Large Nonlinear Optical Responses of Dimers Bearing a Donor and

Nov 18, 2014 - Normal University, Huai'an 223300, People's Republic of China. •S Supporting Information. ABSTRACT: Unusual long, multicenter dimers ...
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Large Nonlinear Optical Responses of Dimers Bearing a Donor and Acceptor: Long, Intradimer Multicenter Bonding Wen-Yong Wang,† Yu-He Kan,*,‡ Li Wang,† Shi-Ling Sun,† and Yong-Qing Qiu*,† †

Institute of Functional Material Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, People’s Republic of China ‡ Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Chemistry of Low-Dimensional Materials, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an 223300, People’s Republic of China S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Unusual long, multicenter dimers bearing a large electron donor and acceptor have been the subject of great interest over the last decades due to their better conducting, superconducting, magnetic, or other physical properties. Twoelectron, multicenter bonding between two interplanar fragments has been recently recognized as a novel and important bonding interaction. Herein, the [TTF][TCNE], [TTF][TCNQ], [TTF][TCNP], and [TTF][TCNB] dimeric species have been studied by quantum mechanics methods with the view of assessing their interactions and first hyperpolarizabilities. It is found that the stabilities of the dimers primarily originate from the electrostatic bonding component. Although to a lesser extent, long, multicenter interactions due to the overlap of the molecular orbitals of the monomers are important also in the stability of these systems. Significantly, a severe hyperpolarizability decrease with changing the acceptor monomers of the dimeric species is qualitatively explained in terms of change in their charge transfer patterns. It indicates that the first hyperpolarizabilities of these dimers can be optimized by controlling their relative acceptor monomers. We believe that these results shall provide important information for further exploration of long, multicenter dimers with versatile and fascinating nonlinear optical properties.


Chart 1. Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO) and MO Diagram for [TCNE]22−

It is evident that over the past several years, incredible progress has been made in terms of identifying long, multicenter bonding that was first introduced to describe the structure, electronic and magnetic properties of [TCNE]22− dimer (TCNE = tetracyanoethylene).1−3 The [TCNE]22− dimer, resulting from the dimerization of two [TCNE]•‑ anions, represents an unusual class of organic compounds that possess exceptionally long intradimer carbon−carbon (C−C) bond distance (that is, 2.9 A°) involving two electrons and fourcenter carbon atoms.4−6 This long C−C bond has the similar electronic property as conventional covalent bond, excepting that its distance is much longer than that for the conventional covalent C−C bond ( [TTF][TCNQ] > [TTF][TCNP] > [TTF][TCNB]. And this holds for all the corresponding projection of β on dipole moment vector (βvec) values we considered here. The hyperpolarizability magnitudes listed in Table 3 are found comparable to those of long, multicenter bonding molecules previously studied by Zhong et al.80 and ferrocene-based complexes studied by us.26,81 Moreover, βvec match well with βtot, since the dipole moment has no vanished.82 Also, when the charge transfer is unidirectional and parallel to the molecular dipole moment, the βvec should be very identical to βtot. What makes these results more increasing to rationalize is the fact that, for all dimers, the sign of βvec is defined by βy. Another interesting point that bearing mention is that the evidenced hyperpolarizability variations (with the exception of [TTF][TCNQ]) show obvious connection with the respective HOMO−LUMO gaps (Figure 4). Further, a severe hyperpolarizability decreases with the change of the acceptor monomers, indicating that such motifs may offer considerable flexibility in optimizing their NLO properties by controlling the relative acceptor monomers. Since hyperpolarizabilities are derivatives of the molecular energy with respect to the strength of the applied electric field, thus their theoretically calculated values may be sensitive to basis-set feature. Hence, the problem of basis-set incompleteness and superposition error appears. We now turn our attention to the hyperpolarizability of [TTF][TCNE] calculated at various basis sets (Table 4). [TTF][TCNE] was Table 4. First Hyperpolarizabilities (10−30 esu) of [TTF][TCNE] Calculated at the CAM-B3LYP Level Using Various Basis Sets basis set






6-31G(d) 6-31G(d,p) 6-31G(2d,p) 6-31+G(d) 6-31+G(d,p) 6-31++G(d,p) 6-311G(d) 6-311+G(d,p) 6-311+G(2df,2pd) 6-311++G(3df,2pd)

−9.6 −9.6 −9.2 −10.4 −10.4 −10.4 −10.7 −10.6 −10.5 −10.2

85.2 85.1 78.4 81.5 81.4 81.3 88.5 82.2 79.1 77.5

−20.2 −20.2 −19.0 −20.5 −20.4 −20.4 −31.1 −20.6 −20.0 −19.7

88.1 88.0 81.2 84.7 84.6 84.4 91.6 85.4 82.2 80.6

87.9 87.8 81.0 84.5 84.5 84.3 91.3 85.2 82.1 80.5

selected as an ideal case because this dimer provides the larger hyperpolarizability. It is worth noticing that the 6-31+G(d,p)

Table 5. Excited Transition Energies (ΔE, eV), Oscillator Strengths (fos), and Major Molecular Orbital Contributions of the Dimers Calculated at the CAM-B3LYP/6-31+G(d) Level molecule



MO transition


1.52 3.14 1.55 5.80

0.1117 0.7457 0.0085 0.5184

HOMO → LUMO(100%) HOMO−1 → LUMO (94%) HOMO → LUMO+1 (100%) HOMO−4 → LUMO+1 (39%) HOMO → LUMO+12 (27%) HOMO−5 → LUMO (17%)

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contribute to their overall hyperpolarizability values. The crucial transition contributions of [TTF][TCNE], [TTF][TCNQ] and [TTF][TCNP] represent at least 60% of overall hyperpolarizability with exception of [TTF][TCNB] closed to 50%, rendering it possible to use two-level model to qualitative analysis of these dimers. The ΔE values at the crucial transition states that contribute the most to the hyperpolarizabilities are listed in Table 5. The ΔE values increase in the order of [TTF][TCNE] (1.52 eV) < [TTF][TCNP] (1.55 eV) < [TTF][TCNQ] (3.14 eV) < [TTF][TCNB] (5.80 eV). However, instead of the ΔE value of [TTF][TCNQ] falling between those of [TTF][TCNE] and [TTF][TCNP], the ΔE value of [TTF][TCNQ] is larger than those of [TTF][TCNP], indicating that the sequence of βtot values could not be determined only in terms of ΔE values. For this reason, we focus on the other controlling factors of βtot values, i.e., oscillator strength. What is intriguing here is that the oscillator strength of [TTF][TCNP] is particularly small, which is mainly attributed to the small overlap between the orbitals of HOMO and LUMO+1 (because the CT at this state arises from HOMO to LUMO+1). What’s more, the monotonic dependence of the first hyperpolarizability on the f/ΔE3 is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 6. 3D contour plots of the MOs involved in the crucial electronic transitions of the dimers.

Figure 7. EDDM corresponding to the crucial electronic transitions of the dimers. Green and yellow colors indicate depletion and accumulation of electron density, respectively.

Figure 5. Relationship between the βtot values (green square) and the corresponding f/ΔE3 values (orange circle) for the four dimers.

TTF and TCNB fragments coupled with intramolecular CT within the TCNB moiety. And the transition pattern is also confirmed by the EDDM (Figure 7). Over all, the results show some important changes in the CT pattern that are accompanied by significant differences on the corresponding first hyperpolarizability properties.

To further understand the origin of the transition property, we focused on the molecular orbitals of the crucial transition states of the four dimers. As shown in Table 5, the electronic transition of [TTF][TCNE] arises from the HOMO → LUMO excitation. Taking into account the shape of the MOs (Figure 6) and relevant electron density difference maps (EDDM) (Figure 7), this transition could be assigned as intramolecular CT transition from TTF to TCNE fragments, since the electronic distribution of HOMO is mainly located at the TTF moiety while the LUMO is mainly concentrated on the TCNE moiety. Similar to electronic transition of [TTF][TCNE], the electronic transition of [TTF][TCNP] is ascribed as TTF to TCNE transition. Compound [TTF][TCNQ], however, exhibits a remarkably different charge transfer transition. This transition from HOMO−1 → LUMO corresponds to the local transitions occurred within the TCNQ fragment, which is also essentially reflected by the TDM in the Figure S5 of the Supporting Information. As seen, the coherence between atoms in TCNQ fragment is very strong. Contrary, for [TTF][TCNB], the complexity of the CT transition increases, indicating that the CT is the mixture of interlayer CT between

4. CONCLUSION In this work, the interactions of the long, intradimer multicenter [TTF][TCNE], [TTF][TCNQ], [TTF][TCNP], and [TTF][TCNB] dimers have been systematically investigated by quantum mechanics methods. The long, multicenter bonding has five, eight, 10, and eight BCPs, respectively, and thus always involves two electrons with 10, 16, and 17, and 16 bonding atoms for these dimers, respectively. Our computational work has demonstrated that the large electrostatic interactions stabilize the long-bond formation, while the SOMO−SOMO overlap plays also an important role in the stabilities of the dimers, which thus significantly different from the typical long, multicenter bonds of [TTF] 22+ and [TCNE]22−. The long, multicenter bonding in [TTF][TCNP] and [TTF][TCNB] dimers result from the dominant electroH | J. Phys. Chem. C XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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static component that enable the fragments to approach each other so that their molecular geometries substantially change. Interestingly, the first hyperpolarizabilities are significantly dependent on the acceptor monomers, indicating that the NLO properties of these dimers can be optimized by controlling their relative acceptor monomers. These differences on the first hyperpolarizabilities are found due to the changes in the CT pattern. Furthermore, it was established that these dimers possess notable hyperpolarizabilities, particularly [TTF][TCNE], which display obvious charge transfer transition from TTF to TCNE. It obviously that these long, multicenter bonding molecules are promising materials with highly efficient NLO properties.


S Supporting Information *

Figures and tables giving the stretching monomer−monomer vibrational frequencies and modes, NBO and AIM charge, properties of the BCPs, molecular orbital energy, orbital compositions, density of states, tensorial components, dipolar and octupolar contributions to the first hyperpolarizabilities, position of the intermolecular BCPs, molecular orbitals of bonding character, convergent behavior of βtot values of the dimers dependent on the first 40 states, and the transition density matrix. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at


Corresponding Authors

*(Y.-Q.Q.) E-mail: [email protected]. Telephone: +86 431 85099291. *(Y.-H.K.) E-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21173035).


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