LEÇONS SUR LA THEORIE DES GAZ. - Journal of the American

LEÇONS SUR LA THEORIE DES GAZ. Edward W. Morley. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1902, 24 (5), pp 484–484. DOI: 10.1021/ja02019a019. Publication Date: May ...
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into English factories, but very likely it is true. T h e only Xmericau machine described is one of the earlier forms of water-cooled mills; and the practical, technical points which one would like to find i n a book of this sort, such as the values of different styles of dressing millstones for various kinds of work, the points of excellence to be aimed at in niakiiig particular paints, the nature aiid effect of the vehicles used, aiid the like;--..;uch things as these are very scantily touched upon. I t seeiiis reriiarkable that iio mention is made of the practice of iiiixiiig oil n i t h wet white lead without preliminary drying, a practice of great commercial importance, I n general, the iiiforiiiatioii coiiveyed to the reader seems to be of the sort obtaiiiable froiii the n1aker.i of paint machinery, rather than froiii experts in paint iiiaiiufacture; accurate and useful as far it goes, h i t lnckiiig in real kiion.letlg:-eof the s u b ject. T h e book is one n.liicli should 1)c of interest :iiitl use to the beginner but is not complete eiioiigli to serve the ;id\-:tiiced niaiiufacturer. .I, H . S.\H:X. Lxsoss S U R 1,O’FTI.

I,. T% m o R x f i ; DKS G i z . Paris : Gauthier-Villers.

I., Ih11;rm ISS : tr:i(luites Ixtr.l. G ~ L I’ricc. S francs.

I 902.

I3oltzmann is one of the three great iiiatlieniatician-..;to wlioni the development of the kinetic theor J, of gases is niaiiily due. The present voluiiie coiitaitis a translation of the first half of his lectures, originally published iii 18gG aiid 1598, aiid gives :I systematic account of the mathenintical results attained b y the joint labors of Maxwell, Clausius and Boltziiianii. Professor Gallotti’s translation is clear and accurate ; some seritences are even more perspicuous tliaii i n the original. Professor Hrillouiii has furnished an historical iiitroduction mid some comments on certaiti steps i n t lie niatheinatical discussions of the I11i.h t:D 11.. 110 R 1.E T . au tlior. THI: 3IAxuF.wruKB; 13lCRSCH.

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c. W R I G H T .

1 ; DR. ~ JOSEF


SI C o . 1901. 476 pp. Price, $5.00 net. This adinirable book was evidently written b y a thorough chemist who is also a practical color-maker. S o t niany technical points escape niention and the book is valuable not only for reference but for daily use. T h e chapters on ’ ‘ Black Pignients,” ‘ ‘ Yerniilion,” and ‘ ‘ Ultratnarine,” are especially valuable, as presenting an intelligible account of processes on which very little practical information is available.