Latest Selective Service Data - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Latest Selective Service Data. Chem. Eng. News , 1944 .... Professor Li-Qun Gu is a Professor of Bioengineering at the Dalton Cardiovascular Research ...
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distilled water of a fraction of the cost!

NEWS-Scripts Employers. are advised that when a certified F o r m 42-A Special (green) is refused by a s t a t e director or by a local board the certifying agency has the right (indeed it has the d u t y ) t o appeal the case first to the state director and, if necessary, to the National Headquarters. Employers with such cases should keep t h e appropriate certifying agency informed immediately of any developments.


Whether it's 10 gallons per hour from a laboratory unit (above) . . . or 60,000 gallons per hour from a factory unit (below) ...

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10,000 gallons of pure water (replacing distilled water) for less than a dollar! When your water supply is low in dissolved solids, cost may be considerably less! ILLCO-WAY De-ionizing units, in actual operation today, are meeting the most exacting standards in leading war industries: SYNTHETIC RUBBER . . . AIRCRAFT ENGINE ALUMINUM . .. MIRROR ... METAL PLATING CERAMIC . . . EXPLOSIVES . . . PHARMACEUTICAL SILICA GEL . . . CHEMICAL . . . BUTADIENE DlSTILLIRlES . . . LABORATORIES

If you use pure water in any of your processes or products—investigate! Write for literature.

ILLINOIS WATER TREATMENT CO. 8 4 5 - 6 C e d a r Street,

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* *

Again w e repeat the desirability of employers reporting to t h e National Roster the name and if possible the serial number of every technically trained employee inducted into t h e Axmed Services. We also stress t h e desirability for all chemists, chemical engineers, e t c . , already in the Armed Forces or now voluntarily enlisting to supply the Hoster with these data. D o this regardless of what kind of service you are performing in the Armed Forces. The Roster is the one clearing house for such information a.nd the o n e agency that can keep the A r m y , N a v y , the War Manpower Commission, a n d Selective Service posted and up t o date on America's technical manpower. I f i t becomes necessary t o bring m e n back into production and research it will be t h e National Roster that will supply such data. Without delay inform t h e Roster a n d keep it advised o n as much information a s y o u can provide. It is specially desirable that all chemists and chemical engineers in t h e Chemical Warfare Service register with t h e Roster (if this has n o t been done previously) and keep the Roster informed o f t h e type of work they are doing in so far a s such work i s not a military secret. T h e National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel i s located a t 1O06 XJ S t . , N . W., Washington 25, D . C .

* * * Among t h e authors of papers in the June Analytical Eclition of I . & E. C. are Messrs. Bliss and J o y and Miss Money. If names mean anything, the J u n e issue of Analytical should b e a lucky number. Makepeace and Craft are co-authors of another article. * * *

The Q u inn-nine vs. Quinn-een Argument According to one of t h e most widely known organic chemists in the country, the proper pronunciation for quinine is "quiim-nine" (like the family name and the numeral). S a y s our informant: This pronunciation ia a bit troublesome because it does not agree with the dictionary.


Unfortunately, the dictionaries axe wrong in this case. T h e reason that t h e usual pronunciation given in the dictionary cannot be used is because there is another substance— quinene—which is related to quinine which is pronounced Quinn-een. The alternative pronunciation of "kwynine" is bad because quinine i& related t o a whole group of other chemical compounds such as quinoline, quinidine, quinic acid, etc., which no self-respecting cnemiat would pronounce as anything except—quinn-etc.

T h e following editorial is reprinted from the June issue of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry:

Y O U A r e Public Relations N D E E D , i t is true that to a considerable * extent material printed in thus and otber Itechnical journals on the subject of deferment of chemists, chemical engineers, etc., can be characterized largely a s "talking to ourselves*'. We editors realize this, but publish such material first, to keep our membership posted, employers informed, and second, to provide authoritative ammunition and catalysts for what we hope will be efforts by thousands of chemists, chemical engineers, and executives to publicize in hundreds of ways the shortsighted policy of taking technical manpower away from production and research -where it is critically needed to -win this war i n the shortest possible time. Fortunately,




SOCTETT News Service brings to the lay press of America all pertinent statements on this important subject appearing in our journals and CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS is

read by a large number of editors, science editors, and writers on technical subjects. You are not absolved, however, from doing your part. Although you may not have the opportunity to write an editorial in The Saturday Evening Poet, as did Dean Whitmore, nevertheless, you can write your representatives in Congress, your newspapers, magasines, etc., and you can educate your lay friends concerning the danger o f the present draft practices both to the war effort and to the postwar period. An aroused public, equipped with the essential facts, can and will do wonders, but everybody must participate to win. Back issues of CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS give the

vital facts.

Latest Selective Service Data Brief and clear directions t o employees will be furnished from time t o time in CHEMICAL AND ENXJINBEBWO

N E W S as they become available. The latest procedures regarding Selective Service and the deferment o f chemists and chemical engineers will be found on pages 1604, 1719, a n d 2024 o f CHEMICAL AKD ENGINEERING NEWS,

Vol. 21 (1943) ; on pages 103,131,268, 337, 361, 398, on the insert in the March 2 5 issue facing p a s * 446, and on pages 626, 681, 688, 7 3 2 , of CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NE-WS, Vol. 2 2

(1944); and o n pages 290, 385, 485, and 486 of Vol. 36 of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.