laboratory data control - ACS Publications

publications have been in infrared spec- troscopy of steroids and high polymers,. ATE, laboratory automation, rapid microbiology, emission and X-ray s...
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uvMonitor Ultraviolet Detector now available with 254 πΐμ or 280 m(J. source • Cell Volume: 8 μΙ • Max. Sensitivity: 0.0002 O.D. Using a unique optical and electronic measuring system*, the uvMonitor offers the high basic performance of more expensive instru­ ments at a price level typical of conventional monitors with much lower sensitivities and much larger cell volumes. This compact, versatile recording detector continuously monitors the absoibance at either 254 ιτιμ or 280 rri|i of one liquid stream or the differential absorbance between two strenms. Readout of absorbance of essentially monochromatic radiation is linear. Theiefoie. re­ cordings are directly proportional to concentration in accordance with Beer's law. Because of the extremely high sensitivity of the uvMonitor, even solutes which absorb very little at 254 mil or 280 m;i may be detected. A ηοπ-linoar range to 1.28 is also provided. When simultaneous monitoring of both UV and Rl is desired, the uvMonitor can be placed in series with the LDC rcfractoMonitor.™ Write or call today for full details on advanced designs in liquid chromatography detectors and accessories, whether ultraviolet, re­ fractive index or fluorescence monitoring. " U S and fore.qn ï'ntfirrs ηπΐ'Ιτ.'. înr



G. Phillip Hicks, born in Danville, 111., received his B.S. degree from the Uni­ versity of Illinois in 1959 and his P h . D . degree in analytical chemistry from T h e University of Wisconsin in 1963. I m ­ mediately after completing the work for the P h . D . degree, lie joined t h e faculty of t h e University of Wisconsin Medical School, where he is now Asso­ ciate Professor of Medicine and D i ­ rector of the Laboratory Computer F a ­ cility in the Medical Center. His research interests are in the auto­ mated measurement and analytical a p ­ plication of enzyme catalyzed reactions. In particular, he has published papers in t h e areas of continuous analysis based on enzyme reactions, automated methods for the separation of isoen­ zyme activities, and the analytical a p ­ plications of immobilized enzyme ac­ tivity. M o r e recently, he has been do­ ing computer research in the area of on-line data acquisition and control systems in hospital clinical laboratories. l i e is a member of Sigma Xi, ACS, AAAS, and AACC. Donald R. Johnson, E . I. du Pont de Nemours it Co., Wilmington, Del., re­ ceived his Β.Λ. at the University of Minnesota in 1949 and his P h . D . in analytical chemistry at t h e University of Wisconsin in 1954. He has been with Du Pont since 195:-! and has served in research in analytical and physical chemistry and spectroscopy and is now Research Manager in the Instrument and Equipment Division of Du Pout's Photo Products Dept. Dr. Johnson's principal interests and publications have been in infrared spec­ troscopy of steroids and high polymers, ΛΤΤ1, laboratory automation, rapid microbiology, emission and X-ray spec­ troscopy, unir, thermal analysis, and clinical chemistrv, l i e is a member of ACS, Coblentz Society, ISA, SAS, Phi L a m b d a Upsilon, and Sigma Xi. Dr. Johnson has been serving A N A ­ LYTICAL





Board member for t h e past year and a half, and t h e editors look forward to his continued help in his new role on the Instrumentation Advisory Panel.



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Marvin Margoshes is a Project Director at Digilab, Inc., Division of Block E n ­ gineering, Silver Spring, M d . A native of N e w York City, he received a 13.S. in chemistry from the Polytechnic Insti­ tute of Brooklyn in 1951 and a P h . D . in physical chemistry from Iowa State University in 1953. F r o m 1954 until 1957 he was a research fellow and re­ search associate at the Biophysics Re­ search Laboratory of t h e Peter Bent Brigham Hospital and t h e H a r v a r d