liquids without surface effects

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An estimating method based on the system's characteristic bubble diameter is proposed; applicable to nonlaminar conditions in relatively inviscid liquids without surface effects. Interfacial Area in Sparged Vessels.

I. H . Lehrer, M o n a s h University, Australia

MS.6 9 - 4 9 4

9 pages (0 figures, 1 table) I&EC Subscribers $2.00 Nonsubscribers $4.00

Statistical Test of Vignes Correlation. This correlation for diffusion coefficients was tested on 27 binaries by two methods, one using differentiation, the other integration. For ideal systems the agreement with experimental values was excellent. For nonideal systems an average error of 16yowas obtained.

F. A. L. Ditllien, University of Waterloo, Canada

Ms. 6 9 - 5 2 3

47 pages (31 figures, 4 tables) I&EC Subscribers $1 0.00 Nonsubscribers $20.00

Hydroxymethylated Derivatives of Resin Acids. Their Use in Elastomeric Polyurethanes.

Preparation of polyols derived from hydroxymethylated resin acids and propylene oxide is described. Incorporating these as one of the glycol components in a polyurethane imparted strength and stiffness to films otherwise soft and weak.

J o h n B. L e w i s and Glen W . Hedrick, Southern Utilization Research and Development Diuision, A G R S , U.S.D.A.

MS.6 9 - 5 2 8 I&EC Subscribers $4.00

1 8 pages (5 tables) Nonsubscribers $8.00

Pressure Drop and Minimum Fluidization Velocities in Air-Fluidized Beds. Proposes a semi-

theoretical equation for minimum fluidization velocity. Calculated and observed values are in good agreement for several particulate materials. Particle size, shape, bed height, and column diameter influence channeling markedly. A correlation is suggested for predicting channeled bed pressure drop.

Experimental analogies between coal vitrain and phenol-formaldeyde resins provide evidences for new concept of coal structure, showing coal may be a complex mixture of bakelite-type plastics, a point of view fitting origin, properties, and previous structural theory.

I&EC Subscribers $6.00

Peter Lowenberg, Instifuto de Quimica-Escola de E n penharia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre-R. G . S. Brazil, South America

Optimal Design of Heat Exchanger by Computers. New mathematical models and logic

Bakelite as Structural Model of Coal.

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1 5 pages ( 3 flgures, 1 table)

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Relative Accuracy of Vapor-liquid Equilibrium Data Obtained from Vapor Composition and A quantitative comPressure Measurement.

parison is made of accuracy of vapor-liquid equilibrium data obtained from vapor compositions measured directly and computed from vapor pressure data, enabling the selection of the more accurate method (usually computed vapor composition).

E. C. Pillai and M . Raja RUG,Indian Institute ~f Technology, Bombay Ms. 6 9 - 5 2 9 3 0 pages (7flgures, 5 tables)

patterns are developed for minimizing the cost of heat exchangers. Program in F O R T R A N used

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Individual Film Resistances in liquid Extraction in One-In. I.D. York-Scheibel Column. Describes experimental work used to correlate

height of a transfer unit ( H T U ) , with continuous and discontinuous flow rates in a York-Scheibel column. Binary system, isobutanol-water, was used. Effect of agitator speed is discussed.


Proposes equations for determining pressure drop at porous media consisting of nonspherical particles. Pressure drops calculated from the proposed equations are in good agreement with the measured values on a wide range of Reynolds number.

Gas Flow Through Porous Media.

M . F . Chalabi, Cairo Uniuersilq, U.A.R.

Ms. 6 9 - 5 3 3

1 6 pages ( 4 figures, 2 tables) I&EC Subscribers $ 4 . 0 0 Nonsubscribers $8.00 Mass Transfer from Spherical Gas Bubbles and liquid Droplets Through Power-law Fluids in laminar Flow Regime. Continuous phase mass

transfer coefficients calculated for droplets or bubbles moving through non-Newtonian, powerlaw-type model in creeping flow region. Coefficients determined as function of Peclet number, power-law index, and relative viscous nature of dispersed and continuous phases.

Robert M. Wellek and Cheng-Chun Huang, U n i versity ~fMissouri- Rolla Ms. 6 9 - 5 3 4 3 0 pages ( 6 figures, 2 tables) I&EC Subscribers $6.00

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RESEARCH RESULTS SERVICE, I&EC 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036

Joseph W . Miller, Jr., and Francis J . Eastburn, Unzversify of Louisville

MS.6 9 - 5 2 7 I&EC Subscribers $4.00

L. T . Esayan, R. P. Nicoara, R. V . Tanasescu, M . E. Esayan, and R. N . Diaconescu, Iprosin-Chemical Plants Designing Institute, Bucharesf, Romania


Donald M a c k a y and Richard J . Salvador, University of Toronto, Canada

MS.6 9 - 5 2 6

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on a n IBM-360 computer. T h e results are emphasized showing the versatility and accuracy of the mathematical models.

