Laboratory manual of physical chemistry. Fourth edition (Davison

courage the pioneering attitude. The written procedures are frequently so explicit, for example: “Turn off both gas and water before leaving the lab...
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A. W. Davison, Consultant OwensCorning Fiberglass Corp., H. S. vanKlooster, Emeritus Professor of Physical Chemistry. W. H. Bauer, Professor of Physical Chemistry, and G. I. lanz, Professor of Physical Chemistry, all of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Fourth edition. John Wiley & Sans, Inc., New York, 1956. viii 260 pp. 55 figs. 2 3 tables. 19.5 X 27 cm. Paper hound. $4.75.


THIS m m u d , now in its fourth edition, continues in the same form as the third edition featuring a spiral hinder, graph paper after the experiments requiring it, and an appendix where all information required for the experiments is tabulated. The manual consists of 51 experiments covering about 25 topics. Some topics such as colligative properties, kinetics, thermoehemistry and electro-motive force have four or five experiments each. Four expcrimcnts have been added since the last edition. These are: (1) dimerim tion of acetic acid; (2) Ramsey-Young method applied to solid and liquid salicylic acid; (3) the thaw-melt method applied to organic compounds; and (4) low temperature gas adsorption. The first and last of thcse involve high vacuum techniques. Thc coverage is fairly complete, with the exception of experiments involving the ~~ectrophotometer, chemical equilibrium in the liquid phase, fractional distillation, radiochemistry and photochemistry. In the introduction, the authors say, while referring to the purpose of the physicel chemistry laboratory; "[the studcnt] . . i s k i n g gradually led away from the 'accept it because it is so written' attitude of tho clnssrodm to the pioneering attitude of thc investigator." This indeed should he the goal of the physical chemis-

VOLUME 34, NO. 6, JUNE, 1951

try laboratory, but the reviewer doubts whether this manual does much to encourage the pioneering attitude. The written procedures arc frequently so explicit, for example: "Turn off both gas and nater before leaving the lahoratory," and "Regulate the flow of tap water through the condenser" that they may insult the intelligence of a promising chemistry major. References and suggestions for additional work for the curious student are for tho most part lacking. Outside of calculating results and plotting graphs, no evaluation of results or consideration of possible errors is suggested. The detailed instructions and excellent drawings make this manual most uscful for large classes of non-chemistry majors who have to be given a lahoratory with the minimum of instruction. E. E U G E N E WEAVER Wln~8n COLLEOE CRAWTORDBVLLL~, INDIAN.%


H. D. Crackford, Professor of Chemistry. University of North Carolina, and I. W. Nowell, Professor of Chemistry, Wake Forest College. John Wiley h Sons, Inc., New York, 1956. xi 184 pp. Many figs. and tables. 21 X 27 cm. Paper bound. $3.75.


T ~ r iss a worthy addition to an exiguous field. Therc wcre only four other physical chemistry manuals listed in the last Chemical Education Book Exhibit in contrast with 45 for general chemistry. I t is a hrief manual for s. semester or a year course. There are 33 experiments needing one or more laboratory periods depending on how much of the equipment

and reagents the student must prepaFe for himself. The outstanding features of this book are an initial section on calculations and instrumentation and an appendix of teaching aids. The first 38 pages are devoted to discussions and helpful eramples on dimensional analysis and treatment of data followed hy descriptions of the most used instruments with pictures and large, lucid diagrams. In diecussing the Fortin harameter, only the temperature rorrections (to 0.01 mm.) are given. Since, under some conditions, latitude, capillarity, and perhaps altitude call for corrections of tenths of a millimeter, a false impression of accuracy may he obtained. Indeed, coming a t the start of the physical chemistry course, the derivation qf the "true" atmospheric pressure from the raw barometer reading by correcting for all theae determinate errors makes a salutary exercise for the student who helicves that precise instruments must yield accurate readings. The appendix lists equipment, ehemicnls, and dircct,ions for making solutions for each csperimmt. This should prove valuahle to those actting up s new laharatory or for instructing t,he helpera in large courses. Most of the standard experiments arc hcre. Less common ones are those on: azeotropie mixtures; the nitrogen dioxide-tetrosidc equilibrium; the kinetics of the reaction between 2,bdinitrarhlorohenoene and piperidine as it recently appeared in THIS SOURNIL; huffcrs and pH; colloids, including determination of the gold number. This hook should he usahle in most heginning physicalehemistry courses. The student is expect,ed to write a report as directed by his particulsr teacher. There are no specific instructions ar report sheets for this so that the instructor is free to follow his preferences. However, firm remarks are given on the basic require-