Liquid-Vapor Equilibria in Fluorocarbon Systems1 - Journal of the

Marshall M. Newcome, and George H. Cady. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1956, 78 (20), pp 5216–5218. DOI: 10.1021/ja01601a023. Publication Date: October 1956...
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Liquid-Vapor Equilibria in Fluorocarbon Systems BY






Using the dew point-bubble point technique, the following systems have been found to he ideal within experimental limits : (1) cyclo-CsFlo-n-CjFl~,(2) cyc~o-CSFl~-n-C6F14, (3) SF6-n-CsF12, (4)A-n-c5F12, (5) n-CeF~d-(C1F9)3N,(6) n-CsF11-perfluoroC6-cyclic ether (C6F1ZO). The system n-C6F14-CzFsCOOH shows marked positive deviation from Raoult's law behavior. The dew point-bubble point technique made this work possible, but i t was not found t o give as good experimental results as are obtained using a n equilibrium still.

Introduction Because of low intermolecular forces, fluorocarbons and many of their derivatives behave in general as poor solvents for hydrocarbons and their derivatives. dealing with the solvent properties of fluorocarbons have shown that these substances act substantially in the manner predicted from the theory developed by Hildebrands and Scatchard.6 Both from this theory and the general similarity of the various fluorocarbons one may predict that fluorocarbons and their derivatives should form substantially ideal solutions. One purpose of the present work was to test this prediction quantitatively. Liquid-vapor equilibria have been studied for several systems using the dew point-bubble point technique in a manner similar to that of Feller and L l ~ D o n a l d . ~This method offered two important advantages over the more conventional ways of measuring liquid-vapor equilibria: ( I ) small quantities of materials were required, (2) mixtures of known composition could be used, thereby eliminating a need for analysis. In the common procedure for studying a liquidvapor equilibrium one samples and analyzes the liquid and the vapor existing together a t equilibrium. From several such measurements a t the same temperature for mixtures of various compositions one can draw a pressure vs. composition graph for the whole system with curves for liquid and for vapor compositions. In the dew pointbubble point method one slowly compresses a known gaseous mixture of the two components a t constant temperature and determines the following : (1) the dew point pressure (the pressure a t which the liquid first appears as the pressure is increased) ; (2) the bubble point pressure (the pressure a t which the last bubble of gas disappears leaving only a liquid phase). By using several mixtures of different compositions it is possible to construct a pressure vs. temperature graph like that obtained with an equilibrium still. For the purpose of this research the dew pointbubble point technique really made the work practical. The supplies of fluorocarbons were very (1) Summary rrf t h e P h D . thesis of A I . M . h'ewcome, University or Washington, 1051. (2) H. A . Benesi and J. €1. Hildebrand, THISJ O U R N A L , 7 0 , 3928 (19 IS). ( 3 ) R . I.. Scott, i b i d . , 7 0 , 4090 (19-181. ( 4 ) J . H. Hildebrand and D. R. F. Cochran, ibid., 71, 2 2 ( 1 0 k 9 ) . I.ater papers illustrate t h e same point. ( 5 ) J. H. Hildebrand, "Solubility of Son-Electrolytes," 2nd Ed., A. C. S.Monograph Series 17, Reinhold Publ. Corp., New York, N. I'.. 103(j, p. 73. (e) G Scatchard, Chem. Revs., 8, 371 (1931). (7) M . Feller and H. J. McDonald, A n a l . Chem., 22, 338 (1950).

small and analysis of mixtures of small quantities of fluorocarbons would have been very difficult. Certain disadvantages of the method were found, however; the dew point and bubble point pressures could not always be measured with the desired precision. These pressures were determined by plotting pressure us. volume for a particular mixture being compressed. Ordinarily a sharp break in the curve occurred a t the dew point pressure. In some cases, however, the break was so slight that it was difficult to locate on the graph. The greatest difficulty, however, was found in establishing the bubble point pressure. h trace of a permanent gas such as nitrogen or air could cause a small bubble of gas to remain even a t pressures well above the true bubble point pressure. This required thorough removal of nitrogen or air from the sample. Even when air had been thoroughly removed the bubble point pressure was difficult to establish when one component was much more volatile than the other. In the opinion of the authors this method is not likely to give as reliable data for determining activity coefficients as may be obtained using an equilibrium still. Experimental Materials.-The pure fluorocarbons perfluoroc~-clopcntane, perfluoro-n-pentane aud perfluoro-n-hexane were available as the result of earlier studies in this L a b o r a t c ~ r y . ~A- ~ supply of sulfur hexafluoride was also available, but the gas was further purified by prolonged coutact with sodium Iiydroxide solution followed by drying and fractional distillation. Spectroscopically pure argon was used directly as it came from the Linde Air Products Company. T h e other three materials were obtained from the Minnesota Mining a n d Manufacturing Co. .I11 of them were subjected t o careful fractional distillation. In the case of pentafluoropropionic acid a fraction boiling between 96.90 and 96. at 760 mm. was used. The selected cut of triperfluorobu amine, ( C4F9)3N, boiled between 179.0 and 179.7" at 768 mm. pressure, and the selected cut of perfluoro-CB-cyclic ether distilled between 55.1 and 55.7" at 765 mm. Tlic latter material was a mixture of isomeric cyclic ethers of tlic empirical formula CBF120. It contained CpF5CF(CF2):,0, CFsCF(CF2)40a n d probably other isomers. Procedure.-Before making a run, a dry mixture nf tile desired compositinn and size was macle up by weight in a glass bulb closed by n stiipcock. The whole of the sample was transferred t o a graduated gas buret a n d while the sample was held a t -188' the rcmaining trace of air, if present, was reinoved by pumping. T h e sample wzs then allowed t o evaporate and the buret was later placed in ;t water-bath at constant tempcrature. \Vhen making pressure us. volume measurements, it wts common practice t o st:trt with the buret nearly fille~lwith g:is and to gradually decrease the volume from time t o time by forcing mercury into the bottoni of the buret. Sufficient time was alloweti to pass to permit equilibrium to be established a t each vol(8) E. J. Barber, L. I,. Uurger and G. 51. Catiy, T H I S J O U R K A I , 73, 4241 (19.51). (9) V. E.Stiles and G. H. L a d y , i b i d . , 74, 3771 (1952).


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ume observed. T h e pressure of the gas was read with a precision of 0.1 mm. of mercury using a cathetometer focused on a mercury manometer. When the pressures and volumes so obtained were plotted as a graph, the dew point and bubble point pressures could be recognized. These were recorded with a precision of 0.1 mm. and with a single sample were usually reproducible t o within 1.O mm. While most of the dew point and bubble point pressures probably were accurate within about 1 mm., there is reason t o feel that some of the bubble points were a s much as 5 mm. too high. T h e most satisfactory runs were those in which the dew point pressure was reached when the volume of gas had been reduced t o about 50 t o 70y0 of the volume of the buret.

Results Observed dew point and bubble point pressures are contained in Tables I to VII. Six of the systems turned out to be ideal within experimental limits. In these cases the ideal bubble point and dew point pressures are given for comparison. These ideal values involve the assumptions that Raoult's law is obeyed by each component and that

the vapors act as ideal gases. When calculating ideal dew point pressures the assumption was made that the first drop of liquid to appear was an ideal solution in equilibrium with vapor of the composition of the sample in question. Vapor pressures for the pure components were taken from the literature. TABLE 111 THESYSTEM SFTn-CsF12 AT 25' hlole fraction SFe

Dew point pressure, mm. Obsd. Ideal

0.000 ,051 ,389 .522

646.5" 681.7 1045.1 1323.8 17930'



.695 1.000

646.5" 684.7 728.0 767.5 833.4a

683.1 729.3 765.9

Bubble point pressure, mm. Obsd. Ideal

691.1 740.5 778.5

691.1 741.1 776.4

464.9 503.6 533.9

467.3 503.4 531.4

A t 15.0"

0.000 .238 .506

.713 1.000

435.Oa 457.8 493.8 525.8 569.6"

460.9 494.0 523.2

Mole fraction


346.6" 376.6 396.8 421.9 458.3"

A~RGON-PERFLUORO-?Z-PENTANE AT 25" Dew point pressure, mm. Obsd. Ideal

0.000 0.238 0.424 1.000

646.6" 868 1153

TABLE V THESYSTEM n-C6F14-(C4F9)3KAT 25"" Mole fraction

368.0 395.3 419.6

Bubble point pressure, mm. Obsd. Ideal


372.4 402.3 429.7

ca. 1

0.000 .lo4 .206 .398 .588 .614

373.2 403.1 426.2

Vapor pressures of the pure components are taken from E. J . Barber and G. H. Cady, J . Phys. Chem. 60,504 (1956).

24.8 42.7 87.3 129.9 137.4 187.8 219.2'



Mole fraction CaFio

Dew point pressure, mm. Obsd. Ideal




219.2" 271.5 352.6 496.4 663.3 833.4b

270.2 348.3 487.7 664.1

substantially ideal.

See Table 11.


383.4 539.1 688.0 780.8

376.4 528.1 678.0 777.5

A t 15.0" 138.5" 171.9 171.8 254.6 224.2 223.6 369.0 320.5 318.6 468.2 569.6 ' From reference 9. See Table I.

248.9 355.3 460.5

0.000 ,256 ,503 .747 1 .ooo

23.7 45.9 87.8 129.3 134.9 186.0

TABLE I1 Because of the low vapor pressure of one of the compo(C4F8)3N, no dew point pressures were measured for THESYSTEM C Y C L O - C ~ F ~ ~ ~ ~ - C ~ F ~ nents, ~ the system in Table V. It is highly probable that they are Bubble point pressure, At 25.0'

0.000 ,256 ,503 .747 ,909 1.000

848 1118 475000"

5 The temperature 25" is far above the critical temperature of argon. T o calculate the "ideal" dew point pressures a graph of log (vapor pressure) of argon as. l/T was extrapolated t o 25" as suggested by Hildebrand (Hildebrand, "Solubility of Non-Electrolytes," 2nd Edition, Reinhold Publ. Corp., New York, N. Y., 1936,pp. 30,31). An extrapolated pressure of 625 atm. was obtained.

A t 9.6'

0.000 .238 ,506 ,713 1.000



At 25.0"

0.000 .238


Product Data Sheet #SX-6, "Sulfur See Tablq, I . Hexafluoride, General Chemical Div., Allied Chemical and Dye Corp., New York (about 1950).

TABLE I Dew point pressure, mm. Obsd. Ideal

679.9 1034.3 1301.3

Bubble point pressure, mm. Obsd. Ideal


THE SYSTEX CYcLo-C6F10-n-CbF12 Mole fraction CsFio


Mole fraction CeFizO

0.000 .155 ,295 ,545 .743 ,754 ,846 .871 1.000 a

Bubble point pressure, Dew point pressure, mm. Obsd. Ideal

219.2" 222.7 225.2 230.1 234.0 234.1 236.3 236.8 240.8

See Table 11.

221 .o 223.3 227.2 231.9 232.2 235.0 238.8



224.4 228.0 233.2 235.5 235.7 238.0 238.7


222.5 225.6 231.0 235.2 235.5 237.5 238.0



PART O F THE SYSTEM n-CsFId22F6COOH Mole fraction Dew point pressure, Bubble point pressure, WC6Fla mm. mm.

0 ,000 0,496“

30.0 142.6 183.0 0.755 174.7 201.5 1.000 219.2 Solutions of mole fraction less than 0.496 could not be used in the apparatus because no suitable stopcock grease was found for the gas buret.

Discussion The close resemblance of the system argonperfluoro-n-pentane to ideal behavior was to be expected because of the low polarizability of molecules of both substances and because of the general physical resemblance of the rare gases to the fluorocarbons. The system perfluoro-n-hexane-pentafluoropropionic acid deviates greatly from ideality, the pressures being greater than ideal. This might be expected in the case of substances differing as these do. The deviation, however, is probably not as great as it appears to be, because polymerization of the acid causes its true mole fraction to be less than indicated in Table VII. I t is of interest to compare the observed behavior of systems described by Tables I to VI with that predicted by the theory of Hildebrand4 and Scatchard.j This theory results in the equation K T In y1


Vi+2(61 -


in which the symbols have t h e following meanings : R is the gas constant, T the absolute temperature, y1 the activity coefficient of component I , VI the molar volume of component, 1, +2 the volume fraction of component two in the liquid solution and 61 and 62 are the “solubility parameters” of the two components. X similar equation may be used to calculate the activity coefficient of the second component. From the two activity coefficients one may calculate the pressures of the components over a solution. To do this, 6 for each component has [ C O N T R I B U T I O X FROM THE

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first been calculated by the usual method: 6 = (AE,,/V)*. The quantity AEv is the energy of vaporization per mole of the component a t 25’ and I/ is its molar volume when a liquid. Table VI11 gives the calculated values of 6. TABLE VI11 SOLGBILITY PARAMETERS AT 25’ Substance




W C S F X iz-C6Fu









Since all of these values except that for sulfur hexafluoride are close to each other, the term (SI - fi2) is small for mixtures of these substances, unless sulfur hexafluoride is one component. The systems as predicted by the theory are very close to ideal, as shown in Table IX. TABLE IX CALCULATED TOTAL PRESSURE (IN MM.) AT 25” TEXS AT LIQL-ID MOLEFRACTION 0.500 System



Ideal Fromeq. 1

74.0 745.3

526.3 527.1


9289 12700



C6FI4C6F14(CaFs13N C6Fiz0

110.1 114.2

230.0 230.1

The system SF6--n-CgF12is without question more nearly ideal than is predicted from the &values. In a case such as this, i t is common practice to use the system to calculate an arbitrary &value for the component which seems to misbehave. To make the system in question ideal, 6 for SFg would be 5 . i i . A value as low as 5.3 would still give reasonably good agreement with experiment. For other fluorocarbon systems involving sulfur hexafluoride a &value in this neighborhood should lead to better predictions than the value 3.57, given in Table VII. Acknowledgment.-This work was performed under contract with the Office of Naval Research. The authors are grateful to the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. for some of the chemicals. SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON



Some Metal Complexes of Glycine and Valine1 BY







RECEIVED APRIL 19, 1956 The formation constants of the nickel(I1) and copper(I1) complexes of glycine and valine a t different temperatures have been measured. From these data, the enthalpy and entropy changes for the reaction M z c -t 2A- = MA2 have been calculated for M2+ = nickel(I1) and copper(I1) ions, and d- = glycinate and valinate ions. Only data for the nickel chelates are in agreement with the “iceberg-forming tendency” of Frank and Evans and of Robinson. In 45% by weight dioxane, the entropy of formation of Ni(glycinate)z complex is much more positive than in aqueous medium, presumably in part because of “sorting-desorting” effect. A linear relationship exists between log k”.of nickel-glycine complexes and mole fraction of dioxane in the range N2 = 0 t o AT2 = 0.323, whereas the variation of pK2” of glycine with mole fraction of dioxane is not linear. The highest order cadmium complex of glycine is CdA3-; log kl = 1.8,compared t o log klkz = 8.1. These values suggest that in the highest order complex, two glycinates are chelated, but the third is not chelated.

Introduction For the purpose of obtaining a better understanding of the factors which cause complex forrnation to take place, it is desirable to consider the ( I ) YrIii, inve.;tijiatiun was iupported h J (:rant K ~ , .KSF-GIW i r c m the X a t i o n d Science f ~ < n r n d a t i o n

free energy change to be a consequence of the enthalpy and entropy changes accompanying complex formation and to measure the relative contribution of these factors2 Such a study is described herein for the Ilickel(I1) and copper(I1) (21 C . G S p i k e : ~ n dK .

\V Parr)-, T H I SJ U I J K X A I . , 76, 2720 (1953).