literature es&t - ACS Publications

sets forth training and reference ma terials for .... CALL TOLL FREE: 1 800 526-5368. In New Jersey, call ... formation Clearinghouse, Center for. Env...
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ES&T LITERATURE GC columns. Bulletin 53 lists features and advantages of gas chromatogra­ phy (GC) columns trade-marked Deactiglas. They are deactivated by silane treatment; all columns, under 7 ft, are made from a single piece of glass with no seams. Alltech Associates 151 Chromatography data. Brochure 5917 describes Model 450 Data System/ Controller, which can handle data from four high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems at once. Model 165 Rapid Scanning HPLC Detector is also described. Beckman Instruments 152 Asbestos replacement. Brochure de­ scribes NOBESTOS and other mate­ rials designed to replace compressed asbestos materials in chemical pro­ cessing and other applications. Three grades of material are discussed. Rogers 153 Respiratory protection. Catalog ex­ plains needs and uses of personal res­ piratory protection equipment. Reg­ ulations, maintenance, and warnings are explained step-by-step; 17 car­ tridge/filter elements have NIOSH and other approvals. HSC 154 Emissions scrubbing. Brochure de­ scribes heat extractor, which can ex­ tract waste heat for use, reduce flue gas temperatures to below 100 °F, and facilitate particle and SO2 scrubbing. Thermal Transfer 155 Variable-frequency drives. Application sheet 8.07 M outlines the energy-sav­ ing advantages of variable-frequency drives in water and wastewater treat­ ment plants, and their use with pumps, blowers, and aerators. Robicon 156 Chemicals. Catalog (1983-84 ed.) lists full line of chemicals and chemical

products; ask for Bulletin 1558. Ash­ land Chemical 157 Oxygen monitor. Brochure describes Model 56 dissolved oxygen monitor. Portable, rechargeable, and batteryoperated, it is useful in water and sewage plants, fresh and salt-water field work, and many other applica­ tions. Yellow Springs Instrument

recover floating hydrocarbons (HC) from water wells and gives perfor­ mance data. R.E. Wright Associates 165 Laboratory supplies. September 1983 catalog lists whole line of laboratory supplies with many items for health and safety regulation compliance. Interex 166


Hazardous materials training. Listing sets forth training and reference ma­ terials for prevention and control of oil and hazardous substance spillages and has a supplement on control and cleanup of toxic waste sites. Seminar Publishers 159 SCIC cation column. The Wescan Ion Analyzer for Summer 1983 describes single-column ion chromatography (SCIC) column for separating four cations in less than 1 min for analysis. Company also seeks chromatograms and articles on subject. Wescan In­ struments 160 Corrosion inhibitors. Brochure de­ scribes Conductor phosphate-based corrosion inhibitors for cooling water. Hercules 161 Blood mercury determinations. An­ nouncement tells about simplified procedure for determining blood mercury with only three reagents at a cost of less than 500/sampIe with an­ alyzer Model 511. Jerome Instrument

Particulate samplers. Bulletin 2354-1 describes fractionating and total par­ ticulate samplers with numerous ad­ vantageous features. Andersen Sam­ plers 167 Air classifiers. Brochure describes line of air classifiers that can deliver par­ ticle size control from 1 μτα to 100 mesh and 50-120 tons/h. Vibra Screw 168 High-volume sample analysis. Paper by F. Scott LaGrone explains how to cope with high-volume sample analysis in the analytical laboratory; automation is stressed. Radian 169 Particle counting. Brochure describes latest particle and colony counting system that counts bacterial colonies, plaques, and particles as small as 0.2 mm on 100-mm petri dishes. New Brunswick Scientific 170


Control valves. Technical packet lists and describes line of fluid-operated control valves for waterworks, petro­ leum, and other uses. Bermad 171

Groundwater sampling pump. Infor­ mation sheet describes SP-201-A portable groundwater sampling pump. Also mentioned is SP-202 pump with head diameter of 1.75 in. and 0.5-gpm output at 100 ft. Fultz Enterprises

Personnel protection. Brochure, "Personnel and Product Protection: A Guide to Laboratory Equipment," reviews designs of such equipment. Labconco 172


H2O2 waste treatment. Updated bro­ chure, "Municipal Waste Treatment Companies interested in a listing in this with Hydrogen Peroxide" (H 2 0 2 ), discusses control of BOD, COD, and department should send their releases filamentous bulking. FMC 164 directly to Environmental Science & Technology, Attn: Literature, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. HC recovery from water wells. Bro­ 20036 chure explains how Auto-Skimmer can

Safety equipment. 1984 catalog lists items of laboratory and safety equip­ ment for many needs. Lab Safety Supply 173 Air quality measurement. Catalog has detailed information on air samplers, pollution test kits, flow and velocity meters, sample calibrators, and many Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 17, No. 12, 1983


WILEY BOOKS to keep you informed ANALYTICAL ASPECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Edited by David F.S. Natusch & Philip K. Hopke Leading experts in the field present detailed information on chemical speciation and speciation in air analysis, water analysis, and selected specific elements. Stresses importance of new chemical and physical speciation and emphasizes physiochemical characterization in environmental problems. 267 pp. (1-04324-9) 1983 $40.00

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other instruments for air quality measurement. Envirotech Services 174 Acid rain information. Acid Precipitation Digest provides service for updating literature and information on acid rain. Includes journal articles, books, and other items. Acid Rain Information Clearinghouse, Center for Environmental Information, Inc., 33 S. Washington St., Rochester, N.Y. 14608 (write direct) Health publications. "1983 Catalogue of Publications" is available from the World Health Organization. Some are environmental. WHO Publications U.S.A., 49 Sheridan Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12210 (write direct) Land treatment report. "Land Treatment Practices in the Petroleum Industry" deals with disposal of organic waste on land. It was prepared for the American Petroleum Institute by ERT (Concord, Mass.) J. Eldon Rucker, API, 2101 L St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 (write direct) Oxygen deficiency. Safety Bulletin SR-2 warns of "extreme hazards" from oxygen-deficient atmospheres. Price, $1. Compressed Gas Association, Inc., 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, Va. 22202 (write direct) Waste transportation in New York. "Haulers Directory: A Guide to Waste Transporters in New York State," is offered. Looseleaf, updated annually. Price, $4.50. New York State Environmental Facilities Corp., 50 Wolf Rd., Albany, N.Y. 12205 (write direct) Exposure to aniline HCI. CIIT Activities has summary of report on rat exposure to aniline hydrochloride. Ask for September 1983 issue. Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology, P.O. Box 12137, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709 (write direct) Major oil spillage. Book, 144 pages, assesses social costs of the March 1978 Amoco Cadiz oil spillage. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Ocean Assessments Division, 11400 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Md. 20852 (write direct)

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Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 17, No. 12, 1983


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