CORPORATION. 3000 Lakeview Avenue,. St. Joseph,Michigan 49085. CIRCLE 123 ON READER SERVICE CARD .... Data, National Bureau of Standards,...
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Report for Analytical Chemists

The moment of truth! stracts), molecular formula, structural formula with the assignments indicated, molecular weight, melting and boiling points (when known), source of compound, Sadtler ir number (when applicable), solvent and concentration, and any available physical data. Also included on the same page is a tabulation of assignments and pertinent instrument operating information and comments when needed.

If you had to determine the sulfur content of steel 450 times a shift, could your lab do it? Only if you had a 60-second sulfur determinator You may never be faced with such a herculean task, but if you were you could depend on our new IR-32 Sulfur Determinator to do the job accurately and with reproducible results. Its infrared detection system cuts to 60 seconds or less the time required for automatic sulfur determination in iron, steel or other materials. Results are displayed as percent of sulfur on a direct digital readout, with the range for a Vi-gram sample .0002% to .2%. Simple to operate, the new LECO 60-second Sulfur Determinator has a built-in digital weight compensator which permits easy adjustment for sample weight variations, to eliminate time-consuming manual calculations. There is no titrating, no solution to p r e p a r e or handle. And LECO solid state design increases calibration stability and simplifies service. LABORATORY EQUIPMENT CORPORATION


3000 Lakeview Avenue, St. Joseph, Michigan 49065

Alphabetical, numerical, and molecular formula indexes are provided to make the spectra easily accessible. Spectra are issued annually; as of 1968, 6000 were available. 3. Varian Associates, Analytical Instrument Division, Palo Alto, CA 94303. A "High Resolution N M R Spectra Catalog" is issued by Varian Associates in California. Compounds which meet the following criteria are included: (1) a spectrum with several interprétable chemical shift positions characteristic of functional groups frequently encountered in organic structure problems, (2) presence of more than a single line with interprétable fine structure illustrating either a chemical shift or spin-spin coupling pattern, and (3) availability of a sufficiently pure sample. Among the substances included are alkaloids, monomers, peroxides, steroids, terpenes, and vitamins. N m r spectra are presented as reproductions of instrument tracings with the abscissa as a dual scale in parts per million and cycles per second. Semistructural formulas are given with the assignments indicated on the formulas and their values tabulated. An alphanumeric system of coding proton chemical environments


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was set up to permit a search of the functional group contents of the spectra in the collection. T h e system is fully described, and examples of the coding are given. Three indexes—name, functional group, and the chemical shift—are provided. 4. Japan Electron Optics Laboratory Co., Ltd., "JEOL High Resolution NMR Spectra," published and distributed by Sadtler Laboratories, 3316 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, 1967, 225 spectra. This compilation is " J E O L High Resolution N M R Spectra." A variety of compounds is included : alkanes, alkylbenzenes, cyclohexane and its derivatives, heterocyclic compounds, ferrocenes, steroids, and polymers and their model compounds. Most of the polymer spectra were run a t elevated temperatures. T h e spectra are divided into three main groups: 60 Mc, 100 Mc, and Fluorine-19, and are presented as chart reproductions with the abscissa marked both in ppm and cps. Information on the chart includes: frequency, instrument sweep width, sweep time, response, solvent, concentration, reference (generally T M S for nonfluorine compounds), temperature, name of compound (as assigned by J E O L ) , structural formula, source of data, and remarks. A tabulation of chemical shifts is given for each spectrum. The collection includes 225 spectra (125 at 60 Mc, 65 at 100 Mc, and 35 at F-19), which represent somewhat fewer compounds since some appear in two of the groups. The compounds are presented as models, generally grouped according to structural characteristics being considered. Sadtler has provided various' indexes to the J E O L C O collection: alphabetical, molecular formula, chemical classes, chemical shift, and numeric sequence. 5. Joint Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physical Data, c / o S.A. Rossmassler, Business Secretary, Office of Standard Reference Data, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC 20234. The Joint Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physical D a t a has formed a subcommittee under the direction of B. Shapiro to examine and produce criteria for the recording and use of