(full scale) and a chart speed of 120 inches per hour. This instrument is the member of the. Speedomax family designed specificallyfor use with Photom...
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Jrl. Ad ND46(16)

Range switch for input circuit having values of 0.02, 0.06, 02 and 0.6 microampere.

Manually operated zero ad­ juster for continuous zero sup­ pression of "dark current", independent of range.

Battery Condition Indicator

Manually operated battery rheostat for adjusting range to match light source.

Chart Record is ghost structure on grating scanning 2536.5 A of Mercury 198.

Photomultiplier Tube Output

with this Speedomax Recorder • Here is a recorder t h a t connects directly t o Photo­ multiplier T u b e s measuring low levels of light as found in ultra-violet a n d visible radiation, R a m a n spectros­ copy scintillation counting and light scattering studies. As a result, t h e usual separate pre-amplifier is completely eliminated. T h e recorder has a highgain, low-level detector-amplifier t h a t provides direct measurement of currents a s small a s 0.2 χ 10" 8 ampere full scale.

of the chart. I t is not even necessary t o stop t h e Recorder. Other features of this Speedomax Recorder include: a range of sensitivity from 0 t o 0.02 microampere, a 4, 3 o r 2 second balancing speed (full scale) and a chart speed of 120 inches per hour. T h i s instrument is t h e member of t h e Speedomax family designed specifically for u s e with Photomultiplier Tubes. F o r further information, please contact o u r nearest district office or write us a t 4906 S t e n t o n Ave., Philadelphia 44, Pa.

How it operates T h e instrument has four working ranges, 0.02, 0.06, 0.2 a n d 0.6 microampere full scale, to record a wide range of light levels. T o change the range, t h e operator merely t u r n s a manually-operated switch and t h e record continues within the span

LEEDS instruments

NORTHRUP automatic controls ·
