Large Polyfluorinated Anions Used To Generate Coordinative

2.96 (1); Ag3-F35, 3.09 (2); C4-Ag-C4\ 180; Ag3-C4-04, 179 (2). (Reproduced with permission from ref 30. Copyright 1993 ACS.) Figure 4. Structure of t...
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Chapter 21

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L a r g e Polyfluorinated A n i o n s U s e d T o Generate Coordinative U n s a t u r a t i o n in Cations Paul K. Hurlburt, Dawn M. Van Seggen, Jeffrey J. Rack, and Steven H. Strauss Department of Chemistry, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 The search for anions that are larger and more weakly coordinating than BF4-, PF6-, etc. has led to the study of species such as B(OTeF5)4-, Zn(OTeF )42-, Pd(OTeF ) 2-, Ti(OTeF ) 2-,Nb(OTeF )6-,and Sb(OTeF5)6-. The pentafluorooxotellurate (OTeF5) groups do not transfer a fluoride ion to cationic electrophiles. However, the B(OTeF5)4- ion has been found to transfer an intactOTeF5-anion to H ,Ag+,SiR3+,and Fe(porphyrin) . On the other hand, the Nb(OTeF5)6- and Sb(OTeF5)6- anions are much more stable in the presence of cationic electrophiles, probably because their oxygen atoms are not as accessible to the electrophiles as those in the B(OTeF5)4anion. These OTeF5 based anions have allowed unusual complexes to be isolated and structurally characterized, including [Ag(CO)] , [Ag(CO) ] ,[Ag(CH Cl ) ]+,and [Ag(CH Cl ) ] . 5

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It is now widely recognized that under certain circumstances the classical "noncoordinating" anions CIO4-, SO3CF3- S0 F-, BF4-, PF ", AsF - and SbF ~ can coordinate to metal ions from all regions of the periodic table. This chemistry has been the subject of a number of reviews (1-4). Here we will focus on polyfluorinated anions that are larger and even more weakly coordinating than those mentioned above. These anions are derivatives of the OTeF5 group, and include B(OTeF5)4~, Zn(OTeF ) - Pd(OTeF ) -, Ti(OTeF ) - Nb(OTeF)-B(OTeF5) ] are involved in these reactions. Control experiments proved that OTeFs did not readily dissociate from B(OTeF5)4~: there was no isotope exchange, even after weeks, when [TBA][ OTeF5] was mixed with [TBA][B(160TeF5)4] in dichloromethane at 22°C (TBA = tetrabutylammonium cation). The presence of an electrophile was definitely required to effect the exchange. For example, 0 NMR experiments showed that complete isotope exchange occured within 1 h when H OTeF or Ag OTeFs were mixed with [TBA][B(160TeF )4] (22b). Therefore, despite the large size and diffuse charge of the B(OTeF5)4~ anion, its usefulness as a weakly coordinating anion is limited: it too easily fragments into OTeF5~ and B(OTeF5) in the presence of strong electrophiles. We have also succeeded in isolating hygroscopic, thermally labile crystals of [Ag(CO)2][B(OTeF5)4], and have determined that it contains two-coordinate, roughly linear [Ag(CO)2] complex ions (30). This was the first structural evidence for a simple two-coordinate M(CO)2 complex of any metal, although manometric and 6

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In Inorganic Fluorine Chemistry; Thrasher, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


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Large Polyfluorinated Anions

Figure 1. Structure of the centrosymmetric [Ag(CH Cl2) ]2[P Ag(CO)OTeF + B(OTeF ) + CO 2






However, we have found that the salts Ag Zn(OTeF5>4 and Ag2Ti(OTeF5>6 (see below) form more stable 1:1 and 1:2 (Ag:CO) adducts when subjected to pressures of CO that are < 1 atm. The values of v(CO) for [Ag(CO)] [Zn(OTeF ) ] and [Ag(CO)] [Ti(OTeF ) ] are 2203 and 2207 cm- , respectively, while Vasym(CO) for [Ag(CO) ] [Zn(OTeF5) ] and [Ag(CO)2]2[Ti(OTeF ) ] are both 2198 cm" . All of these values are much higher than in free CO (2143 cm ), an indication of an increase in C-O bond order upon coordination to Ag(I). We propose that discrete, twocoordinate, linear [Ag(CO)2] cations are also present in [Ag(CO)2] [Zn(OTeF5)4] and [Ag(CO)2] [Ti(OTeF5)6]. Raman spectroscopy may confirm this prediction, but so far fluorescence has prevented adequate spectra from being recorded. Since π-backbonding normally decreases v(CO), it is sensible to conclude that there is little or no π-backbonding in [Ag(CO)2] . This conclusion is not in conflict with the fact that VasymiCO) for [Au(CO)2] , 2236 cm" (33a), is higher by 38 cm" than our value of 2198 c m for [Ag(CO)2] . Some might argue, based on the v(CO) values, that π-backbonding must be less in [Au(CO) ] than in [Ag(CO)2] and therefore π-backbonding is not negligible in [Ag(CO)2] . We believe, however, that the higher value for the gold compound is the result of stronger Au-C σ-bonding, not less π-backbonding. This must be the case since the CO ligands in [Au(CO) ][Sb Fn] are not labile (33a), and hence are more strongly bound than the CO ligands in [Ag(CO)2][B(OTeF ) ]. 2












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M(OTeF5)6 . We have investigated a class of even larger, polyfluorinated complex anions and have found that they are (i) much less coordinating, (ii) much more stable in the presence of electrophiles, and (iii) much more solubilizing in weakly coordinating solvents than either B(OTeF5)4~ or Pd(OTeF5)4 ~ (22a,b). The anions include Nb(OTeF5)6~ and Ti(OTeF5)6 ~, which had been prepared previously as their TBA+ (35) or Cs+ (36) salts, respectively. We have prepared these and other A g salts by mixing either MCI5 (M = Nb, Ta, Sb) or MCI4 (M = Ti, Zr, Hf) with six equivalents of AgOTeFs in 1,1,2-trichlorotrifluoroethane (CFC-113): 2



MCI5 + 6 AgOTeF MCI4 + 6AgOTeF

CFC-113 5


AgM(OTeF ) + 5 AgCl 5



Ag M(OTeF )6 + 4AgCl 2


In Inorganic Fluorine Chemistry; Thrasher, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


Large Polyfluorinated Anions


The compound [Ag(CH2Cl2)3]2[Ti(OTeF5)6] was obtained by recrystallization of Ag2Ti(OTeF5)6 from dichloromethane. Its structure, shown in Figure 4, consists of centrosymmetric Ti(OTeF5)6 ~ anions that bridge two symmetry related [Ag(CH2Cl2)3] cations. To within experimental error, the anion has an octahedral TiC>6 core, and the geometry of the OTeF5 groups is normal. Three bidentate dichloromethane ligands coordinate to silver in the [Ag(CH2Cl2)3] cation. The Ag-Cl bond distances range from 2.656 (3) to 3.049 (4) À (22b), which is a greater range of values than was found in [Ag(CH2Cl2)2]2[Pd(OTeF5)4]. The most significant feature of the structure is the absence of Ag-0 bonds, which are present in [Ag(CH2Cl2)2]2[Pd(OTeF5)4], AgB(OTeFs)4, and [Ag(CO)][B(OTeF5)4]. Instead, each [Ag(CH2Ci2)3] cation is only extremely weakly coordinated to the Ti(OTeF5)6 ~ anion by two Ag-F contacts of 3.029 (8) and 3.033 (6) À. The relative strength of anion binding to A g is also evident in the number of dichloromethane molecules coordinated to A g : three in [Ag(CH Cl )3]2[Ti(OTeF5)6] but only two in [Ag(CH Cl2)2]2[Pd(OTeF5)4]. Thus, with this new class of octahedral anions, we should be able to more effectively "decouple" cations from their counterions. In contrast with the B(OTeF5)4~ anion, Nb(OTeF5)6~ does not undergo rapid exchange with labelled OTeFs in the presence of electrophilic cations such as H and Ag+. For example, when [TBA][Nb( OTeF5)6] and H O T e F were mixed in dichloromethane at 22°C, IR spectra showed that isotope scrambling was only 22% complete after 47 h. The presence of a larger cation had an even more dramatic effect: when AgNb( OTeF5>6 and Ag OTeF5 were mixed in dichloromethane at 22°C, no exchange was observed after 72 h. The anion Sb(OTeF5)6~ is even more stable: it does not exchange teflate groups with Hl OTeF5 even after 168 h. Based on the structure of [Ag(CH2Cl2)3MTi(OTeF5)6], we propose that electrophiles such as Ag+ cannot form bridge bonds to the oxygen atoms of Nb(OTeF5)6" and Sb(OTeF5)6~, and that even H cannot form bridge bonds to the oxygen atoms of Sb(OTeF5)6". Without such bridge bonds, abstraction of OTeFs by even the strongest electrophiles will not occur rapidly. Thus, steric hindrance causes a kinetic stabilization of Nb(OTeF5)6" and Sb(OTeF5)6~ in the presence of electrophilic cations. Our new silver salts are freely soluble in weakly coordinating, low dielectric solvents such as chlorinated hydrocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons. For example, the solubility of Ag2Pd(OTeFs)4 in dichloromethane at 22°C (ε ~ 9.1) is only 0.35 M , while the solubility of Ag2Ti(OTeF5)6 is many times higher (in fact, its solubility is sufficiently high that measuring it quantitatively has been problematic). An even more striking example of solubilizing ability is evident when comparing solubilities in ΟΡΟ­ Ι 13 at 22°C (ε ~ 2.4): AgOTeF , insoluble; AgB(OTeF ) ,0.004 M ; AgNb(OTeF ) , 0.4 M . These data prove that appreciable concentrations of metal ions can be produced in solvents that are even more weakly coordinating than dichloromethane if the counterion is large enough and weakly coordinating enough. Whether salts such as [Fe(porphyrin)][Nb(OTeF5)6] and [SiR3][Sb(OTeFs)6] can be isolated and fully characterized remains to be seen. These salts would probably represent the closest thing possible to coordinative unsaturation in cations in a condensed phase. 2



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In Inorganic Fluorine Chemistry; Thrasher, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



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Figure 3. Structure of one of the centrosymmetric [Ag(CO)2] cations and the four B(OTeF5)4" anions that surround it in [Ag(CO) ][B(OTeF5)4]. Selected distances (Â) and angles (deg): Ag3-C4, 2.14 (3); C4-04, 1.08 (4); Ag3-F9, 2.96 (1); Ag3-F35, 3.09 (2); C4-Ag-C4\ 180; Ag3-C4-04, 179 (2). (Reproduced with permissionfromref 30. Copyright 1993 ACS.) 2

Figure 4. Structure of the centrosymmetric [Ag(CH2Cl2)3l2[Ti(OTeF5)6] formula unit. The unlabeled open spheres are carbon atoms, the unlabeled large highlighted spheres are tellurium atoms, and the unlabeled small highlighted spheres are fluorine atoms. Hydrogen atoms have been omitted for clarity. Selected distances (Â): Ag-Cl, 2.656 (3)-3.049 (4); Ag-Fl, 3.029 (8); Ag-F6, 3.033 (6). (Reproduced with permission from ref 21. Copyright 1993 ACS.)

In Inorganic Fluorine Chemistry; Thrasher, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

21. HURLBURT ET AL. Large PolyfluorinatedAnions


Acknowledgment Our work in this area has been supported by the Research Corporation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the National Science Foundation. We thank Susie M. Miller for experimental assistance. PKH and JJR thank the U.S. Department of Education for fellowship support under the Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need Program (Grant No. P200A10210). Literature Cited Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on May 2, 2013 | Publication Date: April 29, 1994 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1994-0555.ch021

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In Inorganic Fluorine Chemistry; Thrasher, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.