Light Vegetation and Chlorophyll. - Journal of the American Chemical

May 1, 2002 - Light Vegetation and Chlorophyll. Thomas Punnett. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1957, 79 (23), pp 6345–6345. DOI: 10.1021/ja01580a067. Publicati...
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Dec. 5 , 1957


counted with a windowless flow counter. As shown in Table I, a new radioactive spot appeared which has a very low R, value (0.1) and separates cleanly from MVA (Rr 0.7). Since this compound is formed from both l-C14 and 2-CI4-labeled MVA, it must still contain the carboxyl group of MVA. \Vhen incubations were carried out with limiting amounts of 2-C14-MVA, half of the MVA added was recovered even after prolonged incubation (Table 11). When the remaining MVA was eluted and re-incubated with the complete yeast system6 no squalene was formed, thus indicating that only one of the two enantiomorphs of MVA was converted into the new intermediate. When the eluted intermediate was incubated with the complete system, efficient conversion to squalene was obtained. Examination of a chromatogram with a short wave length Mineralight revealed that the radioactive zone was free of nucleotides. The compound was thus separated from the nucleotides which remained a t the origin but not from inorganic phosphate which has the same R, value. The presence of phosphorus was established by the use of P32-labeled ATP.8 Two samples of the compound, one containing Ci4 and the other P32, were isolated by chromatography and rechromatographed with methanol-ammonia-water.g (8) T h e P3*-labeled A T P was kindly prepared by Dr. Alvah H . Phillips b y oxidative phosphorylation with r a t liver mitochondria. (9) R. S Bandurski and B. axelrod, J. Bioi. Chetn., 193, 405 (1951).


The CI4-labeled sample gave a single spot with an Rf value of 0.75. The P32-labeledsample gave two spots, one corresponding to inorganic phosphate, and the other t o the new compound. Comparison of its electrophoretic behavior with that of ATP and ADPia indicated that the compound is a monophosphorylated derivative of NVA. The chromatographic behavior of this compound was not changed by heating for 10 minutes a t 100’ with 1 N HCI or NaOH. The stability of the phosphate shows that i t is not a carboxyl phosphate. The exact location of the phosphate, whether i t is on CB or CS,has not been ascertained. Acknowledgments.-This work was carried out during the tenure of a scholarship from the American Cancer Society and was supported by a grantin-aid from the National Science Foundation. The author is greatly indebted to Dr. J. M. Sprague of the Merck Sharp and Dohme Laboratories for a generous gift of samples of mevalonic acid to this laboratory. The author also wishes to thank Dr. K. Bloch and co-workers for making available their unpublished results as well as for many helpful discussions. (10) H. Hilz and F. Lipmann,

PIOC. Natl. Acad. Sci., 41,

880 (1955).


BOOK REVIEWS Light Vegetation and Chlorophyll. By J. TERRIEN,G. TRUFFAUT and J. CARLES. Translated by MADGEE. THOMPSON. Philosophical Library, Inc., 15 East 40th Street, New York 16, N. Y. 1957. 228 pp. 12.5 X 19 cm. Price, $6.00. This book is divided into two sections, the first based on “Lurnibe et V,6g&ation” by Terrien and Truffaut, the second on “L’Energie Chlorophyllienne” by Carles. The first section contains a thorough description of solar radiation, natural light fields and light absorption by leaves, and following this, eight chapters concerning the various effects of light on plants, including photosynthesis, phototropism and photoperiodism. The second section, by Carles, is an essay on photosynthesis which is in part a duplication of some of the material in the first section. The authors “have tried t o give the reader an idea of what is known of the relationship between light and vegetation,” and in this they have succeeded fairly well. The introductory chapters are complete and contain quite a bit of useful reference material, and the chapter entitled “Photosynthesis and Photography” is a good, elementary description of electron conduction in crystals, a subject which is currently of great interest in the field of photosynthesis. On the other hand, since the range of topics covered is very broad, the treatment is necessarily too sketchy in some places, particularly in the chapters on photoperiodism and phototropism. Furthermore, the style is diffuse, the translation is rough in places and there are a number of errors and omissions. The major criticism of this book, however, is that it is badly out of date. This is largely due to the fact that the two original works on which it is based are six and four years old, respectively, and evidently were not rewritten before

being combined in this edition. Chiefly for this reason, the book will be of limited value to the research worker in the field, or to the chemist who is interested in a short authoritative monograph. BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF ROCHESTER THOMAS PUNNETT UNIVERSITY ROCHESTER, NEWYORK

Amino Acid Handbook. Methods and Results of Protein J. BLOCK, Ph.D., Boyce ThompAnalysis. By RICHARD son Institute for Plant Research, Inc., Yonkers, New York, and Department of Biochemistry, New York Medical College, New York, with the cooperation of Kathryn W. Weiss, A.B., The Borden Company, Yonkers, il’ew York. Charles C Thomas, 301-327 East Lawrence 386 pp. Avenue, Springfield, Illinois, 1956. xiii 16 X 23.5 cm. Price, $10.50. 1. This monograph has a twofold objective of describing “tried and proven examples of the three most widely used methods of amino acid analysis, i.e., by microorganisms, by column chromatography and by paper chromatography,” in sufficient detail “without the need of recourse t o the original literature,” and to tabulate “the amino acid composition of proteins, biologically active polypeptides and foods.” 2 . The first objective is set forth in 167 pages, followed by a short chapter on Protein and Amino Acid Consumption in the United States and concluded with a 66 page bibliography, listing approximately 1200 or more references. T h c reviewer feels that the first objective, though laudable is ambitious almost beyond ctttaiiiment, for it is probably true that the clearest exposition of a method is usually to be found
