LICORICE may hold new profits for you - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 5, 2010 - LICORICE may hold new profits for you. Chem. Eng. News , 1953, 31 (9), p 865. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v031n009.p865. Publication Date: March 02...
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Licorice mass flows from finisher into a container for hardening


may hold new profits for you

I n your search for new products, or i n your efforts to improve your present products, don't overlook licorice. The full potentialities of nature's sweetest compound h a v e n o t been realized. Perhaps they never will be. B u t modern research hias found so m a n y new uses for licorice, and so m a n y other uses a r e i n such promising experimental stages, that anything seems possible. There was a time, for example, when t h e tobacco industry used no licorice- Today, over 20 million p o u n d s a year are consumed t o give mildness t o most popular p i p e and chewing tobaccos, cigars and cigarettes. And who would have suspected the fire-fighting qualities of licorice? Research revealed t b e m . T h e spent root yields a foaming agent of such s t a y i n g power t h a t it became the basic compound of Foamite Firefoamu Read t h e accompanying list of new and potential uses for licorice. If anything in this list hias even a remote association with your products or problems, it m a y pay us b o t h to get together. We don't have all t h e answers, b u t we do h a v e t h e licorice a n d the licorice by-products a n d t h e kriow-fciow t o help you find t h e m .

Some New or P o t e n t i a l Uses for Licorice Flavoring for ice cream • Antioxidant to keep chewing gum fresh • Prolonging foam in porter and ale • Soft drink flavoring « Aging and mellowing smoking pipes • Pickling sheet metals • Improving meat and fish sauces • Mild regulator irx feed for horses, cattle and chickens • Remedy for roup • Stabilizing acid latex • Flotation agent in ore separation by gravity Write today for your free: copies of " T h e Story of Licorice" and "Licorice Dark Mystery of Indust r y / ' They'll be mailed promptly. You* re sure to find them interesting, and you might find them profitable as well.
