Lead and Its Alloys - ACS Publications

which austenite begins to form during heating.) LITERATURE. CITED. (1) Adams, R.L., Metal Progress, 54, 46S (1948). (2) Anon., Nickel Topics, 1, No. 5...
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Vol. 41, No. 10



0.35 to 1.0% manganese, 0.15 to 0.30% silicon, 0.04% maximum 0*040Jo phosphorus’ and to lo%

Optimum properties were developed by double normalizing followed by reheating t o a temperature within the range between the true and conventional Acl temperatures to convert carbides to high carbon, nickel austenite. (hcl is the temperature a t which austenite begins t o form during heating. ) LITERATURE ClTED

.%dams.€1. L., Metal Progress. 54, 468 (1948). Anon., 12’ickeZ Topics, I, No. 5 (1948). Ibid., 2,No. 1 (1948). Ibid., No.3 (1948). Black, Geo., Am. Machinist, 92,No. 23 (1948). Braun. F.C.,Metal Progress, 54, 471 (1948). Brophy, G.R.,and Miller, A. J., Trans. Am. Soc. M & ~ l s ,XLI, 1185 (1949).

Cardwell, P. H., and Martincz, S. J., IND. ENG.CHEM.,40, 1950 (1948).

Hawoith, 11. D., J r . , Trans. Am. SOC.Metals, XLI, 819 (1949). Heinemann, Gustave, Corrosion. 4, 519 (1948). Hudson, J. C.,J . Iron SteelInst , 160, Part 3,276 (1948).

(12) Hudson, J. C.,and Banfield, T. .%.,Ibid., 151, Part 1, 99-110 (1948). (13) Kaplan, Nathan, and Andrews, K. J . , ISD. ENG. CHEY., 40, 1946 (1948). (14) Lustman, Benjamin, Materialu and Methods, 28, No. 6 , 97 (1948). (19 Manuel, R W., Steel, 121, No. 16, 82 (1947). (16) Mears, R . B.,and Sjnder, S. C’,, IVD. ESG.CIIiEsf., 39, 1219 34 (1947). (17) I b k ] 40, 1798-800 (1948). (18) Miller, R. F..Prtroleum Enyr., 19,KO.-1. 1T8 (1948). (19) Morral, F. It., Wire and Wire Products, 23, 484-9; 571--!l (1948). (20) Reese, D. J., Metal Progress, 53, No. 4,539 (1948). (21) Robinson, E. L., Trans. Am. SOC.Mech. Engrs., 70, 855 (1948). ( 2 2 ) Schulze, W.A , , Lyon, J. P., and Short, G . H., IND.ESG. CHEY.. 40, 2308 (1948). (23) Spitz, A.W., Chem. Eng., 55, Xo. 5,235 (1948). (24) White, W. H., and Elsea, A . It., I r o n A g e , 162, No. 19, 106 (1948). ( 2 5 ) Wilder, A. B., and Light, J. O . , Trans. Am. SOC.Metals, XLI, 141 (1949). (26) Zambrow, J. L., and Fontana, M.G., Ibid., p. 480. (27) Zapffe, C. A., M e t a l P r o g r e s s , 54, 459 (1948). RECEIVKD Jiily 23, 1940.

Lead and Its Alloys -

G . 0. HIERS,



Lead Company, Brooklyn, .V. Y


IXCE publication of tho previous revicw of literature on lead (IO), the first issue of “The Corrosion Handbook” ( 2 2 )

appeared. The corrosion rcsistance of lead is discussed gencrally in many other chapters, but particularly in the following chapters: 1. Corrosion in Liquid Media, the Atmosphere, and Gases 2. Corrosion of Lead and Lead-Alloy Cable Sheathing 3. Corrosion Protection by Lead Coatings

The follon-ing is quoted from “Protective >Ieasures” from this

book: T o prolong the useful life of a lead installation or to u5e it to the best advantage, the following measures have been employed: ( a ) Lime or sodium silicate treatment ( p H 8 to 9 ) of potable waters which promotes formation of protective coatings on lead and generally prevents dangrrous plumbo solvencv ( 1 6 ) . ( b ) Coating of sheet lead and pipe with tar, asphaltum, or bituminous paint ( 6 ) or waterproof membrane to prevent corrosion due t o contact with aerated seepaqe waters through fresh concrete. After aging 1 year, the free lime in concrete is usuallv sufficiently carbonated to eliminate the danger. However, continued seepage of water through some concrete stiuctures ma\ he a source of corrosion for a longer time. (c) Use of acid brick linings for chemical equipment to prevent erosion effects. They a190 may lower the lead temperature and reduce burkling of the sheet lead, ( d ) Avoidance of large soil particles around hear lPsd pipe buried underground in certain soils ( 8 ) . ( e ) Use of automatic steam piessure regulation fol iiqe with lead heating coils. The steam should be turned on graduxlly ii needle valve mav often be used (i,Avoidance of quick-shutting valves in lead pipc2 handling liquids prevents failure from watei hammer. ( 9 ) Adoption of lead welding, commonlv called biuning, is the preferred method of making joints in le:td chemical equipmrnt. For such purposes, the burning or welding bars should be of the same composition as the material being joined. I n the same book there is a chapter entitled “Chemical Resistant Materials.” This relates to the corrosion ratings of various metals and alloys including lead, togrther with common chemicals of different strengths and temperatures. Such prrsrntations are difficult and somctimes cumbersome. Anothcr type of tabulation

wa5 used in the second Materials of Construction Review ( 1 1 ) which gives mechanical and physical propertirs also. This represents an attempt toward a satisfactory punched card class tion. During 1948 a long overdue issue of the “>Cletals Handbooh” ( 1 ) was published. I t contains a chapter on “The Rc~istanceof Lead and Lead rlllovs to Corrosion.” Therein is a list of chemicals compatible with lead and much detailed information on thc use of lead and lead alloys. The mechanical and physical propnrties are numbered for coordinating purposes and mostly appear III other chaptcrs. Additional chapter5 deal M ith casting, soldering, and welding. A completely revised edition of the ‘.Welding Handbook” is to appcw this year. Lead and lead d o v s are discussed in some drtail but it must be admittrd that good welders (lead burners) brcome so onlv through training and experience. Although somr large chemical plants use sufficient lead equipment to warrant their continuous employment of some lead burners, they rrc nevertheless apt to employ more euperiencrd lead wIding contractors (specialists) for installing or building new rquipmcnt. The 1949 spring meeting of the Sationnl hssociation of Coirosion Engineers had an exhibition at which tivo of the large l t d product manufacturers gave literaturr and information about . Irad equipment for the chemical industrv. Evhibits and R ~ Tcrtising drew attention to: lead and Irad coverrd equipment, valves, pumps, pipe and fittings, cquipintmt for thr r(mve1v of sulfuric acid, sheet lead, and lead pipe,. Xt the same convcntion there \vas a symposium on the chemical industry. Kempton I f . Roll, of the Lead Industries Association, presented a p‘iper on “Phvsical and Chemical Charactt.iistics of Lrad in the Chrmicltl Industry” (20). h thorough discussion of Irsd’s usc and pcrforniance in the chemical industry is givcn. He mentions an apparentlv new type of heat exchanger as a doublr-action heating and cooling devicr. An inner lead pipe with round holr and sixpointrd star outer cross section is so designed that when ccmtcvd in a round lead encasing pipe the cross-srctional area of thtl space between pipes about equals thr cross-srctional area of the bore of

October 1949



acid chambers ( 2 ) . Lee mentioned the usc of lead equipment with dilute sulfuric acid solutions in the productionof hydrogen cyanide ( 1 5 ) . The use of a neoprene coating, 0.070 inch thick, over a thinner-than-usual lead cable sheath has been discussed (18). Other reports along these lines rclatc to magnesium anodes to protect underground cable sheaths (3)and the corrosion of cable sheaths due to local cells ( 9 ) . Various organizations are doing research and development work on lead storage batteries with the major efforts directed toward low temperature performance. Some rumors indicated cadmium-nickel storage batteries are superior to lead batteries and that the cadmiumnickel batteries were held back by lead battery producers. There does not appear to be enough cadmium available to make all the batteries for the automobile industry, and in addition, the poorer performance a t low temperature power output rate may suppress wide usage of such batteries ( 5 , 2 3 ) . A variety of stainless steel (Worthite), when used as a pump, sometimes failed by corrosion and other times gave good service. A study indicated galvanic action did not occur when a hot solution of 20% sulfuric acid, containing Figure 1. Settling Tank under Construction at St. Joseph Lead a n oxidant, was in contact with a large area of Company’s Josephtown, Pa., Zinc Smelter lead and a smaller area of stainless steel. Lack of a n oxidant caused the corrosion, and the Steel superstructure was used to hold lead cover in place. Tank, which is 100 feet in diameter, was subsequently lined with 10-pound sheet lead for protection of all contact authors describing this suggest an electrisurfaces; 8-pound sheet lead was used to protect cover cally insulated connection for-such a condition ( 1 7 ) . A by-product sulfuric acid plant was recently built at Josephthe inner pipe. Counter flow is used in one region in respect to town, Pa., in connection with a zinc smelter. Lead equipment the flow in the other region. Production of phosphoric acid and phosphate fertiliscrs in was extensively used for ducts, electrical precipitation compartmrnts, scrub towers, and in various other ways ( I d , I S ) . Figure 1 Canada has recently been described ( 7 ) . Lead and hard lead (7 t o 10% antimonial lead) are widely usrd for equipment. I n some shows a h~misphericalconcrete settling tank, 100 feet in diamr,ter, lined with ‘/cinch thick sheet lead. This tank is a t the same plant. cases acid brick linings are used within the sheet lead linings. -1dye intermediate manufacturer is using an all-lead spider LITERATURE CITED suppoi t , from an acid brick tank lining, in order to hold a tellurium-lead pipe heat-exchanger coil. This is for heating with 30 (1) Am~ricanSociety for Metals, Cleveland, Ohio, “Metals Handpounds per square inch steam and alternately cooling with water hook,” 1948. (2) Anon., Chem. Eng., 5 5 , No. 11, 109, 113, 114 (1948). (14). I n the same plant a fume duct 10 to 16 inches in diameter (3) Anon.. Elec. Light and P o u e r , 25, 78-82 (April 1947). constructed of 0.375 inch thick chemical sheet lead has been in (4) Anon., AIachine Design, 19,160 (August 1947). continuous service for 12 years for handling moisture, air, and (5) Anon., iliotor, 90, 50, 51, 150, 152, 154 (December 1948). such other gases as brominc, chlorine, nitrous oxide, sulfur diox(6) Anon., U . S . B u r . Standards, Circ. 310,56 (1926). ( 7 ) Atwell, J.. 1x0. ENG.CHEM.,41, 1318-24 (1M9). ide, and sulfur trioxide. (8) Burns, R. M.,and Campbell, W. E., Trans. Electrochem. SOC., Ziegfeld has presented a useful list of many chemicals which are 55, 241-86 (1929)., commonly used with lead equipment in the chemical industry (9) Greve, L. F., Proc. Midwest Power Conf., 9, 190-7 (1947). (34). Uhlig drew attention to the fact that care must be exercised (10) Hiers, G. O., IND. ESG.CHEM.,39,1224-8 (1947). (11) I b i d . , 40, 1871 (1948) : corrections, Ibid.. p. 2442. in health insurance by means of prevention of lead contamination (12) Lead Ind. Assoc., Lead, 17, No. 1,4-5 (1947). in edibles and potables for human consumption ( 2 1 ) . Ziegfeld, in (13) Ibid.. KO. 2. 2-3 (1948). reply, discussed the wide safe usage of lead pipes for drinking wa(14) Ibid., NO. 4, 2-3 (1949). ter conveyance and the United States Department of Health safe (15) Lee, J. A , , Chem. Enn., 56, No. 2, 134-6 (1949). (16) Liddiard, E. A. G., Bankes, P. E., and De Braukere, L. J., J . limit of 0.1 part of lead per million (26). I n a very few locations SOC.Chem. I n d . . 63, 39-48 (February 1944). water is purposely and needfully treated to maintain such a limit. (17) Pratt, W. E., and Collingsworth, E. T., Jr., Corrosion, 5 , No. 2, Construction of a centrifugal fan for moving sulfuric acid va38-44 (1949). pors in chemical plants has been described as follows ( 4 ) : (18) Reinits, B. B., and Zamborsky, N. A , , Ibid., 4, No. 4, 432-44 The fan has a lead casing, greatly reducing corrosion and lengthening life. Housing is sand cast of 5y0antimonial lead by U. S. Pipe & Foundry Co. using a special dry sand suited to the density of lead. Flanged cast-lead rings are bolted t o the inlet and delivery openings and are Telded to the sheet lead ducts which convey the gasses. Impellers are steel plate welded to the shaft and are covered with 0.25 inch of lead bonded to the steel. Roll (19) discussed lead, and processing flow sheets were published on sulfite pulp, wet process phosphoric acid, and sulfuric

(19) (20) (21) (22)

(1948). Roll. K . H.. Chem. Eng., 5 5 , No. 8, 219, 220, 222, 224 (1948). Roll, K . H., Corrosion, 5 , No. 8 , 261-70 (1949). Uhlig, H. H., Ibid., 3, E o . 3. 149-50 (1947).

Uhlig, H. H.. editor-in-chief, “Corrosion Handbook,” New York John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1948. (23) Willihnganr, E., meeting of Proc. Assoc. Am. Battery Mfgrs., (Nov. 11-13, 1948). (24) Ziegfeld, R.L., Corrosion, 2, No. 6,330-3 (1946). (25) I t i d . , 3,No.7, 347-8 (1947). RECEIVED July 15, 1949.