LABORATORY OF THE MONTH | Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 3, 2012 - LABORATORY OF THE MONTH. Cite This:Anal. Chem.195426229A-31A. Publication Date (Print):February 1, 1954. Publication History...
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LABORATORY Mallinckrodt of research ~2s" T H I S l a b o r a t o r y we h a v e provided our chemists with t h e finest, newest e q u i p m e n t in laboratories of bright m o d ern design. W e feel these surroundings will a d d t o t h e pleasure our chemists find in their work a n d increase t h e p r o d u c t i v ity of our research p r o g r a m . " W i t h these words J o s e p h Fistcre, president of Mailinckrodt, opened t h e comp a n y ' s new organic research l a b o r a t o r y in S t . Louis. F e a t u r i n g several new ideas in floor l a y o u t a n d e q u i p m e n t design, t h i s lab is t h e first completed section of t h e new l a b o r a t o r y building. A c o m m i t t e e of M a l l i n c k r o d t ' s senior chemists poured their combined years of «experience i n t o t h e design a n d layout of t h e l a b o r a t o r y . D r . V. H . Wallingford headed t h e group which included C . R . Conard, E . C. Coyner, G. B . de la M a t e r , and G. L. M a r t i n . N e w million-dollar l a b o r a t o r y building is constructed of brick, reinforced concrete, a n d glass block. T h e interior walls are finished in soft green, blue, peach, a n d red, setting off t h e t w o - t o n e d K o r o seal a n d Terrafiex flooring. T h e building c o n t r a c t o r wTas t h e Dickie C o n s t r u c t i o n Co. of St. Louis, a n d t h e e q u i p m e n t was supplied b y K e w a u n e e L a b o r a t o r y E q u i p m e n t Co. of Adrian, Mich. {Continued

on page 30 A)

Distillation apparatus on one of the large racks which feature each laboratory b a y VOLUME

2 6, N O . 2, F E B R U A R Y




opens new lab in first step of facilities


MONTH expansion


Cost 1. Laboratory building cost 2. Cost of installation, equipment, and furnishings 3. Estimated cost to install future laboratories 4 . Estimated cost of projected two-floor research library, overhead bridges to connect old research laboratory, library, and new research laboratory 5. Estimated total cost current Mallinckrodt program to expand research facilities

$300,000 $250,000 $250,000

$200,000 $1,000,000

Space 1. Total area provided for research laboratories 20,000 sq. ft· 2. Total area of organic research laboratory 10,000 sq. ft· 3. Dimensions of b u i l d i n g — 2 4 3 ' - 6 " X 8 3 ' - 6 " Features 1. Laboratory area is divided into three major groups—research laboratories, general utility and instrument rooms, and office area 2. Extensive use has been made of warm colors in the offices, laboratories, and reception area. The latter area is also fitted with comfortable lounge furniture and display cases properly to welcome visitors 3. The laboratories are alternately single and double size, 2 0 ' X 4 0 ' and 4 0 ' X 4 0 ' , respectively 4. Use is made of glass block throughout the laboratory to provide diffused light without glare. Fluorescent lighting augments this natural lighting to provide a total of 30 foot candles 5. The laboratory's partitioning walls are the movable JohnsManville Transitone type, tinted asbestos panels attached by clips to steel frames 6. The laboratory equipment has been designed and arranged for greatest efficiency, convenience, and safety. Each area is provided with a distillation rack for mounting apparatus. These nine-foot-high racks simplify the problem of mounting several units of test equipment together. A special instrument room, including a darkroom, serves the whole laboratory 7. All hoods are of low velocity t y p e , with hood faces flared to streamline the entering air for efficient operation. Alternate hoods are easily convertible to floor level t y p e to accommodate larger apparatus 8. The laboratory floors are covered with plastic tile which combines attractive appearance with excellent resistance 29 A


Bench-height low-velocity fume hoods provide convenience, safety, and efficiency of fume disposal

Research chemist and technician observe chromatographic analysis

John R. Ruhoff (right), vice president and technical director, and Vernon H. W a l l i n g f o r d , director of organic research, examine a display setup during the open house last month

Desk space is provided for each research worker, and adequate filing space permits proper storing of reports and correspondence

Research chemist observing curve as it came off the recording infrared spectrophotometer The absorption of light of a compound is measured by a Beckman spectrophotometer

V O L U M E 2 6, NO. 2, F E B R U A R Y


31 A