Lipid Oxidation in Food - American Chemical Society

The intensity of the rancid flavor was judged on a scale of 0-10. All analyses ... In short, the raw potato tubers are washed, peeled and sliced into ...
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Chapter 16

Influence of Food Processing on Lipid Oxidation and Flavor Stability Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on September 23, 2016 | Publication Date: August 5, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0500.ch016

Hans Lingnert SIK—The Swedish Institute for Food Research, P.O. Box 5401, S-402 29 Göteborg, Sweden

Lipid oxidation may occur during processing and influence subsequent oxidation during storage. Early oxidation during processing is in most cases very difficult to detect or measure with the methods commonly used for lipid oxidation. Still, this limited oxidation is of significant importance to the further oxidation and flavor stability during storage. This is illustrated by examples from experiments performed during manufacturing of potato granules and sausages, processing of cereals, and baking of cookies. The influence of processing on factors that affect lipid oxidation, e.g. prooxidants, antioxidants, oxygen content, and the protection against such oxidation are discussed. Lipid oxidation during food storage is influenced by several factors: storage temperature, oxygen availability, water activity, exposure to light, antioxidants, prooxidants, etc. However, what is often overlooked is that oxidative stability is to a great extent dependent on what has happened to the food product prior to storage. The development of oxidation in food products during storage is schematically illustrated in Figure l a . The oxidation proceeds slowly in the beginning, but accelerates later on during the storage period. The acceptability limit (the broken line) for one of the products is reached in half the time required for the other product. One reason for this difference could be that there is a difference in the level of oxidation at the start of the storage period. From harvest or slaughter, some oxidation could take place during storage of raw materials, at various steps of the food process, during packaging, etc., resulting in important, but not easily detectable, differences in oxidation levels at the start of the storage period. This oxidation, as illustrated in Figure l b , may have important consequences on subsequent oxidation during storage. This paper will focus on what happens during food processing that is relevant to lipid oxidation. Examples will be taken from research at SIK,

0097-6156/92/0500-0292S06.00/0 © 1992 American Chemical Society St. Angelo; Lipid Oxidation in Food ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Influence of Food Processing

demonstrating where food processing conditions influence the oxidative stability. The various ways in which processes may affect lipid oxidation will be discussed. Methods

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In the examples presented lipid oxidation was measured either by sensory evaluation or headspace analysis of the formation of volatiles, or both. Sensory Evaluation. Descriptive sensory analysis was used to follow the development of rancidity. In the sausage experiment, a ten-member panel was used. The intensity of the rancid flavor was judged on a scale of 0-10. A l l analyses were performed i n three replicates. In the cookie experiment, five judges judged the samples, using a scale of 0-4 for the intensity of rancid flavor. These evaluations were not replicated. Headspace Analysis of Volatiles. The formation of volatiles during oxidation was analyzed by dynamic headspace gas chromatography as described by Hall and co-workers ( i ) . In the cookie experiment, a static equlibrium method, as described in the same paper, was used. Of the volatiles analyzed and identified, hexanal was chosen as an indicator of lipid oxidation. Potato Granule Production There are a number of different processes for manufacturing potato granules. We have studied the so called "add-back process" which is rather complicated. In short, the raw potato tubers are washed, peeled and sliced into approx. 2 cm thick slices. These slices are blanched in water at 76 ° C for 12-15 minutes. The slices are then chilled in water at a temperature of 10 C for approx. 10 minutes, before they are steam-cooked at 102 ° C for 20 minutes. The steam-cooked slices are then mixed with already produced potato granules (hence the name "the add-back process") and are thereby disintegrated i n a gentle way. After conditioning for about 20 minutes the potato granules are air-dried and sifted. Following this step, 85-90% of the potato granules are returned to the mixing stage and the remaining 10-15% are further dried in a fluid bed to give the final product. Our objective was to study lipid degradation in the potato during this process and the effects of this degradation on subsequent oxidation of the final potato granules during storage (2). We could demonstrate a considerable release of free fatty acids i n the initial stages of the manufacturing process. This is of importance since free fatty acids constitute the substrate for further enzymatic oxidation by lipoxygenase. Free fatty acids are also considered to be more susceptible to oxidation during storage than esterified fatty acids. In our project we also specifically studied the lipid oxidation in the blanching step. In model experiments simulating the blanching step, two cm thick potato slices were heated in 76 ° C water for 5 or 15 minutes and then chilled in a 10 ° C water bath. Thin slices of the two cm potato slices were removed from the surface and the center, respectively, and hexanal content was analyzed (3). 0

St. Angelo; Lipid Oxidation in Food ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on September 23, 2016 | Publication Date: August 5, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0500.ch016


Figure 2 shows that hexanal was formed during this blanching treatment. After heating for 5 minutes the hexanal concentration had increased at the surface as well as in the middle of the potato slices. After 15 minutes the hexanal content in the middle of the slices had increased further, while the hexanal concentration at the surface was lower after 15 minutes than after 5 minutes. This is a demonstration of lipid oxidation occuring during processing. The probable mechanism is enzymatic oxidation during heating, before potato lipoxygenases were inactivated. Lipoxygenase at the surface was inactivated after 15 minutes of heating while that in the center of the potato slices was probably not totally inactivated. Consequently, oxidation could continue in the center of the potato slices during the chilling period which explains the further increase of hexanal. Our main conclusion is that lipid oxidation occurs during the potato granule manufacturing process. This early oxidation is in most cases very difficult to measure and has, therefore, rarely been demonstrated. As discussed above, onset of oxidation during the manufacturing process will most probably continue during storage of the final product and influence storage stability. Cereal Processing In a large cooperative research project in Sweden various thermal processes for cereals were compared regarding their influence on the physical, chemical and nutritional properties of the processed wheat products. A t SIK we studied, among other things, the influence of these processes on lipid oxidation. Whole wheat grain from one batch was processed in five different ways: roller-drying, steam-cooking, autoclaving, puffing and extrusion-cooking. The process parameters were reported by Siljestrom and co-workers (4). A l l samples were milled. Figure 3 shows the hexanal concentration of the processed wheat products immediately after production and after storage of the milled samples for 6 months at +30° C in darkness (5). The samples were stored in 500ml glass bottles, with 50 g samples in each bottle. As seen in Figure 3, there were differences in the hexanal concentration after processing. For example, the hexanal level was considerably higher in the extrusion-cooked sample than in the steam-cooked sample. However, the most obvious result was that the extrusion-cooked and the roller-dried samples were less stable by far than the three other samples. The hexanal concentration in the extrusion-cooked and the roller-dried samples increased 10-100 times during the storage period. The most plausible explanation for the extensive lipid oxidation in these two samples is enzymatic oxidation during processing. Roller-drying and extrusion-cooking were performed on water suspensions of the whole wheat grain, while the others were processed without any addition of water. It has been reported previously (6-8) that wheat lipids oxidize very rapidly when water is added, due to lipoxygenase activity. The extent of this oxidation is dependent on the content of free fatty acids in the wheat, since free fatty acids are substrates to the lipoxygenase. The content of free fatty acids is in turn dependent on the storage time of the unprocessed wheat, since wheat lipases

St. Angelo; Lipid Oxidation in Food ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Influence of Food Processing


Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on September 23, 2016 | Publication Date: August 5, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0500.ch016


Storage time

Figure l a . Schematic illustration of the development of rancidity in food products during storage.


Harvest Slaughter


Food process




Figure l b . Magnification of rancidity development from harvest/ slaughter to start of storage. Temp. 76°C

15 min

5 min Surface Middle 0 min — I





Hexanal cone, (ng/l)

Figure 2.

Hexanal formation during blanching of potato slices.

St. Angelo; Lipid Oxidation in Food ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on September 23, 2016 | Publication Date: August 5, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0500.ch016



releasing the free fatty acids are active also at the relatively low water activities, prevailing during cereal storage. Our conclusion is that the hydroperoxides that were enzymatically formed during processing of the roller-dried and extrusion-cooked samples decomposed during storage and stimulated further lipid oxidation. These experiments were examples of where it has been possible to measure differences in lipid oxidation during processing and where the extent of oxidation during processing seemed to have some relation to the oxidative stability during subsequent storage. (However, the hexanal concentration of the puffed sample was very similar to that of the roller-dried sample, while the puffed sample turned out to be far more stable.) Sausage Production In sausage production, the raw materials (beef, pork, water, starch, salt, etc.) are mixed and comminuted in a chopper. This is rather a rough process, during which lipids come in close contact with prooxidative hemoproteins and are exposed to the air atmosphere in the chopper. These conditions may promote lipid oxidation. We have studied the effect of using a vacuum or carbon dioxide atmosphere in the chopper when producing sausage. From the chopper the sausage batter was transferred to a stuffer, where it was stuffed in casings. N o protective gas was used when the batter was removed from the chopper or further on in the manufacturing process. The sausages were smoked, packed in plastic pouches under vacuum, frozen and stored at -20 °C. During storage, samples were withdrawn and analyzed for rancidity by sensory evaluation and by gas chromatographic headspace analysis. As seen in Figure 4, initial hexanal concentration was lower in samples chopped in a carbon dioxide or vacuum atmosphere than in the control sample, which had air atmosphere in the chopper. The vacuum and carbon dioxide samples were also considerably more stable during the 25-week storage time. These results are supported by the sensory analyses, Figure 5. From these data it was concluded that vacuum in the chopper improves flavor stability somewhat better than carbon dioxide. These results indicate that sausages produced under vacuum or carbon dioxide oxidized to a lower extent during processing than those produced under air. A n additional reason for the improved storage stability of the samples produced under vacuum or carbon dioxide is probably their lower content of remaining oxygen after packaging and during storage. We draw this conclusion from a parallel experiment using nitrogen in the chopper. The nitrogenprocessed samples showed the same initial improvement in oxidation level as the carbon dioxide-processed samples. However, the sausages chopped under nitrogen were found to be inferior to the ones chopped under carbon dioxide with regard to their storage stability. According to our interpretation, this was due to carbon dioxide being far more soluble than nitrogen in the sausage batter. When the batter is removed from the chopper nitrogen is probably very quickly replaced by air, while carbon dioxide is bound to the batter. A s a result of this, sausages prepared under carbon dioxide contain less oxygen during

St. Angelo; Lipid Oxidation in Food ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Influence of Food Processing

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on September 23, 2016 | Publication Date: August 5, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0500.ch016

Extrusion cooking

2 500

Roller drying

10 300

Puffing Autoclaving Steam cooking

Storage: 6 months Storage: 0 months 0

Figure 3.

500 Hexanal cone, (ng/l)

1 000

Hexanal concentration in whole wheat grain products.


Figure 4.


10 15 Storage time, weeks



Hexanal formation in sausage during storage.

St. Angelo; Lipid Oxidation in Food ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



storage. In conclusion, the atmosphere used during processing may have a great influence on the stability of the final product.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on September 23, 2016 | Publication Date: August 5, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0500.ch016

Cookie Baking In some cases there is a possibility that antioxidants, such as Maillard reaction products, are formed during heat processes. The baking process is one example of this. For instance, in the cookie industry it is well known that cookies baked to a high degree of browning are more stable than light-colored cookies. In previous experiments we have studied antioxidant formation during cookiebaking (9). Precursors to Maillard reaction products (histinine and glucose) were added to the cookie dough. As is shown in Figure 6 this addition resulted in a considerable improvement of the flavor stability during storage of the cookies. The main reason for this may be the formation of antioxidative Maillard reaction products during baking. How is Lipid Oxidation affected by Food Processes? The examples given above illustrate that the food process is of importance to flavor stability of the products during storage. Lipid oxidation occurs during food processing and this initial oxidation may influence further oxidation during subsequent storage. The process may also affect oxidation during storage by influencing prooxidants, antioxidants or the oxygen content of the final product. Initiation or Stimulation of Lipid Oxidation during Processing. Food processes often involve conditions that are favorable to lipid oxidation, such as elevated temperatures, exposure of lipids to oxygen in the atmosphere or to lipid oxidation catalysts during mixing processes, exposure to light, etc. As has been indicated above, the process may also promote enzymatic oxidation (favorable temperature and water activity) prior to the inactivation of the enzymes. Although difficult to measure in food, such oxidation is very important to the oxidative stability of food during storage. A higher initial oxidation level will accelerate further oxidation during storage. Influence on Prooxidants. Inactivation of oxidative enzymes is one important objective in many food processes. The blanching of vegetables prior to freezing, for instance, is performed exclusively to inactivate enzymes. However, during the heating process, the enzyme passes through its optimum temperature before it is heat-inactivated. Until the enzyme is inactivated, there is a risk that some oxidation will occur during processing. Therefore, good process control is important in order to minimize this risk. Heat processes can also lead to activation of lipid oxidation catalysts. Eriksson et al. (10) showed that the catalytic effect of hemoproteins on lipid oxidation was increased by heat denaturation. Food processes may contaminate food with traces of prooxidative metals from the processing equipment.

St. Angelo; Lipid Oxidation in Food ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.




Influence of Food Processing

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• Vacuum

Hi j


Figure 5.



10 15 Storage time, weeks





Development of rancid flavor in sausage during storage.


Figure 6. Development of rancid flavor in cookies during storage. Control (closed circles); 0.1% Histidine +1% Glucose added (open circles); Maillard reaction mixture 0.1%, added (triangles); 0.002% B H A / B H T added (squares). (Reproduced with permission from ref. 9. Copyright 1980 Food & Nutrition Press Inc.)

St. Angelo; Lipid Oxidation in Food ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on September 23, 2016 | Publication Date: August 5, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0500.ch016


Influence on Antioxidants. Food processes may also involve the formation or loss of antioxidants. The formation of antioxidative Maillard reaction products during processes was reviewed by Lingnert (11). This is probably the best known example of process-induced antioxidant formation. However, it has also been reported that antioxidants may, for example, be formed during fermentation processes (12). Loss of antioxidant effects can result from degradation of heat labile antioxidants or vaporization at high temperatures. For instance, partial loss of tocopherols and other phenolic antioxidants occurs during oil refining. Water soluble antioxidants, such as ascorbic acid, may also be lost by leakage to the process water in some food processes. Influence on the Oxygen Level. Finally, the process may affect the conditions for further oxidation during storage by influencing the oxygen level in the final product. The product may be aerated or deaerated more or less during heating processes. One example is the production of U H T milk (milk sterilized by Ultra High Temperature treatment), where indirect heating processes normally result in higher contents of remaining oxygen than direct heating processes (13). The remaining oxygen content can also be affected by the use of vacuum or protective inert gases during processing (as in the sausage example above) and by controlling the final headspace volume in the packaging process. Concluding Remarks The food process is of great importance to the lipid oxidation and flavor stability of the food product. It is important to protect against oxidation at a veiy early stage and to choose processing conditions which ensure that lipid oxidation is avoided as much as possible. Early protection may be achieved by the use of inert gases in the process or by the early utilization of antioxidants. Special attention must be paid to avoiding enzymatic oxidation during processing. Appropriate conditions during food production is probably the best protection against oxidation during storage.

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Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on September 23, 2016 | Publication Date: August 5, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0500.ch016


Influence of Food Processing


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St. Angelo; Lipid Oxidation in Food ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.