Letters. Methane from animal wastes - Environmental Science

Methane from animal wastes. Robert Dean. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1971, 5 (11), pp 1069–1069. DOI: 10.1021/es60058a600. Publication Date: November 1...
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letters Methane from a n i m a l wastes

DEARSIR: The letter from D r , Hinrich Bohn in your July issue ( p 5 7 3 ) suggests that the vast tonnages of animal wastes he fermented to methane, thus reducing the mass by more than half and producing up to half our current need for methane. There are two hidden costs in this proposal which must be considered. The first concerns the poor quality of the gas, which is very obvious to anyone who has tried to use it in the laboratory. Digester gas contains 25% C 0 2 derived from methane fermentation as well as H,S which causes severe corrosion problems. The other cost is that of treatment and disposal of the waste supernatant liquor from the fermenter or digester. Digestion proceeds best in well mixed slurries which cannot contain much less than 20 lb of water per lb of solids and still be mixed economically. When digestion is complete, the supernatant water is highly polluted with solubilized and dispersed organic matter. Treatment of the supernatant “soup” is expensive in terms of gallons treated, even if it represents only a small part of the load on a biological treatment plant. Applying the industrial effluent charges of Chicago to the supernatant from an average anaerobic digester, I have calculated a charge of approximately $66.50 for treating the soup from the digestion of sludge from 100 million gallons of sewage. The total volume of soup is only 0.5 million gallons but the charges are based on flows of several hundred million gpd and appear to be Ion the low side. In terms of methane produced, the cost of soup disposal is approximately one half the market value on a 100% methane basis. Costs of purification and distribution are not included. In a small dedicated plant, the costs of soup treatment would be more than twice as high as at Chicago because of the poor scale factor. Other costs associated with sludge disposal would combine to make fermentation of animal wastes quite unattractive. Robert B. Dean EniYronrncntai Protection Agency Cincinnati. Ohio 45268

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(Conrinllec! on page 1070) C i r c l e No. 14 on Readers’ Service Card

Volume 5, Number 11, November 1971