Kinetic isotope-effect probes of transition-state structure. Vibrational

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Srhowrn rt al. / Kinetic Isoiope-Ej/jcrct Probes o f Trotisition-Stair Strirctirre


Kinetic Isotope-Effect Probes of Transition-State Structure. Vibrational Analysis of Model Transition States for Carbonyl Addition' John L. H ~ g gJames ,~ Rodgers, lldiko Kotach, and Richard L. Schowen* C'otitrihiitioti f r o n i the Drptrrttwtit oJ Chrniistrj., Lnirersirj. of'K N I ~ S L I S . L.nwrrJrir,r,Katiscis 66035. Keceii.rd Jirtir 7 , I979

Abstract: Model calculations of the I t l / 2 t i . I2C,'l7C.and ' 6 0 / 1 W kinetic a n d equilibrium isotope effects a t the \tarred position4 for the carbonyl addition reaction of tl;CC*ll*O* w i t h HO*- have been made for t u o closclq related scts of force fields. and for both curved and perpendiculor trajectories of nucleophilic approach tocarbon>l. for ;I series of possible transition-state structures a i temperatures from 273 to 323 K . I n all calculations. the geometrical features and force conhtants were assumed to change froni reactant value, ( w a r d product ~ a l u e hi n proportion to the Pauling bond order B of the nucleophile -carbonyl bond. The e-deuterium a n d P-deuterium effects are nearly linear functions of B and should be good and consihtcnt probes of transition-state structure. The carbonyl-ixOeffect i s nornial a n d increases steadily v,ith B, a s ekpccted. The nucleophilc-txO effect is normal for 5 Z 0.5 and inverse for later tranhition states. T h e is about 1.03 for early transition states a n d falls to an inverse equilibrium effcct. Y o strikingly anoiniilous temperature dependences were calculated.

Carbonyl-addition reactions, exemplified by the process of eq 1, are of interest in chemistry and biochemistry3,4and the understanding of their dynamics in terms of transition-state structure is the topic of much current research.5 A very appealing and effective approach to learning the structure of such transition states lies in the use of kinetic isotope effects.5 We have employed vibrational analysis of model structuresx,' for the transition state of eq I to explore relationships of such

structures to the following isotopic probes: ( 1 ) the wdeuteriurn secondary isotope effect l o (for the hydrogen attached to the electrophilic carbon); this effect is expected to be inverse ( k l ) > k ~ )arising , from restrictions to motion of the ( Y hydrogen as the nucleophile binds, and to become more inverse as the transition state more nearly resembles the adduct; (2) the 6-deuterium secondary isotope effect '(I (for the hydrogens on the carbon adjacent to the electrophilic center); this effect, assumed to arise from increased binding of the hydrogens as hyperconjugation of C-H bonding electrons into the carbonyl group is lost upon carbonyl addition,' should also be inverse and become more so for more adduct-like transition states; (3) the carbonyl-oxygen 'hO/iXOisotope effect; if this effect is regarded as secondary (in a specialized sense, viz., that the oxygen does not participate in reaction-coordinate motion), then it should be normal ( k 16 > k18) and larger as the carbonyl group double bond is more nearly converted to the single bond of the adduct,' while reaction-coordinate participation should render the effect still larger in the normal sense;I3 (4) the nucleophile-oxygen 160/180 isotope effect; this effect may be normal for reactant-like ("early") transition states u here reaction-coordinate motion of the oxygen dominates the increased binding from formation of the new bond,I3 but should become inverse for transition-state structures like the adduct; ( 5 ) the carbonyl-carbon "C/ 'C isotope effect; the direction and magnitude of this effect are hard to estimate intuitively. The aim of the calculations is to relate the magnitudes of these isotope effects to the structure of the transition state. but we can do this only approximately at the present time. Even the simplified paradigm of eq I has a transition state with nine atoms. Therefore, 21 geometrical coordinates must be specified for a complete structural description. and the force-constant


0002-7863/80/ 1502-007950 1 . O O / O

matrix, even at the harmonic-approximation level, contains 23 I distinct elements. Furthermore, kinetic isotope effects of mechanistic significance can arise from force-constant changes between reactants and transition state which are smaller than can be accurately determined by vibrational spectroscopy of analogous stable species. Continuing research by ourselves and others is expected to lead to improved approaches to isotopeeffect estimation, but at this time we have made use of the following simplifying protocols. ( 1 ) Diagonal force fields were employed for all species, except that one off-diagonal force constant w a s added to transition-state force fields to generate the reaction coordinate. (2) The bond order of the forming carbon-nucleophile bond was chosen as a principal reaction variable and the progress of all other features of transition states was assumed to be equivalent to the progress in formation of this bond. To increase the generalit) of the results, calculations were made for different sets of assumptions about transition-state geometries and about the force-constant alterations which generate the isotope effects.

Experimental Section %lethodof Calculation. Calculations \\ere carried out uith t\+o different computer programs. V I B K A ~ ~ was ! . provided u h b) Dr. h'arren Buddenbaum, Department of Chemistry. Indiana Lniversit!. in a form largel) equivalent to the program ;ivailable from the Quantum Chemistr) Prograni Ewhungc. BLised o n the procedurcs of Sch,ichtschneider und Snbderl-' for the vibrational-anal>sih problem ( F G matrix formulation15) and the h'olfsberg and Stern programs for the calculation of isotope effects, the program \+:is nritten for ;I Lni\nc I 108 computer and \\;la modified onl) hlightl! to r u n on the Honequell 6 3 5 and 66/60 computers ;it the Universit! of Kansas Computation Center. RE:ROVIB-IC. nou also avail:ible from the Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange, was made available b! Professor L. B. Sims. Department of Cheniistr). Universith of , 4 r k i i n a a h . Professor Sinis trained u j in the uae ol' this program. N hich has been cmploqed in seberal published calculational studics.Ih I t wl\es the Librational problein direct11 in Cartesiiin coordinates'? and has a n eaab-to-use polar-coordinate input format for model gcometries. Extensive duplication of calculations betucen the t w o programs gave exact agreement. Principal Reaction Variable. The bond distance betueen the nucleophilic atom and the electrophilic. carbonyl carbon is the structural feature \rhich changes most 5trikinglq i n the course of carbon!l addition. We chose the Pauling bond orderlh B. relatedlh t o the bond distance R H ( R I for unit 5 )by the equation

5 = e x p / ( R ,- H ~ ) / 0 . 3 / c

1980 American Chemical Societ)


Journal of the American Chemical Society





January 2, 1980

Table 1. Geometrical Parameters for Reactant and Product Models reactant, curved trajectory H5f

H ‘7

Figure 1. Numbering system used for the designation of internal coordinates for the acetaldehyde-hydroxide system. The structure shown is for the product state. I n the reactant state, the C 2 - 0 8 bond is very long and C’. C?. 0 1 H4. , and H7 occupy a common plane.


reactant, perpendicular trajectory 1.22

1 .so

1 .so

1.09 I .09 I .09

1.09 I .09 1.09



2.50 0.96 123.9 110.6 110.6 110.6 117.5 71.3 108.9 360 240 120 I80 I20 24 I

2.50 0.96 123.9 110.6 110.6 110.6 117.5 90.0 108.9 0 120 I20 I80 90 25

product I .43 I .54 I .09 1.09 1.09 1.10 1.43 0.96 109.5 109.5 109.5 109.5 109.5 109.5 108.9 300

as ii principal reaction variable or fundamental descriptor of transition-state structure. Other structural features of transition states were then assumed to have progressed a fraction B of the total change experienced in the overall reaction. The models employed in this study arc. therefore, highly coupledi9in the sense that all structural features a r e taken as strongly coupled to the Pauling bond order of the nucleophilic bond. Reactant and Product Models. The properties chosen for the rcactant state, product state, and transition states can be described 180 using the numbering system of Figure 1 , The same bond lengths, an60 gles, and force constants were used for all isotopic modifications of 180 cach structure and are given in Tables I and 11. 60 For the reactant state, the bond distances and angles of acetalde0 hyde were taken from the microwave data of Kilb, Lin, and Wilson.2o a Parameters designated by two atoms are bond lengths (A), by The free hydroxide ion was assigned the force constant and bond three atoms are bond angles (deg), and by four atoms are dihedral length found in the ab initio quantum-mechanical study of Janoschek, angles (deg). Preuss. and Diercksen.2’ I n the product structure, the geometry around both carbon atoms was assumed to be fully tetrahedral. The C - H bond lengths of the methyl group were kept at 1.086 A, while Table 11. Force Constants for Reactant and Product Models” the bond lengths and angles about the C 2 carbon were those used by Timidei and Zerbi2* in their normal coordinate treatment of methanol. product, product, The C2-C3 bond length was adjusted to 1.54 A. internal &stretch 0-bend The force constants used for the acetaldehyde part of the reactant coordinate reactant varied varied state were those determined by Cossee and S c h a ~ h t s c h n e i d e (their r~~ set VF. I ) , with interaction force constants set equal to zero. The diOl-C2 10.77 7.88 7.88 agonal force constants were used directly with the exception of the c*-c3 4.82 4.30 4.30 C’-C3-H4 bending force constant, which was made equal to the other c 2 ~ ~ 7 4.24 4.40 4.40 two C-C-H bending constants. c2-08 5.35 5.35 Since spectroscopic data are unavailable for the hydroxide adduct C’-H 4.88 5.13 4.88 of acetaldehyde, force constants were estimated from those for acet0 8 - ~ 9 7.41 7.62 7.62 aldehyde,23 m e t h a n ~ l , ~ ~propanol,25 - ~ ~ . * ~ and 2 , 2 - d i f l ~ o r o p r o p a n e . ~ ~ OILC2LC3 1.01 I .oo I .oo Bending force constants for the HC3H and HC3C2angles were made 01-CZ-H7 0.83 0.80 0.80 the same as in acetaldehyde, except when their variation was conOI~C2~08 2.00 2.00 sidered as generating the 0-deuterium isotope effect (see below). Force C2-C3-H 0.43 0.43 0.47 constants for the C 2 0 * and O x H 9 stretches were taken from the ~ 2 - 0 8 - ~ 9 0.77 0.77 methanol force field, as were those for the O ’ C 2 H 7and H 7 C 2 0 8angle C3-C2-H7 0.44 0.50 0.50 bends, with the former slightly decreased in recognition of the negative C3Lc2-08 1 .oo 1 .oo charge on 0 ’ .Force constants for 2,2-difluoropropane were used to H-C3-H 0.52 0.52 0.60 generate values for 0 1 C 2 C 3 0, 8 C 2 C 3 ,and O i C 2 0 8 ,assuming equivH7-C2_08 (0.30) 0.85 0.85 alency of fluorine and oxygen. The C2C3stretching constant was taken 0-C2-C3-H 0.027 0.0 I5 0.024 from paraffin data, while the C 2 H 7and C 3 C Z H 7values are averages O-C2-08-H9 0.000 09 0.000 09 of acetaldehyde constants and paraffin methine-group constants. The Stretching force constants are in mdyn/& bending and torsional O i C 2 stretching constant was taken as the average of the acetaldehyde force constants in mdyn.A/rad2. and methanol values, to agree with the considerable double-bond character observed t h e o r e t i ~ a l l y .T~h~e , 2,2-difluoropropane ~~ CH stretching force constant of 4.91 mdyn/A was used as a guide for the and their collaborators.18cThe hydroxide ion thus begins its approach C 3 H values, which were set either slightly above or below this value, at a point above and behind the carbonyl group, and then develops a depending on the assumed origin of the 0-deuterium isotope effect more nearly perpendicular line of attack as bond formation becomes (see below). Torsional force constants about the C 2 C 3bond were set more important. The geometrical parameters for a transition state to common v a l ~ e s ~while ~ - ’ ~those about the forming C208were set of nucleophilic bond order B can be calculated from the initial and to an arbitrary value near zero. All redundancies were included. All final parameters of Table I and the prescription in the last paraoff-diagonal force constants were set equal to zero. graph. Variation of Reaction Trajectory. Two different geometrical disWhile much is to be said for the physical likelihood of such a trapositions for reactant-like transition states were assumed (Table I). jectory, we felt it necessary to test for the degree to which our results Then, in each case, a series of intermediate structures was generated were dependent upon it. A second series of models for a “perpendicular by alteration of each geometrical feature from its reactant value trajectory” was thus constructed. Here, the more familiar view, that toward its product value by a fraction B corresponding to the Pauling even very “loose” transition states involve the alignment of the bond order B of the 08C2bond. The two series of transition states thus nucleophilic electron pair along the axis of the bond eventually to be have quite different structures for small B (“early” transition formed, is expressed by the geometrical parameters (Table I). states). Force-Field Variations. As explained above, most features of the One of these models, designated in Table I as the “curved trajecforce fields for reactants and products were generated by analogy with tory” model, was constructed to simulate the nonlinear approach of known molecules already studied in detail. Transition-state force fields nucleophile suggested by the crystallographic studies of Burgi, Dunitz,

Schowen et ai.



Kinetic Isotope-Effect Probes of Transition-State Structure

Table 111. Calculated Isotope Effects ( k l i g h ( / k h c d v y ) for Carbonyl Addition with the Indicated Structures vs. ( ‘ H i 6 0 - , 1 H 3 1 2 C i 2 C i H i h O )

as Functions of Temperature and Transition-State Structureo

B, Pauling bond order of C 2 0 x 0. I 0.2 0.3 0.4

0.5 0.6 0.7

0.8 0.9

I .O (kinetic) I .o (equilibrium)



temp, K



273 298 323 273 298 323 273 298 323 273 298 323 273 298 323 273 298 323 273 298 323 273 298 323 273 298 323 273 298 323 273 298 323

0.993 0.994 0.995 0.978 0.98 1 0.983 0.964 0.967 0.970 0.949 0.954 0.958 0.937 0.943 0.948 0.92 I 0.928 0.934 0.907 0.9 I5 0.922 0.895 0.904 0.912 0.882 0.892 0.90 I 0.870 0.881 0.891 0.859 0.870 0.880

0.980 0.984 0.987 0.943 0.95 I 0.958 0.906 0.9 I8 0.929 0.870 0.887 0.900 0.836 0.855 0.872 0.805 0.827 0.846 0.776 0.801 0.822 0.749 0.776 0.799 0.725 0.753 0.778 0.703 0.733 0.758 0.690 0.720 0.746

site and character of isotopic substitution H3CI3CHO H 3CC H “ 0 (“carbonyl-’80”) (“carbonyLi3C“) 1.004 1.004 1.004 1.004 1.004 1.005 1.006 1.006 I .006 1.009 1.009 1.009 1.012 1.012 1.012 1.015 1.015 1.015 1.019 1.018 1.018 1.023 1.022 1.02 I I .027 1.026 1.025 1.032 1.030 1.029 1.010 1.009 1.009

1.03 I 1.028 1.026 I .03 1 1.029 1.027 1.030 1.028 1.026 1.027 1.025 1.024 1.022 1.021 I .020 1.020 1.019 1.018 1.016 1.015 1015 1.010 1.010 1.010 1.006 1.006 1.007 I.001 1.002 1.003 0.958 0.962 0.967

Hi80(“nucleophile-’80”) I .03 I 1.032 1.032 I .02 I 1.023 1.024 1.01 I 1.014 1.016 1.002 1.005 1.009 0.993 0.998 1.002 0.983 0.989 0.993 0.974 0.98 I 0.986 0.966 0.973 0.979 0.958 0.966 0.972 0.95 I 0.959 0.966 0.920 0.930 0.938

Values tabulated are those computed on the “curved trajectory with a-stretch varied” model. were obtained by interpolation, assuming that each force constant had changed by a fraction B (Pauling bond order of the forming nucleophile-carbonyl bond in the particular transition state) from its reactant value toward its product value. As will be seen below, this procedure (perhaps in large part by coincidence) produces values of the a-deuterium, carbon, and oxygen isotope effects of interest which are intuitively reasonable and generally in accord with experience. The P-deuterium isotope effects, however, arise from sites more remote from the reaction center, are small, and may well involve smaller force-constant changes. While it seems very probable that they arise from alterations of the force constants for either bending or stretching of the P - C H bonds, or both, their exact origins are unclear. W e thus considered two models for this generation and adjusted the values of the appropriate force constants in the product molecule so that the experimental equilibrium iso!ope effects for carbonyl hydration were roughly reproduced by the calculated equilibrium P-deuterium isotope effects.’O One of these models relied wholly on variation of the stretching force constants (denoted as “@-stretch varied” in Table 11). I n this case, the adduct P - C H stretching force constant was taken as 5 . I3 mdyn/A (cf. 4.91 mdyn/A in 2,2-difluoropropaneZ7),and the @-CH bending force constants were left at their initial values. The second (“B-bend varied”) model left the P-CH stretching force constant at its initial value of 4.88 mdyn/A, while introducing changes in the bending constants for C2C3H,from 0.43 to 0.47 mdynA/mdyn2, and for HC3H from 0.52 to 0.60 mdynA/rad2. This model thus simulates a situation in which loss of hyperconjugation of the p - C H electron pairs into the carbonyl group leads mainly to a greater difficulty in bending motions of these bonds, while the model of the previous paragraph posits the effect as being on the difficulty of stretching motions. Reaction-Coordinate Generation. The transition-state force field must be such that the molecule has one and only one unstable coordinate, corresponding to the reaction coordinate, which carries the

molecule out of the transition state toward reactants or products. In these calculations, this was accomplished by introducing a single, positive off-diagonal element in the F matrix, which coupled the carbonyl (O’C2) stretching motion to the stretching of the nucleophile-carbonyl forming bond (C20s).This makes the reaction coordinate the asymmetric stretching of the O l C 2 0 8system.30 A value of the off-diagonal element F,,> (F,,F,,)t/2, with the 0 1 C 2stretch as coordinate i and the C 2 0 8 stretch as coordinate], then produces an imaginary frequency for the reaction-coordinate m ~ t i o n . ~The ~J’ frequencies so generated were usually between about 50i and 300r cm-’ and are indicated at appropriate points below. More complex designs for reaction-coordinate motions30 are an important feature for investigation. These are currently under study.

Results Table 111 lists the isotope effects at 273,298, and 323 K for ten different choices of the nucleophile-carbonyl bond order B, and equilibrium isotope effects. The calculations listed are for the “curved trajectory” model with “@-stretch varied”. Calculations with thc “@-bend varied” showed that no significant difference ever arose for any choice of transition-state structure from this assumption vs. the “@-stretch varied” assumption. Carbon and oxygen isotope effects were absolutely independent of this choice while the hydrogen isotope effects never differed by more than 1-2 parts per thousand. The calculated effects in Table III may, therefore, be assumed, within limits of 1-2 parts per thousand, to apply equally well to models in which @-stretching and P-bending force constants are varied. Also within limits of 1-2 parts per thousand, the @-D3and nucleophile-18U effects were independent of whether the


Journal of the American Chemical Society

/ 102:I / January 2, 1980

Table IV. Contributions to Calculated Kinetic Isotope Effects at 298 K

type of

B, Pauling


bond order


of C*08

u l u’




0.2 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 0.8

1.008 1.011 1.01 1 1.01 1 1.012 1.013 1.004 I007 1.012 1.007 1.007 1.007 1.036 I .03 1 1.026

1.201 1.190 1.186 1 . 1 18 1.114

1.160 1.143 1.141 1.019 0.992 0.979 1.008 1.004 1.003 1.009 1.005 1.003 1.020

0.947 0.906 0.870 0.866 0.76 I 0.682 0.99 1 0.995 1.004 1.021 1.008 0.995 0,970 0.940 0.9 I2

P- D3 CY-D

car ban y I- I 8O carbonyl- 3C



1.113 I .02 1

1.02 I 1.020 1.017 1.018 1.018 1.076 I .078 1.079

1.016 1.01 I