of apoA-I exchange kinetics. (A) Time course of the relative decrease in NBD fluorescence intensities of apoA-I F229C-NBD/POPC discs upon exchange with lipid-free WT apoA-I at various temperatures. (B) Eyring plots for exchange kinetics of apoA-I-POPC discs of the F229C-NBD (■) and F225L/F229CNBD/Y236A (□) variants.

exchange kinetics of disc-bound apoA-I F229C-NBD with lipidfree WT apoA-I became faster with an increasing incubation temperature. From the linear relationship between ln(k/T) and 1/T based on the Eyring equation (Figure 5B), activation enthalpy ΔH* and entropy ΔS* for apoA-I exchange were obtained, and the values are listed with activation Gibbs free energy ΔG* in Table 3. These parameters indicate that apoA-I exchange between HDL-bound and lipid-free pools involves a F

DOI: 10.1021/bi501345j Biochemistry XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Biochemistry The highly dynamic and flexible conformations of apoA-I on the HDL particles give rise to a labile, easily dissociable pool;25,26 such apoA-I molecules are precursors of circulating lipid-poor apoA-I or preβ-HDL.4,28 In light of the finding that the rate of apoA-I exchange is independent of the collision frequency between HDL-bound and lipid-free forms (Figure 3C), it is plausible that apoA-I exchange occurs in a manner similar to the aqueous diffusion mechanism of cholesterol exchange in which the rate-limiting step is high-energy transference of a hydrophobic cholesterol molecule in a partially desorbed transition state into the aqueous phase.49 Thus, the conformational transition of apoA-I from a stable HDL-bound helical state into a partially dissociated, disordered state would be rate-limiting for apoA-I exchange. We note that, at first glance, this notion seems to contradict the finding that the reduction of the lipid binding ability of apoA-I affects the rate of association of lipid-free apoA-I with HDL but not the rate of dissociation of HDLbound apoA-I (Figure 4C). However, because apoA-I does not dissociate spontaneously from discoidal HDL particles without exchange with lipid-free apoA-I, it seems that exchange involves displacement of partially dissociated apoA-I from the HDL particle surface by the lipid-free apoA-I. In support this of idea, deletions of the N- or C-terminal lipid binding regions greatly impair the exchange ability of apoA-I (Figure 4A). In addition, because α-helix formation contributes enthalpically to the energetics of lipid binding of apoA-I,20,50 it follows that the partially unfolded conformation of HDL-bound apoA-I in the transition state produces the high enthalpy barrier of apoA-I exchange, as shown in this study (Table 3). In this regard, the finding that the exchange rates of NBD-apoA-I are similar between discoidal and spherical HDL particles (Figure 3D) is consistent with helix stabilities and dynamics of the apoA-I molecules being similar on both HDL particles.23 Physiological Significance. There has been great interest in recent years in understanding what qualities of HDL are critical for the reverse cholesterol transport pathway.49 It has been recently demonstrated that cellular cholesterol efflux correlates significantly with the concentration of the ABCA1 substrate lipid-poor apoA-I or preβ-HDL in the serum, rather than simply with the serum HDL cholesterol level.51 Given that apoA-I molecules in the readily dissociable pool of apoA-I on HDL particles are likely to be precursors of preβ-HDL, the ability of apoA-I to transfer from HDL-bound to lipid-free forms would be a clinically relevant measure of HDL function.26,33 Indeed, it has been shown that the apoA-I exchangeability of HDL isolated from human subjects, as quantified using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, is markedly reduced when the subject carries at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease.33 In addition, oxidation of apoA-I by myeloperoxidase that occurs in human atheroma was shown to impair the ability of apoA-I to promote ABCA1mediated cholesterol efflux52,53 as well as exchange between HDL-bound and lipid-free states.26 It should be noted that because we are monitoring the exchange rather than net movement of apoA-I, this process does not obviously contribute to increasing the concentration of lipid-free (poor) apoA-I, which is the substrate for ABCA1. However, altered exchangeability would be expected to affect HDL particle rearrangement and metabolism. Thus, it appears that the exchangeability of apoA-I on HDL particles is an important indicator for quantifying HDL functionality.

In conclusion, the kinetic and thermodynamic analyses of apoA-I exchange in this study demonstrate that apoA-I can rapidly and spontaneously exchange between HDL-bound and lipid-free pools through an enthalpically unfavorable but entropically favorable activation process, in which reduced lipid binding affinity impairs the ability of apoA-I to exchange. Because the altered exchangeability of HDL-bound apoA-I would affect the remodeling and rearrangement of HDL particles during metabolism in plasma, our results provide a mechanistic basis for understanding the exchangeable nature of apoA-I lipid binding and associated modulation of its antiatherogenic functions.


S Supporting Information *

Figures S1 and S2. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at


Corresponding Author

*Institute of Health Biosciences, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokushima University, 1-78-1 Shomachi, Tokushima 770-8505, Japan. Telephone: +81-88-6337267. Fax: +81-88-633-9510. E-mail: [email protected]. Funding

This work was partly supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 25293006 and 25670014 from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science to H.S. and funding from the research program for development of intelligent Tokushima artificial exosome (iTEX) from Tokushima University to Y.T. and H.S. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ABBREVIATIONS apoA-I, apolipoprotein A-I; CD, circular dichroism; DMPC, 1,2-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine; GdnHCl, guanidine hydrochloride; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; NBD, 7-nitrobenz-2oxa-1,3-diazole; POPC, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine; WT, wild type.


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