were combined and concentrated t o dryness in vacuo. The residue was dissolved in 2 ml. of methanol and added dropwise with stirring t o 50 ml. of ether. The resulting precipitate was washed three times with ether and dried. A n d . Calcd. for CI~H&ZOIL,: C , 45.35; H , 7.12; S, 5.07; S-methyl, 3.79. Found: C, 45.77, 45.27; H, 7.63, t.55; N, 6.92, 7.13; S-methyl, 3.93. p-(9-Hydroxyphenylazo)-benzenesulfonic Acid Salt of Hygromycin B.-To 100 mg. of hygromycin B in 0.5 ml. of water was added 200 mg. uf p-(p-hydroxyphenylazo)-benzenesulfonic acid in 2 ml. of water. The solution was cooled to 5”. After one hour the precipitate that formed was removed by filtration arid was recrystallized three times from
VOl. 80
water. The yield was 124 mg. T h e salt gradually decomposed above 210’. An unexplained inconsistency in the carbon analyses of a number of salt preparations prevents the unequivocal assignment of a formula. However, one of the following two formulas appears t o be correct: C & ~ ~ N & O ~ E or C ~ P H ~ ~ N ~ AAnalytical S Z O ~ ~ . values for two preparations are shown. Anal. Calcd. for C?.H~RS~S.,O~.: .” ” ._ C. 49.1,5: H. 5.08: N. 8.82; s, 6.73. Calcd. for ClsHagN&Oi’,: c, 49.99; H , 6.16; N, 8.97; S, 6.84. Found: C, 49.36, ,50.18; H , 4.60, 5.06; N, 8.20, 8.69; S,6.48, 6.67.
The a-Chymotrypsin-catalyzed Hydrolysis of a-N-Benzoyl-p-(4-pyridyl-l-oxide)-~alanine Methyl Ester and of a-N-(Nicotinyl-1-oxide)-L-phenylalanine Methyl Ester1 BY ROBERT L. BIXLERAND CARLNIEMANN~ RECEIVED NOVEMBER 18, 1957 Consideration of the consequences of multifunctionality of the catalytically active site of a-chymotrypsin and of a class of its representative specific substrates led to the conclusion that under comparable conditions the rate of the a-chymotrypsincatalyzed hydrolysis of a-N-(nicotinyl-1-oxide)-L-phenylalanine methyl ester should be substantially greater than that of a-N-benzoyl-P-(4-pyridyl-l-oxide)-L-alanine methyl ester. This prediction has been verified by the observation that the relative rate of hydrolysis of the former specific substrate is ca. 200 times greater than that of the latter.
If it is assumed that the catalytically active site of 0-chymotrypsin and its representative specific substrates, derived from a-amino acids, are multifunctional, 3--5 we may represent the specific substrate by the notation R1CHR2R3,where R1 is the acylamino moiety, Ra the a-amino acid side chain and Rs the group capable of undergoing reaction, and the quasi complementary loci of the catalytically active site by the symbols, pl, pz and pa. With such a representation and when the nature of R3 is invariant, we may postulate that with all other reaction parameters held constant the rate of formation of reaction products will be dependent upon the frequency with which interactions of the type RI-pl, R3-p~and R3-p3are consummated, recognizing that the occurrence of such events will be dependent upon the degree to which R1 # RZ # Rs and the relative magnitude of the various R-p interactions.4-Y The correlative postulate is that R-p interactions other than those of the R1-pl, R Z - Pand ~ R3-p~type will be essentially non-productive and competitive. IVhen the Rz-p2interaction is dominant and when R1 # R? # R3, i t would be expected that the probability of productive modes of combination would be greater than when R1 = R P # R3, because in the latter case interactions of the type R2-p1 and RI-p? would tend to occur with greater frequency and thus increase the probability of unproductive and competitive modes of combination. A more ex(1) Supported in p a r t by a grant from t h e National Institutesof Health, U . S. Public Health Service, ( 2 ) T o whom inquiries regarding this article should be sent. (3) H. Neurath and G. W. Schwert, C h e m . Reus., 46, 69 (1950). (4) H . T . Huang a n d C . Kiemann, T r r r s J O U R N A L , 74, 4034, 5903 (1952) ( 5 ) H . T . Huang and C. Niemann, ibid., 75, 1395 (1953). ( G ) R. J. Foster and C . Niemann, P Y O CX. a t l . A c o d . S c i . , 99, 371 (1933). (7) C,. S. Eadie an(l IC. Bernheitn, Bnli. M a t h . B i o p h y . , 15, 33 (1053). (8) S . Levine. E i i z y m o l u g i a , 16, 2 5 G , 2tj5 (I!l53-1954).
treme case would arise when fragments of the groups R1 # Rz are interchanged to produce a pair of specific substrates of the type R’CONHCH(CH2R”)CR3 and R”CONHCH(CH2R’)CRs,where R3 is invariant and where the nature of R’ and R ” are such as to minimize steric differences and to maximize differences in binding energies with respect to interaction with the p1 and pz loci so that the order of affinity for the pz locus is R ” > R’. From the argument given above it would be expected that in the presence of a-chymotrypsin the first specific substrate would be hydrolyzed a t a substantially faster rate than the second with all other factors held constant. Earlier s t u d i e ~had ~ ! ~shown ~ that the interaction of the catalytically active site of a-chymotrypsin with benzamide was considerably more favorable than its interaction with nicotinamide, presumably because of a greater extent of solvation of the latter species.I1 This knowledge coupled with that with respect to the so-called side chain specificity of a-chymotrypsin3 prompted the intended cotnparison of the behavior of a-N-nicotinyl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester with that of a-iY-benzoyl-P-(4pyridy1)-L-alanine methyl ester12 in the presence of a-chymotrypsin with the expectation that the former specific substrate would be hydrolyzed more rapidly than the latter. When i t was found that P-(4-pyridyl)-~~-alanine was not very soluble in water,I3it was decided (9) H. T. Huang and C . Niemann, THISJ O U R N A L , 76, 1303 (1953). ( I O ) R . J. Foster and C. Niemann, ibid., 77, 3370 (1955), (11) H. T. Huang and C. Niemann, ibid., 74, 101 (1952). (12) This pair was chosen rather than the pair a-N-isonicotinyl-Lphenylalanine methyl ester and a-N~-benzuyl-~-(4-pyridyl)-r.-alanine methyl ester, arising from the simple interchange of the groups R’ and R”,because of a desire t o maintain more nearly constant distances between t h e pyridine nitrogen atoms and the asymmetric carbon atoms of the members of the pair. (13) 11. I.. Bixler an(l C . Niemann, J . O r g . Chenz., in press.
June 5 , 1958
to compare the behavior of the pair a-N-(nico- tive rates of hydrolysis of a-N-benzoyl-@(4-pyritinyl-1-oxide)-L-phenylalanine methyl ester and a- dyl-1-oxide)-L-alanine methyl ester and of a-N-(nicN-benzoyl-~-(4-pyridyl-l-oxide)-~-alanine methyl otinyl-1-oxide)-L-phenylalaninemethyl ester, in ester since it was likely that both of these com- order to confirm or disprove the prediction that the pounds would be reasonably soluble in water. former compound would be hydrolyzed a t a subThe synthesis of a-N-benzoyl-P-(l-pyridyl-l-oxstantially slower rate in the presence of a-chymoide)-L-alanine methyl ester has been described.I3 trypsin, no attempt was made to evaluate Ks and I n considering methods for the preparation of a-N- k3 for the above two systems, because it was antici(nicotinyl-1-oxide)-L-phenylalanine methyl ester, i t pated that both would require the use of relatively was hoped that a method of acylation, similar to low enzyme concentrations. However, it was clear those based upon the use of nicotinyl chloride or that a procedure was required that would yield a azidee14,15 could be devised for the direct acylation of reasonable basis of comparison of these two specific L-phenylalanine methyl ester. Since it was antici- substrates. pated that nicotinyl chloride-1-oxide would not be I n principle two types of procedures are availstable, because of interaction between the N-oxide able. I n the first, a relatively high value for [SIais and acid chloride groups, attention was directed to chosen, ;.e., ca. 10-l M for the case a t hand, so that the preparation of nicotinyl and isonicotinyl azide [SI0 > Ks and DO A k3 [E]. While specific sub].-oxide. Methyl isonicotinate-1-oxide was pre- strate concentrations of the order of 10-1 111 were pared by the method of Ochiai,16and converted to obtainable with a-N-benzoyl-P-(4-pyridyl-l-oxide) the hydrazide. Reaction of the hydrazide with ni- L-alanine methyl ester, they were not obtainable a-N- (nicotinyl-1-oxide)-L-phenylalanine trous acid gave only isonicotinic acid-l-oxide, pre- with sumably via the azide, which being soluble in wa- methyl ester. I n the second procedure, a relatively low value ter hydrolyzed to give the acid. The same results were obtained with nicotinic acid hydrazide-l-ox- for [SIois chosen so that [SI0 < Ks and DO & k3[E]. [SIo/Ks. The conditions of the second procedure ide. The usefulness of cyanomethyl esters as acylating were approximated, as closely as was experimentally agents in other situations17 led us to prepare the cy- possible, by examining the kinetics of the a-chymoanomethyl ester of nicotinic acid-1-oxide. How- trypsin catalyzed hydrolysis of a-N-benzoyl-P-(4ever, under the conditions ordinarily used17 the pyridyl-1-oxide)- alanine methyl ester and of aabove ester did not react with L-phenylalanine N-(nicotinyl-1-oxide)-L-phenylalanine methyl ester a t values of [SI0 of 1.15 and 1.10 X M , respecmethyl ester. Attempts to oxidize a-N-nicotinyl-DL-phenylala- tively. In order to avoid differential losses of ennine methyl ester with hydrogen peroxide in glacial zyme to the surfaces of volumetric e q ~ i p m e n t , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ acetic acid gave only oils. However, the oxidation the same enzyme solution was used for both experiof a-N-nicotinyl-DL-phenylalanine to a-N-(nico- ments and a t a concentration of 2.32 X mg. tinyl-1-oxide)-DL-phenylalanine was successful protein-nitrogen per ml. or ca. 6.6 X lo-* M , based largely because the greater water solubility of the upon an assumed molecular weight of monomeric latter compound relative to the starting material a-chymotrypsin of 22,000 and a nitrogen content of permitted the ready isolation of the desired product. 16.0'%. This concentration was the minimum a t Esterification of a-N-(nicotinyl-l-oxide)-DL-phen-which the hydrolysis of a-N-benzoyl-P-(4-pyridylylalanine with methanol and thionyl chloride18gave 1-oxide)-L-alanine methyl ester could be followed a-N-(nicotinyl-1-oxide)-DL-phenylalanine methyl with a pH-StatZ1and the maximum a t which the ester. Enzymatic hydrolysis of the DL-eSter with hydrolysis of a-N-(nicotinyl-1-oxide)-L-phenylalaa-chymotrypsin gave a-N-(nicotinyl-1-oxide)-L- nine methyl ester could still be similarly observed. phenylalanine and a-N-(nicotinyl-1-oxide) -D-phen- The results of these experiments are summarized in ylalanine methyl ester. Esterification of the L- Table T . acid, with methanol and thionyl chloride,18gave aI t will be noted that the relationship between exN-(nicotinyl-1-oxide)-L-phenylalaninemethyl es- tent of reaction 7~s.time was essentially linear for the ter. This latter ester also was prepared by esterifi- former specific substrate and was non-linear for the cation of L-phenylalanine, acylation of the ester latter. While the assumption that vo = k3[E1[SIo:I with nicotinyl chloride, enzymatic hydrolysis to a- Ks demands that the above relationship be linear N-nicotinyl-L-phenylalanine, oxidation and finally in both cases, it must be remembered that with the former specific substrate the total extent of reaction esterification. I t has been noted p r e v i o ~ s l y 'that ~ kinetic stud- was but 3.970, whereas with the latter it was 80%. ies involving the use of a-N-acylated aromatic a- With an extent of reaction of the latter magnitude amino acid esters present experimental difficulties, it is not unreasonable to expect that inhibition of created by the requirement for relatively low en- the reaction by its reaction by its reaction products zyme concentrations, that still require solution. could lead to a significant departure from linearity. Since the problem a t hand was to compare the rela- Thus, as a reasonable approximation, we may assume that with both specific substrates vo & k3(14) B . M . Iselin, H. T. Huang, R . V. MacAllister and C . Niemann, [El [Slo!Ks. THISJOURNAL, 72, 1729 (1950). The value of 80 for the a-chymotrypsin-catalyzed (15) H . T. Huang and C . Niemann, i b i d . , 73, I555 (1951). (16) E . Ochiai, J . O r g . C h e m . , 18, 534 (1953). hydrolysis of a-N-(nicotinyl-1-oxide)-L-phenylala(17) R . Schwyzer, M . Feuer and B . Iselin, H e h . Chim. Acta, 38, 69,
83 (1955). (18) M . Brenner and W. Huber, ibid., 36, 1109 (1953). (19) T. H . Applewhite, H . Waite and C . Niemann, THISJ O U R N A L , 80, 1465 (1958).
(20) R . L . Bixler, Ph.D. Thesis, Calif. I n s t . Tech., Pasadena, Calif. (1957). (21) T . H. Applewhite, R . B . Martin and C . Niemann, THISJOURNAL, 80, 1457 (1958).
solution was held a t 90' for 16 hr., cooled, diluted with TABLE I 150 ml. of water and filtered. T h e precipitate was airCOMPARISON O F THE RATESO F THE a-CHYMOTRYPSIN-CATA- dried, to give 15.0 g. (71%) of product, m.p. 230" with dec. LYZED HSDKOLVSIS O F ~-N-BENZOYL-~-(~-PIKIDYL-~-OXIDE)This solid was suspended in 400 ml. of 0.5 A' hydrochloric L-ALANIXE METHYL ESTER (I) AND a-N- (XICOTINYL-~-acid. filtered and the residue recrvstallized from 1.6 1. o f water to give 12.0 g. (57%) of the iesired acid, m.p. 232.0OXIDE)-L-PHENYLALANINE METHYL ESTER(11)" 232.5' with dec. I I1 Anal. Calcd. for ClsHlaOdNn (286): C, 62.9; I I , 4.9; [sio= 1.15 x 10-4 ni [SI0 = 1.10 x lo-' 111 N,9.8. Found: C,63.0; H,5.0; N, 9.8. [NaOHIb = 1.162 X 10-3 J4 [XaOH]* = 4.65 X Izf 0-N-(Nicotinyl-1-oxide)-DL-phenylalanine Methyl Ester. [ElC= 2.32 X 10-4 mg. [ElC= 2.32 X lO-'mg. The ester was prepared z k z a thionyl chloride esterification'* P-?i/ml. P-N/ml. of the parent acid in 93'3' yield. The ester was obtained as [SaCl] = 0.02 .?I [NaCI] = 0.02 M an oil by the addition of pentane t o a concentrated chlorotd Scale reading6 Id Scale redding e form solution. The oil was crystallized by trituration with 0 0 0 0 rmter. Recrystallization from water gave a product, 2 4.5 0.4 40 0 m.p. 158.5-160' with dec. 0.8 71.5 4 9 0 Anal. Calcd. for C16H1~01N2 (300): C, 64.0; H, 5.4; N,9.3. Found: C,64.1; H , 5.3; N, 9.5. 1 2 95.0 6 13.5 a-N-(Nicotinyl-1-oxide)-L-phenylalanine.-Tn a suspen1 6 115 0 8 17.5 sion of 8.0 g. of the above ester in 200 ml. of water was 2.0 132 5 10 21.5 added 40 mg. of a-chymotrypsin and the pH of the solution 12 25.5 2.4 148.0 maintained between 7-8 by the addition of 1 ilr sodium hy2 8 160 5 14 29 5 droxide. The asymmetric hydrolysis was completed in 20 minutes. The resultant clear solution (the solubility of the 3.2 172.0 16 33.5 ester in water is about 2 g./100 ml.) was acidified to pH vg/ 2 . 6 5 x 10-7 Z'gf 5.43 x 10-5 2.0 with 12 N hydrochloric acid and allowed to stand for 30 minutes. T h e crystalline precipitate which had formed ~ol[EJ[Slo' 9.9 oo/[El [Slog 2130 was recovered and recrystallized from 200 ml. of water to yo Reaction 3 . 9 % Reaction 80 give 2.8 g. (7394) of L-acid, m.p. 218" with dec., [ a I z 5 ~ a In aqueous solutions a t 25' and pH 7.90 =k 0.01, -83.5" (c 1.67' in dimethplformamide). Apparent enzyme Concn. of base employed in pH-Stat. Anal. Calcd. for ClaHla04N2 (286): C, 62.9; H, 4.9; concentration. I n min. e I n units of ml. of base. N, 9.8. Found: C, 63.0; H , 4.9; N, 9.9. f In units of Mlmin., calculated as before21 by the empirical orthogonal polynomial procedure of Booman and Kiemann. This product was identical with that prepared by the hydrogen peroxide-acetic acid oxidation of a-K-nicotinyl-LIn units of ml./min. mg. protein-nitrogen per ml. phenylalanine. nine methyl ester was found to be ca. 200 times 0-N-(Nicotinyl-1-oxide)-L-phenylalanine Methyl Ester.greater than that for the comparable hydrolysis of Esterification of the L-acid as described for the DL-acid gave, cr-N-benzoyl-~-(4-pyridyl-l-oxide) -L-alanine methyl after recrystallization from water, 7 4 O 3 of the L-ester, ester. If, in both cases, vo k 3 [ E ] [ S ] 0 / K it s , fol- m.p. 161.0-161.2", [,Iz% -57.7' (c 1.77, in methanol). Anal. Calcd. for C16H1604N2 (300): C, 64.0; H , 5.4; lows that the values of ka/Ks for the two specific iY, 9.3. Found: C, 63.8; H, 5.6; iY,9.3. substrates differ similarly in magnitude. Since it Methyl Ester. is unlikely that the values of Ks for these two spe- -Thea-N-(Nicotinyl-1-oxide)-D-phenylalanine acidic filtrate resulting from the resolution of the DLcific substrates will differ by a factor significantly mixture, vide post, was neutralized t o p H 7 and saturated greater than 10, particularly in view of the observa- with salt. An oil formed which, upon standing in contact TTith the solution for two days, crystallized in the form of tion that the inhibition of the a-chymotrypsin needles. The crl-stalline D-ester was recovered, washed catalyzed hydrolysis of a-N-benzoyl-L-valine with water and dried in oacuo to give 2.8 g. (707,) of prodmethyl ester by a-N-benzoyl-P-(4-pyridyl- 1-oxide)- uct, m.p. 160-161°, +58.2' (c 2.1% in methanol). L-alaninate under comparable conditions led to a Anal. Calcd. for C16H1604N? (300): C, 04.0; H, 5.4; N, M , i t can be inferred that 9.3. Found: C, 63.8; H , 5.2; N, 9.2. value of K I = 20 the greater rate of the a-chymotrypsin-catalyzed a-N-Nicotinyl-L-phenylalanine.-To a solution prepared hydrolysis a-Tu'-(nicotinyl-1-oxide)-L-phenylalanine by the addition of 16.3 ml. (0.112 mole) of triethylamine t o methyl ester relative to that of a-N-benzoyl-P-(3- a suspension of 24.3 g . (0.112 mole) of 1,-phenylalanine ester hydrochloridez4in 150 ml. of dry chloroform, pyridyl-1-oxide)-L-alanine methyl ester can be methyl was added a solution prepared from 20.0 g. (0.112 mole) of ascribed to a larger value of Ka for the former specific nicotinyl chloride hydrochloride and 31.2 ml. (0.224 mole) substrate. Thus, accepting the validity of the pro- of triethylamine in 250 ml. of dry chloroform. The temceding assumptions, the prediction made earlier perature of the reaction mixture rose to A O O , and the red solution i m s allowed to stand for 90 minutes, after which time has been verified and the hypothesis upon which i t it turned a pale yel1ow color. The chloroform solution mas was based has received experimental support. extracted with t v o 150-ml. portions of water, 75 ml. of saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate, followed by 75 ml. Experimental 2 2 + 2 of water, dried over magnesium sulfate and the solvent removed in oacuo. The residual oil was partially dissolved a-N-Nicotinyl-DL-phenylalanine.-To a solution of 22 g. in 100 ml. of 307' aqueous-methanol, 50 mg. of a-cliymo(0.0775 mole) of a-?--nicotin).l-DL-phenylalanine methyl ester14in 500 ml. of methanol was added 39 ml. of 2 N sodium trypsin added and the pH of the solution maintained between pH 7-8 by the addition of l N sodium hydroxide. hydroxide (0.0775 mole) and the solution warmed for 1 hr. a t 50". The methanol was evaporated, the residue dis- The methanol was removed in a stream of air and the solution acidified t o pH 4.5. The resulting precipitate was resolved in water and acidified to PH 4.3. An oil formed crystallized from water t o give 27.2 g. (907,) of acid, m.p. which crystallized slowly to give, after recrystallization 176-177" dec., lit.l6 177-178'. from 'ivater, 20.0 g. (95%) of acid, m.p. 198-199' dec., Oxidation of this acid n-ith hydrogen peroxideacetic acid lit.24196". and then esterification, essentially as described for the a-N- (Nicotinyl-1-oxide)-DL-phenylalanine .--Twenty DL-compound, gave a-N-(nicqtinyl-1-oxide)-L-phenylgrams of the above acid was dissolved in 75 ml. of glacial acetic acid and 17 ml. of 30y0 hydrogen peroxide a t 90". The alanine methyl ester n-ith properties identical with those given above. Methyl Isonicotinate-I-oxide.-This ester was prepared (22) All melting points are corrected. by the hydrogen peroxide oxidation of methyl isonicotinale (23) hlicroanalyses by Dr. A , Blek. according to Ochiai.16 The product was recrystallized from (24) E. Wolf and A . hL. Seligrnan, ' h i s J O U R N A L , 73, 20% (1951). Q
June 5 , 1958
a mixture of 60-70' ligroin and chloroform to give 67% of colorless needles, m.p. 121.0-121.5". Anal. Calcd. for CIHIO~N (153): C, 54.9; H , 4.6. Found: C, 54.9; H, 4.6. Isonicotinyl Hydrazide-1-Oxide.-Reaction of the above ester with a twofold excess of hydrazine hydrate in warm methanol gave a 90% yield of the desired hydrazide, m.p. 229' dec., lit.25J8227' dec., 233-234'. Cyanomethyl Nicotinate-1-oxide.-Nicotinic acid-1-oxide was prepared by the method of Ochiai's to give 75y0 of the acid, m.p. 250-251', lit.27249". To a suspension of 10 g. (0.072 mole) of this acid in 100 ml. of dry ethyl acetate was added 15 ml. (0.108 mole) of triethylamine and 8.16 g. (0.108 mole) of chloroacetonitrile. The gummy mixture formed on the addition of triethylamine dissolved upon the addition of the chloroacetonitrile. The resultant clear yellow solution was held a t reflux for 90 minutes with stirring in order to break up the precipitate which formed. The stirred suspension was cooled in an ice-bath, filtered (25) M. Shimizu, T . Naito, G. Ohta, T . Yoshikawa and R . Dohmori, J . Phavm. Soc., J a p a n , 72, 1474 (1952); C. A . , 47, 8077h (1953). (26) M. Colonna and C . Runti, A n n . chim. (Rome), 43, 87 (1953); C. A . , 48, 33591 (1954). (27) G. R. Clemo and H . Koenig, J . Chem. SOL, 5231 (1949).
and the residue washed with 10 ml. of ethyl acetate. The residue was air dried, then suspended in 85 ml. of cold absolute methanol to remove the triethylamine hydrochloride, filtered, washed with 25 ml. of cold methanol and dried in vacuo. The product was recrystallized from ethyl acetate to give 10.0 g. (78%) of ester, m.p. 160-161'. Anal. Calcd. for CaH~03N2 (178): C, 53.9; H , 3.4; N, 15.7. Found: C, 53.7, 53.9; H, 3.6, 3.4; N, 15.8,
Enzyme Experiments.-The general method has been described previously.*l Other pertinent details are summarized in Table I. I n addition to the experiments described in Table I the value of K I for cu-N-benzoyl-P-(4pyridyl-1-oxide)-L-alaninate was evaluated against a-Nbenzoyl-L-valine methyl ester with [SI0 = 2.04 X M, [ I ] = 0.877 X M , [ E ] = 0.15 mg. protein-nitrogen per ml. and [NaCl] = 0.02 M . The value of vo obtained M/min. and the value of [S]o[E]/vo,10.7 was 2.86 X min./mg. protein-nitrogen per ml. Since for the same values of [SI!, [ E ] and [NaCl], but with [I] = 0, vo = 2.96 X M/min. and [S]a[E]/oa = 10.3 min./mg. protein-nitrogen per ml., it may be inferred that K I for a-N-benzoyl-,3-(4pyridyl-1-oxide)-L-alaninate is 20 X M a t pH 7.9 and 25'. PASADENA, CALIFORNIA
An enzyme has been separated from sheep liver acetone powders which converts citrovorum factor in the presence of adenosine triphosphate to a compound with an absorption spectrum similar to, but not identical with, that of N5,%nethenyltetrahydrofolic acid. The spectrum of the enzymatically-formed product has its absorption maximum a t 343 mp, instead acid. The enzymatically-formed material of a t 354 ma, which is the absorption maximum of NsJo-methenyltetrahydrofolic also differs from h'6,10-methenyltetrahydrofolic acid by being stable a t PH 6.8. I t is not readily decomposed by oxygen. The enzyme has its optimum activity a t about pH 4 and requires a free sulfhydryl group for activity. The Michaelis conM . The residual protein fraction, after extracstant of the enzyme for citrovorum factor was determined to be 1.7 X tion of the citrovorum factor cyclodehydrase, was found t o act synergistically with citrovorum factor cyclodehydrase in converting citrovorum factor to a compound which could not be converted t o N5~10-methenyltetrahydr~folic acid by acidification.
Introduction Recently we reported the partial purification and certain properties of a multi-enzyme system of sheep liver concerned with the conversion of citrovorum factor (N5-formyltetrahydrofol~cacid) to a serine aldolase cofactor.2 Subsequent investigations have enabled us to separate an enzyme from sheep liver acetone powders which converts citrovorum factor to a compound with a n absorption spectrum similar to that of anhydrocitrovorum factor (anhydroleucovorin, N5.l0-methyltetrahydrofolic acid). The enzyme was prepared by passing an aqueous extract of the acetone powder through an hydroxylapatite column (the aqueous eluate contained the enzyme) or by adsorption of the aqueous acetone powder extract on calcium phosphate gel (ge1:protein ratio 1.2 or more; protein (1) Taken in part from a dissertation submitted by James M. Peters in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree in Physiological Chemistry, University of California, June, 1957. Presented in part: 10th Meeting of the Pacific Slope Biochemical Conference, August 31, 1957, Berkeley, California, and 132nd Meeting of the American Chemical Society, September 9, 1957, New York, New York. Aided by research grants from the hTational Cancer Institute (CY-3175). United States Public Health Service and the American Cancer Society, California Division (151). (2) J. M. Peters and D. M. Greenberg, J . B i d . Chem., 226, 329
concentration 1% or less) followed by centrifugation of the gel (the supernatant fluid contained the TABLE I SUMMARY OF PURIFICATION OF SHEEPLIVER CITROVORUM FACTOR CYCLODEHYDRASE APApparent parent enzyme specific protein unitsa activper ml. per ml. ity
Aqueous extract of whole liver 22 0 0 Aqueous extract of acetone powder 24 30 1 Calcium phosphate gel fractionb 2 32 16 40-6070 satd. (NH&S04 fraction 105 2015 19 Calcium phosphate gel fraction of 4 5 5 5 % (NH4)2SO4 fraction 2 47 24 Calcium phosphate gel fraction after treatment with CM-cellulose" 1 72 72 One unit of citrovorum factor cyclodehydrase is defined as that amount of protein which will bring about a change in the optical density a t 343 mp of 0.001 unit in 30 minutes when incubated with 0.2 pmole leucovorin, 2 amoles ATP, 2 pmoles MgSOc and 100 pmoles of sodium citrate buffer, p H 6.0, in 3.0 ml. a t 25'. Calcium phosphate gel fraction = eluate from aqueous extract of acetone powder and calcium phosphate gel (ge1:protein ratio = 1.2 or more; protein concentration 1% or less). C The calcium phosphate gel fraction was negatively adsorbed a t p H 5.4 on carboxymethyl-cellulose .s