LINDE packaged oxygen plant sets nine-year record for availability!

HE LlNDE oxygen plant shown here has been serving a leading chemicals producer ... Limited. "Linde" aud "Union Carbide'* are trade-marks of Union Carb...
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LINDE packaged oxygen plant sets nine-year record for availability! HE LlNDE oxygen plant shown here has been serving a leading chemicals producer "over-the-fence" continuously since 1949. Its operating log shows a 9 8 % + availability factor. Next year, capacity will go u p from 360 to 800 tons of oxygen a day. You can expect the same continuity of supply with a LlNDE packaged plant serving your process. Your L I N D E plant will be the product of fifty years' experience in the design, manufacture, and operation of air separation plants and low temperature equipment. L I N D E is uniquely qualified to provide air separation plants for the supply of oxygen a n d / o r nitrogen as well as t h e associated low temperature equipment for: liquefying hydrogen, helium and fluorine purifying hydrogen and helium separating hydrogen from coke oven gas ammonia and methanol synthesis upgrading of natural gas other extremely low temperature processes. P u t L I N D E ' S more than 50 years' experience in gas separation techniques to work for you. Write Dept. IC-2, L I N D E COMPANY, Division of Union Carbide Corporation, 30 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N.Y. In Canada: Linde Company, Division of Union Carbide Canada Limited.


"Linde" aud "Union Carbide'* are trade-marks of Union Carbide Corporation.


Industries that regularly require large quantities of oxygen or other atmospheric gases can obtain those they need from a LlNDE plant on their own sites. The oxygen plant illustrated — built, owned, and operated by LINDE--is at a plant of one of the notion's largest chemical processors.