KONTES | Analytical Chemistry

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Order our great biochemical GC combination:

Konfes dual-oven with the works.

Our new single-oven gas chromatograph (Kontes Series #2000) is designed to go to dedicated stations in the lab, or to satellite locations anywhere and match the detection performance of our research-quality, dual-oven GC. That's because inside both instruments, the GC systems are identical. Same powerful power supplies i n finitely variable from 0 to 2000 volts. Same plug-in detectors for hydrogen flame, argon and helium ionization

And a single to go.

as well as electron capture.* Same cobra-coil colums for on-coulnm injection. And voltage and flash heater settings are adjustable and can be factory preset for any number of satellite instruments. Our dual-oven GC (Kontes Series #4000) has proved itself to be a highly-sensitive, versatile tool for researchers in all areas of biomedical research including steroids, lipids, toxicology, anaerobic, and pesticide analysis.

Now, with this unique combination, you can match quality results at far less cost than with other dedicated systems. For complete details and prices on the Kontes GC system request Bulletin GC-10. Or order our combination from your Kontes man. •Also available with thermal conductivity detectors.

KONTES Vineland, N.J. 0 8 3 6 0

Exclusive Distributors: KONTES OF ILLINOIS, E v a n s t o n , I l l i n o i s · KONTES OF CALIFORNIA, San L e a n d r o , C a l i f o r n i a KONTES (U.K.) LTD., C a r n f o r t h , E n g l a n d CIRCLE 120 O N READER SERVICE CARD