letters - American Chemical Society

Biotransfer factors for organics in beef and milk ... whereas bioconcentration factors for vegetation ... Nagamany N. Nirma- ... lon University in Pit...
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27 1 Bioconcentration of organics in beef, milk, and vegetation. Curtis C. Travis* and Angela D. Arms Biotransfer factors for organics in beef and milk are directly proportional to octanol-water partition coefficients, whereas bioconcentration factors for vegetation are inversely proportional to the square root of octanol-water partition coefficients. 275 Kinetics and mechanism of autoxidation of 2-mercaptoethanol catalyzed by cobalt(II)-4,4',4",4"'-tetrasulfophthalocyanine in aqueous solution. Ping-Sang K. h u n g and Michael R. Hoffmann* The kinetics of the catalytic autoxidation of 2-mercaptoethanol to 2-hydroxyethyl disulfide in the presence of

cobalt(II)-4,4',4",4"'-tetrasulfophthalocyanine is investigated. 282 Effect of cosolvents on the solubility of hydrocarbons in water. Frank R. Groves, Jr. A rapid approximate method for predicting the presence of hydrocarbon solubility in the presence of a cosolvent is proposed, and new experimental data are reported. 286 Thermodynamics of fish/water and octan-1-ol/water partitioning of some chlorinated benzenes. Antoon Opperhuizen,* Peter SernC, and Jan M. D. Van der Steen These results demonstrate that octan1-01 is a poor model of fish lipids and that octan-1-ol/water partition coefficients generally will not give reliable predictions of bioconcentration factors. 292 Ozone fading of natural organic colorants: mechanisms and products of the reaction of ozone with indigos. Daniel Grosjean, Paul M. Whitmore, Glen R. Cass, * and James R. Druzik Reaction products and mechanisms are elucidated to explain the observed fading of indigo colorants when exposed in the dark to ppm levels of ozone in the air. 298 Sorption of vapors of some organic liquids on soil humic acid and its relation to partitioning of compounds in soil organic matter. Cary T. Chiou," Daniel E. Kile, and Ronald L. Malcolm Linear isotherms for uptake of organic vapors by soil humic acid are consistent with the proposed partition uptake of organic compounds by soil organic matter.


Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 22, No. 3, 1988

304 Multilaboratory study of automated determinations of polychlorinated biphenyls and chlorinated pesticides in water, soil, and sediment by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Ann L. Alford-Stevens, James W. Eichelberger, and William L. Budde* Polychlorinated biphenyls and chlorinated pesticides are determined in water, soil, and sediment samples by six Expert systems laboratories that use uniform calibration solutions and analytical proce- Dear Sir: I would like to acknowledge the contributions of Dr. Lewis Rossman dures. of EPA's Water Environmental Re313 search Laboratory in Cincinnati, Ohio, Modeling activated carbon adsorp- and Dr. Thomas Siller, Carnegie Meltion of target organic compounds lon University in Pittsburgh, Pa., to my from leachate-contaminated ground- article, "Expert Systems for Environwaters. Edward H. Smith and Walter J. mental Problems" (ES&I: September Weber, Jr. * 1987, pp. 838-41). Their work has A system-specific modeling approach now been published in Expert Systems is implemented using an existing fixedCivil Engineers: Technology and bed adsorber model to forecast the re- for Applications; Maher, M. L., Ed.; moval of target organics from leachateAmerican Society of Civil Engineers: contaminated groundwater. New York, 1987. 322 Judith M. Hushon Comparative studies of adsorption of Weston polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by Washington, D.C. 20024 fly ashes from the combustion of some Australian coals. Gary K.-C. Low* and Graeme E. Batley Examination of a number of standard isotherms indicates that the adsorption data are best represented by the Freundlich equation. 328 Prediction of aqueous solubility of organic chemicals based on molecular structure. Nagamany N. Nirmalakhandan and Richard E. Speece" A robust, high-quality correlation for a range of 200 organic chemicals of environmental relevance is obtained using only three nonexperimentally derived descriptors without the exclusion of data. 338 Use of electrothermal vaporizationmultiple-wavelength absorption spectrometry to qualitatively screen for the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Joseph M. Shekiro, Jr., Rodney K. Skogerboe, and Howard E. Taylor* Electrothermal vaporization-multiple-wavelength spectrometry is used as a fast, low-cost method for determining PAH compounds.


*To whom correspondence should be addressed. This issue contains no papers for which there is supplementary material in microform.

0013-936X/88/0922-0234$01.50/0 0 1988 American Chemical Society