Letters - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Gillman, Jr. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1956, 48 (3), pp 52–52. DOI: 10.1021/ie51398a006. Publication Date: March 1956. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. En...
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! d s u c c e s s f u l Uses of ( T E T R A H Y D R 0F U R F U R Y

L ALC 0H01)





Handling Hydrazine Solutions

DEARDR. FOXTANA: In your Corrasion c*olurnn,page 82 .A of October 1955 issue of I&EC, you state! “ . . . . ..Asbestos impregnated with carbon is not recommended for gaskets or packing.” JTe would appreciate further ndvice on where we may get further inforniat’ion on asbestos impregnated with carbon.

(Photos courtesy of California Spray-Chemical Corporation)

Jos. L. GILL~IIAS, ,JIL Consulting Engineer Kashington 5> D. C.

Dr. Fontaria suggests contacting Rod Teel. International Sickel C‘o., Harbor Island. S . C. Quality Control Courses

DEARDR. YOUDES: I have heen attempting to find some university which offers correspondence or ertensiori courses on basic theory u i i d application of statistical Quality

California Spray-Chemical Corporation, Richmond, California, makers of Ortho* herbicides.


Control anti Analysis of Data. Could you recommend some universitl- giving such a course, or alternatively suitalde test? A. L. \VISFII.:I,D Production Xanager Manistee Salt Works IIanistee, Xich.

To produce a nonvolatile herbicide that clings to brush and weeds until they’re killed and control possible vapor injury to adjacent sensitive crops.


2,4-Dichlorophenoxyaceticacid (2,4-D) and 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T) are converted to tetrahydrofurfury1 alcohol esters which have low volatility and contain maximum percentages of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T components for effective herbicidal activity.


End Product:

A nonvolatile, effective herbicide that stays put longer. ~

(1) THFA is easy to esterify and handle. ( 2 ) The resulting THFA esters of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T are easily soluble in the majority of organic solvents and insoluble in water.

Side Benefits:

yourself. Its successes are numerous. THFA is a versatile solvent for many resins and dyes, a useful chemical intermediate and finds a large market in the synthesis of plasticizers for vinyl resins.

Check Into THFA

Write for


i ~


Bulletin 8 7 C on THFA


‘Reg. U. S. P a t . Off., C a l i f o r n i a S p r a y - C h e m i c a l C o r p o r a t i o n

For f u r t h e r information, c i r c l e number 52 A on Readers’ Service Card, page 105 A

52 A




D R . Y O U D E S ’ S -$SSWER:

I enclose :i t)ihliography of literature --published in A n a l . Chem. 24, 120 (1952). See page 121 for citations to Qiiniity Control. -1similar article hy Xnndel nncl Liming will :ippear in this same journal n-ith additional (‘itations in AApril1956. Several institutions offer slioi,t (one 1r.eek or 10 (lays) courses: one is S o r t h C:irolinn State College, K:ileigh. S . C:. The Rochester Institute of Tech-

Department of Mathemitics.


Vol. 48,No. 3

tary, Rooni 563, 50 Church Street, S e w York T, S . Y. Annual conrentions of this society stage intensive elementary and advanced courses of instruction (in addition to contributed


Evaluating Health Hazards

DR. S C H R E N K : Your article on “Basic. considera-. tions in evaluating healt’h hazards of food-packaging niat,erials and insect reppllents” [IKD. EKG. CHEXI.47, 95 A (October 1955)l has impressed us with the thorough v-ork done in the U.S.A. on these problems. Our firm produces, among others. organic. peroxides. \Ye are confronted with sei-era1 problems in their preparation and transport. These peroxides have been manufactured and used in the U , S. niuch longer t,han in Europe. Can t,he Industrial Hygiene Foundation give us some pertinent information? DEAR

P. 1 1 - 4 ~ ~ ~ Koninklijke Intlustrieele Xaatschappij voorheen S o u r y 8E Van der Lande Ii. V, Afdeling I1 Deventer, Holland



O m interest in the esplosire properties of chemicals is only casual anti secondary to their health hazards. For inforniation on esplosive properties of organic perosides. write to Gleiiii H. I)aiiion, V. Y. Bureau of &lines)4800 Forbes Street, Pittsliurgli 13, Pa.. and Matthew IT. Braidech. Dii,ector of Research. Sntioiial Board of Fire Untiern-riters.. S5 .John Street. S e n . Tork. S.I-.Give them as m u c h specific inforniation as you can about the particular substances in which you are interested. They will also probably be able t o furnish you with further contacts in this country. March 1956

For f u r t h e r information, circle number 53 A on Readers’ Service Card, page 105 A


53 A