Literature of Meat and Meat Packing - ACS Publications

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Literature of Meat and Meat Packing BARBARA J. PAYNE and H. R. KRAYBILL

Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on May 8, 2016 | Publication Date: June 17, 1954 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1954-0010.ch028

American Meat Institute Foundation, The University o f Chicago, Chicago 37, Ill.

A selected bibliography of the literature of meat and meat packing and the by-products of the industry was compiled. The literature is scattered in books, technical and trade journals, and publications of research organizations. With the aid of the abstracts, indexes, and reviews available to him, the investigator will not find the task of locating the literature an insurmountable one.

Research on the science and technology of livestock, livestock processing, and livestock products is a development of little more than the past hundred years. I n 1847, Liebig (8) described the situation i n regard to research on the food animal i n this way, " i n A n i m a l Chemistry, which is a frontier district, belonging neither to Chemistry nor to Physiology, as commonly happens on the frontiers of thinly-peopled countries, adventurers of a l l kinds roam about; and i t is on the observations made, and tales related by these a d ­ venturers, during their occasional expeditions or excursions, that the greater part of our knowledge of this district rests/' I n the century since Liebig wrote these words, gave his analyses of animal flesh, and described the famous meat extract, the number of a d ­ venturers has swelled considerably, and their expeditions are no longer merely occasional. The last half of the nineteenth century saw much classic research on the food ani­ mal and on the constituents of animal food products carried on i n the universities and, i n this country, i n the United States Department of Agriculture and the agricultural experi­ ment stations. The chemist even entered the packing industry which previously had concentrated, and concentrated very effectively, on mechanical and technological a d ­ vances. Appearing first i n the by-product industries, the chemist arrived i n the packing industry proper about 1890, according to Richardson (5). I n the nineteenth century there also was increasing emphasis, particularly i n Germany, on the scientific aspects of the ancient practice of meat inspection, as evidenced by Ostertag's nine thousand item "Bibliographie der Fleischbeschau" (If), published at the time the M e a t Inspection A c t of 1906 was under consideration in this country. In the present century there has been ever-increasing research on meat and meat products. I n the constant search for new methods of processing and new uses for animal products, the packing house laboratory has grown from the one-man department of the turn of the century into a laboratory with a large staff of scientists engaged i n research covering a wide range of subjects related to meat, meat processing, and meat by-products. The experiment stations have continued to make major contributions, particularly i n the areas of research on the meat animal, on the nutritional aspects of meat food products, and on the preparation of meat. A great deal of research i n the field is carried on i n the laboratories of various governmental agencies, both i n this country and abroad, and oil government-sponsored research projects i n the universities and other research agencies. In the last thirty years has come group-industry-sponsored research on the part of the meat packing and allied industries. A by-product of a l l this research has been, of course, publication. The chemist entering the field of meat research finds a complex situation i n regard to 263

LITERATURE RESOURCES Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.




the literature. One factor contributing to this complexity is that, actually, there are two literatures, often intermingled. The one deals with the technology of the industry, the actual methods of operation involved i n processing the meat animal; the other con­ stitutes the publication resulting from scientific investigation i n the field. B o t h are i m ­ portant to the research man.

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By-Product Literature Further complexity comes with the fact that the meat packing industry is no longer concerned with meat packing alone. The continued search for new uses for the so-called by-products, many of which were considered waste products a century ago, has widened the boundaries of the industry enormously. The industry is engaged i n supplying the raw materials for such fields as edible and inedible fats and oils, hides and leather, glue and gela­ tin, pharmaceuticals, and animal feeds i n which animal products are used. I n many cases, the industry has entered into the manufacture of the products of these fields. Having the facilities for the efficient processing and marketing of poultry and poultry products, several packers have entered into these phases of the poultry industry. Now, most of these fields have extensive literatures, much of which is of immediate or relative interest to the modern packing industry. Space does not permit a thorough coverage of each of these literatures here. A selected list of the journals and books that are of interest to the researcher investigating these allied aspects of the industry are included i n the bibliography. A book i n the American Meat Institute series, " B y - P r o d u c t s of the M e a t Packing Industry" (157), presents a unified discussion of the uses of the by-products and the operational methods involved i n their processing. This serves, at least, as an intro­ duction to the by-product field.

Literature of Meat and Meat Packing A selected list of books, technical and trade journals, abstract and index services, and reviews is given i n the bibliography. Types of publications issued by group-industrysponsored research organizations and those issued by domestic and foreign governmentsponsored research organizations are also listed. Various bureaus of the U . S. Department of Agriculture issue numerous types of publications which have not been included. B o o k s . T h e literature of the technological aspects of the industry extends back to a n t i q u i t y . A s is frequently pointed out, the packing industry is one of the oldest, having its beginnings i n prehistoric times as a household industry. Throughout his book, " M e a t and M e a t Foods" (90), Jensen gives an interesting historical account of the beginnings of various processes and also a historical review of the use of meat as food. Jensen's book is particularly useful as a nontechnical introduction to the processing and preservation of meat, especially in regard to the microbiological aspects. For more de­ tailed discussions of industrial operations, the investigator will find very useful the American M e a t Institute series which includes "Beef, Veal and Lamb Operations," " P o r k Operations," and "Sausage and Ready-To-Serve M e a t s " (8^-86). The first two-of these describe the methods involved i n processing the meat animal from the time it comes to the packing plant to the time its various products are dispersed into the marketing channels. The last discusses methods of making sausage and other specialty meats, as well as i n ­ gredients and formulas. Supplementing these are Urbain's chapter on meat and meat products i n Jacob's "Chemistry and Technology of Food and Food Products" (39), Gerrard's " M e a t Technology" (101), describing British operations, and the German and other European texts on industrial operations noted i n the bibliography. Several texts, also indicated i n the bibliography, discuss operational methods i n light of special sub­ jects, such as meat inspection and microbiology. Additional sources for the technological literature are the trade journals and the patent literature. Abstracts and Indexes. T h e scientific literature of meat and meat packing may be described i n a word: scattered. The chemists, bacteriologists, biochemists, nutri­ tionists, and others who have contributed to the field have quite naturally tended to publish i n their own journals. M u c h of the material is found i n the technical reports LITERATURE RESOURCES Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.

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and bulletins of the agricultural experiment stations and other research agencies, both government and privately sponsored. This being the case, the abstract and index serv­ ices, as sources of the literature, assume a position of very great importance. For looking into the early investigations, Chemisches Zentralblatt (12) the Experiment Station Record (13) begun i n 1889, and the List of Publications of the Agnculture Depart­ ment, with its successor, Index to Publications of the United States Department of Agricul­ ture (20), will prove useful. Parenthetically, references to much of the classic work of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth are to be found i n R i c h a r d ­ son's excellent review on meat and meat products i n " A l l e n ' s Commercial Organic A n a l y ­ sis" (35). For the more recent work, the chemist will naturally turn first to Chemical Ab­ stracts (11). Here i n the current issues he will find most of the papers on meat abstracted in the foods section, Section 12. However, the biological chemistry section, 11, and the analytical section, 7, warrant attention with regard to methods, and, i n the case of the former, the nutritional and physiological aspects of the field. Then there are Section 27, " F a t s , F a t t y Oils, Waxes and Detergents," and Section 29, "Leather and G l u e , " for those by-product areas. The subject indexes have quite consistently grouped references re­ lated to the field under the one heading, " M e a t , " with a few technological references under " P a c k i n g Industry" and "Slaughterhouse." For the animal products other than meat, there are the specific headings, " L a r d , " " H i d e s , " " G e l a t i n , " and so on. Biological Abstracts (9) yields a few more references. I t has a brief subsection on meat and meat by-products i n the food technology section. I n addition to this section, references related to the field are scattered through the sections on animal physiology, animal production, and food and industrial microbiology. When the lagging indexes do come out, most of the pertinent references are found under the heading, " M e a t . " Section Β I I I , "Agriculture, Foods, Sanitation," of Bntish Abstracts (10), though not so complete i n coverage nor so current, gives some supplementary references from journals not covered by the other two. A good, specialized abstract service, begun i n 1929 b y the Food Investigation Board of Great Britain and until 1949 called Index to the Literature of Food Investigation, is Food Science Abstracts (H). The bimonthly issues contain abstracts of interest to the meat field in the sections, " F a t s and Oils, Processes, Packing Methods, Engineering" and the section entitled, with a nice British touch, " M e a t (Including Pig-Flesh)." F o r special aspects of the field there are Refngeration Abstracts (18), Abstracts of Vitamin Literature (7), Fats-Oils-Detergents (132), and Nutntion Abstracts and Reviews (17), which are of interest i n regard to the material i n the fields indicated by their titles. The last, Nutntion Abstracts and Reviews, covers a wide variety of subjects related to the nutritional aspects of meat, but lacks a unified arrangement with regard to this field, and is further made difficult to use by the dropping of the indexes during the war. These i n ­ dexes are now gradually being published, beginning with the first volume lacking them. The Wilson indexes, Agnculture Index (8) and Industrial Arts Index (15), prove quite useful i n the location of some of the technological material which is not covered b y the services mentioned above. The unified arrangement of the material under general sub­ ject headings and the extensive cross references make them convenient to use. The D e ­ partment of Agriculture Library's Bibliography of Agnculture (19), though considerably less conveniently indexed, is a valuable source because of its complete listing of experi­ ment station and Department of Agriculture publications and its prompt coverage of the current literature. Since the separate listing of Department of Agriculture publications was terminated, the U . S. Government publications monthly catalog (16) serves as the most complete index of technical reports and bulletins coming from the research carried on by the various bureaus of the department. Journals. N o A m e r i c a n scientific journals deal exclusively w i t h the field of meat research. T h e " J o u r n a l of M e a t Science" is yet to be published. Russia appears to be the only country that has brought out a journal approximating this. The Library of Congress list of periodicals of the Soviet Union (6) cites three journals i n the field of meat, two of which deal with both the meat and dairy industries, but the third, LITERATURE RESOURCES Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.

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Miasniia Industnia S.S.S.R. (79), carries research papers entirely within the field, and they appear to be quite interesting ones. The Library of Congress list locates files of the Russian periodicals in American libraries. Other than this, periodicals devoted to meat and meat packing run to trade journals. The most recent edition of Ulrich?s Periodical Directory (2) lists just seven periodicals i n the field. Of these, four, by design or practice, are concerned primarily with marketing. The weekly, The National Provisioner (50), and the monthly, Meat (49), both published i n Chicago, report* i n addition to news of the market and of the industry in general, i m ­ portant new technological and scientific developments. Since these publish only brief indexes for each volume and are not covered by any of the abstracting or indexing serv­ ices, they require an issue-by-issue scanning. The journals listed here that are general to the food industries contain much that is directly pertinent or applicable to the meat industry. Several, particularly the Canad­ ian and British publications, carry, from time to time, extensive reports of experimental work or review articles on the field. Nearly all contain sections that provide a quick sur­ vey of the new trade literature. W i t h the exception of Food Processing (48) and Food Machinery (45), all of those listed are indexed or abstracted by at least one of the services discussed above. A t the present time, the two American journals carrying the greatest proportion of re­ search papers i n the meat field are Food Research (55) and the comparatively new Food Technology (56). I n 1950, the Society of Chemical Industry, London, introduced the Journal of the Science of Food and Agnculture (77) which promises to add much to the field. F r o m Germany comes Zeitschrift fur Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung (88) which has presented numerous papers i n the field during the half-century it has been published, under various names. Beyond these are the literally thousands of journals that carry an occasional article on meat and meat products or on basic information pertinent to the field. I n the listing here, only those journals have been listed which have appeared to be most useful to the investigator i n the field, either i n regard to the number of papers reporting experimental work directly i n the field or from the standpoint of papers that are important with re­ gard to methods and the like. Selection of such journals makes one most conscious of the fact that it is difficult to draw a line and say, " H e r e ends the literature of meat re­ search." B y way of example, the histochemist may report i n Stain Technology a piece of work on beef muscle tissue and call it muscle tissue, but i n the last analysis that tissue is meat, and his findings are of interest to the meat investigator. Reviews and Advances. A m o n g the serial review sources listed here, Advances in Food Research (22) gives the best coverage of research that will interest the meat investi­ gator, both with regard to that which lies directly i n the meat field and those topics in other areas of the food field which may be applicable to meat research. The other re­ views fall into the basic-information category. The proceedings of the research conferences, held annually since 1949 by the Council on Research of the American Meat Institute (29), constitute a specialized source which con­ tains material primarily of a review nature. The reviews on the applications of analytical methods to food research, published annually i n Analytical Chemistry since 1949 (30), are rich sources for material on this particular area. The most comprehensive review of meat research is the "Report of the Review C o m ­ mittee" of the Conference on Cooperative M e a t Investigations, published by the National Livestock and M e a t Board (31). The committee undertook the enormous task of re­ viewing and abstracting all of the noteworthy meat research literature i n English, as well as some unpublished work, for the twenty-year period, 1925 through 1945. Distribu­ tion of the report was limited, and it is not now available for purchase; however, copies are to be found i n the agricultural colleges of the country. Patents. There is an extensive patent literature on the processing of meat and meat products. Frequently the prior art sections of these patents a r e o f interest i n determining certain t y p i c a l operational methods, where those methods have not LITERATURE RESOURCES Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.

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been described elsewhere. There are the usual difficulties in locating the patents; however, in addition to the listing of patents in Chemical Abstracts, most of the meat and food trade journals report on major new patents. Publications of Research Agencies. It has been emphasized that the publica­ tions of several research agencies have made major contributions to the literature of meat research. Agricultural experiment stations of the various states and the bureaus of the Department of Agriculture issue bulletins, circulars, and technical papers. Three organizations of the British Commonwealth have been particularly active in the field. Most notable is the Food Investigation Board which was organized in 1917 by Great Britain's Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. In its four laboratories and stations this organization has studied a wide variety of problems in the meat field and has published extensively. In addition to the Food Science Abstracts, its own publica­ tions range from comprehensive special reports, many of which stand as excellent reviews of the particular subject under investigation, to leaflets, which note work currently in progress (120-124). Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization estab­ lished the Division of Food Preservation and Transport in 1938. This group has contrib­ uted particularly in the areas of the freezing and chilling of meat and the preservation of meat. The Division of Applied Biology of the National Research Council of Canada has concentrated its research activities in recent years on the preservation of food, particu­ larly pork products, and on the industrial utilization of agricultural wastes and surpluses. Publications are issued (125-127), or papers appear in the National Research Council journal series. In this country, the American Meat Institute Foundation, organized in 1944, pub­ lishes the results of its research in technical papers, bulletins, and circulars. In the case of each of these organizations, and this includes the agricultural experi­ ment stations, it is possible to obtain complete lists of available publications upon request. These lists prove to be very useful in locating much of the recent literature in the field. Also useful from the standpoint of their surveys of research projects currently in progress are the annual reports, or their counterparts, which are published by each of these organ­ izations. The annual report (128) of the National Livestock and Meat Board should be added, for it surveys the research projects which the Board sponsors in various universi­ ties. Related Subjects. Much of the literature on the effects of livestock breeding and raising on the quality of meat will be found in sources indicated here, particularly the publications of the agricultural experiment stations and the Department of Agriculture. The literature on the marketing of meat and meat products has been very effectively covered by the ' 'Bibliography on the Marketing of Livestock, Meat and Meat Products" (1), issued by the Department of Agriculture in June, 1951. This annotated bibliography, which is well-arranged and well-indexed, lists 1600 references from the period 1932 to July, 1950. Bibliography General (1) Gooch, D. W., compiler, U. S. Dept. Agr., Bibl. Bull., No. 15 (1951). Bibliography on the Marketing of Livestock, Meat and Meat Products. (2) Graves, E. C., ed., "Ulrich's Periodical Directory," 6th ed., New York, R. R. Bowker Co., 1951. (3) Liebig, Justus von, "Researches on the Chemistry of Food," William Gregory, ed., p. 2, London, Taylor and Walton, 1847. (4) Ostertag, Robert von, "Bibliographie der Fleischbeschau," Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1905. (5) Richardson, W. D., "Science in the Packing Industry," p. 258, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1924. (6) U. S. Library of Congress, Washington,, D. C., "Serial Publications of the Soviet Union, 1939-51," 1951. LITERATURE RESOURCES Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.



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Abstracts and Indexes

(7) Abstracts of Vitamin Literature, Association of Vitamin Chemists, Inc., 808 South Wood St., Chicago 12, Ill., 1947-. (8) Agricultural Index, H. W. Wilson Co., 950 University Ave., New York 52, N. Y., 1916(9) Biological Abstracts, Section G, John E. Flynn, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa., 1926-. (10) British Abstracts, Section BIII, Bureau of Abstracts, Colquhoun House, Broadwick St., London W1, England, 1882-. (11) Chemical Abstracts, Sections 7, 11, 12, AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 1155 Sixteenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C., 1907-. (12) Chemisches Zentralblatt, Akademie-Verlag G.m.b.H., Schiffbauerdamm 19, Berlin NW7, Germany, 1830-. (13) Experiment Station Record, Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C., 1889-1946. (14) Food Science Abstracts, Sections 1, 9, 11, H. M. Stationery Office, York House, Kingsway, London WC2, England, 1929-. (15) Industrial Arts Index, H. W. Wilson Co., 950 University Ave., New York 52, New York, 1913-. (16) Monthly Catalog of the United States Government Publications, Superintendent o ments, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. (17) Nutrition Abstracts & Reviews, Secy., "Nutrition Ab«tracts and Reviews," Rowett Inst., Bucksburn, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 1931-. (18) Refrigeration Abstracts, Section 700, American Society of Refrigerating Engineers, 40 West 40th St., New York 18, Ν. Y., 1946-. (19) U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bibliography of Agriculture, U. S. Government Print­ ing Office, Washington, D. C., 1942-. (20) U. S. Department of Agriculture, Index to Publications of the United States Departme of Agriculture, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1901-1940. Reviews and Advances SERIAL REVIEWS

(21) Advances in Enzymology and Related Subjects of Biochemistry, Interscience Pub Inc., 250 Fifth Ave., New York 1, Ν. Y., 1941-. (22) Advances in Food Research, Academic Press Inc., 125 East 23rd St., New York 10, Ν. Y., 1948-. (23) Advances in Protein Chemistry, Academic Press, Inc., 125 East 23rd St., New York 10, Ν. Y., 1944-. (24) Annual Review of Biochemistry, Annual Reviews, Inc., Stanford University P. O., Calif., 1932-. (25) Annual Review of Microbiology, Annual Reviews, Inc., Stanford, Calif., 1947-. (26) Annual Review of Physiology, Annual Reviews, Inc., Stanford University P. O., Calif., 1939-. (27) International Review of Cytology, Academic Press, Inc., 125 East 23rd St., New York 10, Ν. Y., 1952-. (28) Vitamins and Hormones, Academic Press, Inc., 125 East 23rd St., New York 10, Ν. Y., 1943-.


(29) Proceeding of the Conference on Research, Council on Research of the Americ stitute, University of Chicago, American Meat Institute, Department of Scientific Re­ search, 59 East Van Buren St., Chicago 5, Ill.


(30) Analytical Chemistry, annual review in Jan. or Feb. issue, 1949-. (31) Conference on Cooperative Meat Investigations, "Report of the Review Committee," Chicago, National Livestock and Meat Board, 1937-1946. (32) Jacobs, Μ. Β., "The Chemical Analysis of Foods and Food Products," 2nd ed., Chap. 11, New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1951. Meat, Meat Products, Fish and Eggs. (33) Kraybill, H. R., "The Nutritive Aspects of Meat and Meat Products," in Sayhun, Mel­ ville, ed., "Proteins and Amino Acids in Nutrition," New York, Reinhold Publish­ ing Corp., 1948. 154 references. (34) Lowe, Belle, "Experimental Cookery from the Chemical and Physical Standpoint," 3rd ed., Chap. 8, New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1943. Meat Cookery, Methods and Effects; 107 references. (35) Richardson, W. D., "Meat and Meat Products, in Allen's "Commercial Organic Analy­ sis," Vol. 8, Philadelphia, P. Blakiston Sons & Co., 1913. Early work, particularly analytical. (36) Sherman, H. C., "Food Products," 4th ed., Chap. 6, New York, Macmillan Co., 1948 LITERATURE RESOURCES Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.


(37) (38) (39) (40)


Meats and Meat Products. Broad discussion, references on nutrition, chemistry and technology. Tanner, F. W., "The Microbiology of Foods," 2nd ed., Chap. 21, Champaign, Ill., Gar­ rard Press, 1944. Meat and Meat Products. 303 references. Tressler, D. K., and Evers, C. F., "The Freezing Preservation of Foods," Chap. 13, New York, Avi Publishing Co., Inc., 1943. The Preparation and Freezing of Meat. 67 references. Urbain, W. M., "Meat and Meat Products," in Jacobs, M. B., "The Chemistry and Technology of Food and Food Products," 2nd ed., Vol. 2, Chap. 21, New York, Inter­ science Publishers, Inc., 1951. Definitions, standards, composition and chemistry. Vol. 3, Chap. 46, Production. Winton, A. L., and Winton, Κ. B., "The Analysis of Food," Part 21, Section H., New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1945. Animal foods.

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Trade Journals

(41) Canadian Food Industries, Canadian Food Industries, Gardenvale, Quebec, Canada, 1930-. (42) Food (London), 33 Tothill St., Westminster, London SW1, England, 1931-. (43) Food Engineering, formerly Food Industries, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Inc., 330 West 42nd St., New York 18, Ν. Y., 1928-. (44) Food in Canada, Consolidated Press, Ltd., 73 Richmond St., W., Toronto 1, Ontario Canada, 1941(45) Food Machinery, Food Machinery Publications, 5 East Long St., Columbus 15, Ohio, 1950-. (46) Food Manufacture, Leonard Hill, Ltd., 17 Stratford Place, London W1, England, 1927-. (47) Food Packer, 139 North Clark St., Chicago 2, Ill., 1920-. (48) Food Processing, Putman Publishing Co., 737 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, Ill., 1940-. (49) Meat Magazine, Meat, Inc., 59 East Van Buren, Chicago 5, Ill., 1934-. (50) National Provisioner, National Provisioner, Inc., 15 West Huron St., Chicago 10, Ill., 1889-. (51) Quick Frozen Foods, E. W. Williams Publications, Inc., 82 Wall St., New York 5, Ν. Y., 1938-. (52) Res; Revista Illustrada de las Carnes Argentinas (English and Spanish), Avenída Roque Sáenz Pe•••ña 760, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1933-. Technical Journals AMERICAN

(53) Analytical Chemistry, AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 1155 Sixteenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C., 1929-. (54) Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Academic Press, Inc., 125 East 23rd St., New York 10, Ν. Y., 1942-. (55) Food Research, 119-123 West Park Ave., Champaign, Ill., 1936-. (56) Food Technology, 119-123 West Park Ave., Champaign, Ill., 1947-. (57) Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 1155 Sixteenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C., 1909-. (58) Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Mt. Royal and Guilford Aves., Baltimore Md., 1925-. (59) Journal of the American Medical Association, American Medical Association, 535 Nort Dearborn St., Chicago 10, Ill., 1883-. (60) Journal of Animal Science, J. I. Miller, Department of Animal Husbandry, Cornell University, Ithaca, Ν. Y., 1942-. (61) Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, Box 540, Benjamin Fr Station, Washington 4, D. C., 1915-. (62) Journal of Bacteriology, Williams & Wilkins Co., Mt. Royal and Guilford Aves., Balti­ more 2, Md., 1916-. (63) Journal of Biological Chemistry, American Society of Biological Chemists, Inc., Mt. Royal and Guilford Aves., Baltimore 2, Md., 1905-. (64) Journal of Home Economics, American Home Economics Association, 1600 Twentieth St., N. W., Washington 5, D. C., 1909-. (65) Journal of Nutrition, Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, Woodland Ave. and 36th St., Philadelphia 4, Pa., 1928-. (66) Nutrition Reviews, Nutrition Foundation, Inc., Chrysler Bldg., New York 17, Ν. Y., 1931-. (67) Quarterly Bulletin of the Association of Food and Drug Officials of the United St Wright, Div. of Food and Drugs Inspection, Kansas State Board of Health, Topeka, Kan., 1937-. ,(68) Science, 1515 Massachusetts Ave., N. W., Washington 5, D. C., 1895-. LITERATURE RESOURCES Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.



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(69) Biochemical Journal (London), Cambridge University Press, Bentley House, 200 Euston Rd., London NW1, England, 1906-. (70) British Journal of Nutrition, Cambridge University Press, 51 Madison Ave., New York 10, Ν. Y., 1947-. (71) Canadian Journal of Technology, formerly Canadian Journal of Research, Sec National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada, 1944-. (72) Canadian Journal of Zoology, formerly Canadian Journal of Research, Section D, Research Council, Ottawa, Canada, 1935-. (73) Chemistry & Industry, Society of Chemical Industry, 56 Victoria St., London SW1, England, 1923-. (74) Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H., Tüb inger Str. 53, Stuttgart S, Germany, 1903-. (75) Enzymologia, W. Junk, 13 van Stolkweg, The Hague, Netherlands, 1936-. (76) Journal of Applied Chemistry, London, formerly Journal of the Society of Chemic try, Society of Chemical Industry, 56 Victoria St., London SW1, England, 1882-. (77) Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Society of Chemical Industry, 56 Victo St., London SW1, England, 1950-. (78) Miasnaia i Molochnaia Promyshlennost', Min. Miasnoi i MolochnoíPromyshlenn SSSR, Moscow, U.S.S.R., 1945-. (79) Miasnaia Industria SSSR, Glav. Upr. Miasnoi i Ptichnoi Promyshlennosti SSSR, Moscow, U.S.S.R., 1930-. (80) Nature, Macmillan & Co., Ltd., St. Martin's St., London WC2, England, 1869-. (81) New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, Publications Officer, Dept. of Scien and Industrial Research, P. O. Box 562, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1918-. (82) Skandinaviska Veterinar-Tidskrift, Upsala, Sweden, 1911-. (83) Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung, Springer-Verlag, Jeben Berlin-Charlottenburg 2, Germany, 1898-.


(84) American Meat Institute, Institute Plan Commission, "Beef, Veal and Lamb Operations," 4th ed., Chicago, Institute of Meat Packing, The University of Chicago, 1945. Operations involved in processing and handling beef, veal, and lamb primary products and by-products. (85) American Meat Institute, Institute Plan Commission, "Pork Operations," 5th ed., Chicago, Institute of Meat Packing, The University of Chicago, 1944. Operational methods connected with processing primary pork products. (86) American Meat Institute, Institute Plan Commission, "Sausage and Ready-To-Serve Meats," Chicago, Institute of Meat Packing, The University of Chicago, 1938. Processing methods, ingredients, formulas. (87) Clemens, R. S., "American Livestock and Meat Industry," New York, Ronald Press, 1923. Comprehensive account of the history and development of the industry. (88) Dillon, C. E., "Meat Slaughtering and Processing," St. Louis, Meat Merchandising, Inc., 1947. Practical guide to small scale operations. (89) Edelmann, R. H., "Text-book of Meat Hygiene, with Special Consideration of Antemortem and Postmortem Inspection of Food-producing Animals," 8th ed., by J. R. Mohler and Adolph Eichhorn. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1943. Comprehensive treatment of all aspects of inspection. (90) Jensen, L. B., "Meat and Meat Foods; Processing and Preservation from Meat Plant to Consumer," New York, Ronald Press, 1944. Nontechnical discussion, emphasizing microbiology. Extensive historical and technological references. (91) Miller, A. R., "Meat Hygiene," Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1951. Antemortem and postmortem inspection of the food animal and meat processing in light of these. (92) Moulton, C. R., and Lewis, W. L., "Meat through the Microscope; Applications of Chemistry and the Biological Sciences to Some Problems of the Meat Packing Industry," rev. ed., Chicago, Institute of Meat Packing, The University of Chicago, 1940. Summarizes much of the early investigation. (93) National Cooperative Meat Investigations, Committee on Preparation Factors, "Meat and Meat Cookery," Chicago, National Live Stock and Meat Board, 1942. Fundamentals and review of experimental studies. (94) Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, "Not by Bread Alone," New York Macmillan Co., 1946. Studies the effects of a diet of meat only. (95) U. S. National Archives, Division of the Federal Register. "Code of Federal Regulations. Title 9: Animals and Animal Products," U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1949 Annual supplements. (96) Winton, A. L., and Winton, Κ. B., "The Structure and Composition of Foods," Vol. 3, Milk, Butter, Cheese, Ice Cream, Eggs, Meat, Meat Extracts, Gelatin, Animal Fats, Poultry, Fish, Shellfish," New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1937. Reviews much of the early literature. LITERATURE RESOURCES Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.



(97) Ziegler, P. T., "The Meat We Eat," 3rd ed., Danville, Ill., Interstate Printers, 1952. Text dealing primarily with processing.

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(98) Benthlin, Friedrich, "Die Fleischwarenherstellung. Deutsche Fleischer-Zeitung," Berlin, Verlag H. Holzmann, 1940. 'Series of volumes on processing various products. (99) Drabble, J., "Textbook of Meat Inspection," 2nd ed., London, Angus & Robertson, Ltd., 1940. (100) Ferrer Combeller, Ricardo, "Conservas de Productos de Origen Animal; Huevos, Aves, Carnes, Pescado y Lecheria," Barcelona, Editorial Araluce, 1943. (101) Gerrard, Frank, "Meat Technology," 2nd ed., London, Leonard Hill, 1951. British processing methods. (102) Gerrard, Frank, "Sausage and Small Goods Production," 3rd ed., London, Leonard Hill, 1948. Equipment, production, formulas. (103) Grüttner, Felix, "Taschenbuch der Fleisch Warenderstellung einsch. Konservierung. Praxis und Wissenschaft der Fleischverarbeitung," 3rd ed., Brunswick, Serger & Hempel, 1942. (104) Ostertag, Robert von, "Textbook of Meat Inspection (Antemortem and Post-mortem) including the Veterinary Control of Meat and Meat Products," translated by C. F. Marshall. London, Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1934. (105) Sanz Egaña, Cesareo, "Industria de la Carne; Chacineria Moderna (Embutidos, Sal­ azones y Conservas)," 2nd ed., Madrid, Espana-Calpe, s.a., 1942. (106) Schrader, Oskar, ed., "Die Herstellung von Fleisch-und Wurstkonserven," Berlin, Deutsche Fleischer-Zeitung, 1937. Emphasis on sausage formulas and methods. (107) Standfuss, Richard, "Bakteriologische Fleischbeschau." 3rd ed., Berlin, R., Schoetz, 1936.


(108) Annual or Biennial Reports. (109) Bulletins. (110) Circulars. (111) Technical Papers.


(112) Annual Reports. (113) Circulars. (114) Technical Bulletins.


(115) (116) (117) (118) (119)

Annual Reports, 1938-. Bulletins. Food Preservation Quarterly, 1942-. Food Preservation Quarterly, 8, 3 & 4, (1948). Ten year review of activities. Technical Papers.


(120) Annual Reports, 1917-. (121) Bulletins. (122) Memoirs. (123) Special Reports. (124) Technical Papers.


(125) Annual Reports. (126) Bulletins. (127) Technical Reports.


(128) Annual Reports, 1924-.

By-Products and Other Allied Fields Abstracts and Indexes SERIAL ABSTRACTS AND INDEXES

(129) Agricultural Index, H. W. Wilson Co., 950 University Ave., New York 52, Ν. Y., 1916(130) Biological Abstracts, Section G, Poultry Section, John E, Flynn, University of Pennsyl­ vania, Philadelphia 4, Pa., 1926LITERATURE RESOURCES Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.



(131) Chemical Abstracts, Sections 27 and 29, AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 1155 Sixteenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C., 1907(132) Fats, Oils, Detergents, Interscience Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Ave., New York 1, Ν. Y., 1944-. (133) Food Science Abstracts, Section 4, H. M. Stationery Office, York House, Kingsway, Lon­ don WC2, England, 1929-. (134) Industrial Arts Index, H. W. Wilson Co., 950 University Ave., New York 52, Ν. Y., 1913-. (135) Monthly Catalog of the United States Government Publications, Superintendent o ments, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. (136) U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bibliography of Agriculture, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1942-.


(137) Journal of the American Leather Chemists' Association, Fred O'Flaherty, Dept. of Lea Research, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1906-. (138) Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 35 East Wacker Dr., Chicago 1, Ill., 1924-

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Scientific Journals

(139) Fette und Seifen, Industrieverlag von Hernhaussen K. G., Rodingsmarkt 24, Hamburg 11, Germany, 1894-. (140) Journal of the American Leather Chemists' Association. See (137). (141) Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. See (138). (142) Journal of the Society of Leather Trades' Chemists, Secy., Forestal Central Laboratori Harpenden, Herts, England, 1917-. (143) Das Leder, Eduard Roether Verlag, Liebigstr. 24, Darmstadt, Germany, 1950-. (144) Oléagineux, Inst, de recherches pour les huiles et oléagineux (I.R.H.O.) 11-12-13 Sq. Pétrarque, Paris 16e, France, 1946-. (145) Poultry Science, Poultry Science Association, Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas, 1921-. (146) World's Poultry Science Journal, World's Poultry Science Association, Cornell University, Ithaca, Ν. Y., 1945-. Trade Journals (147) American Egg and Poultry Review, Urner-Barry Co., 92 Warren St., New York 7, Ν. Y., 1940-. (148) Canadian Poultry Review, Donovan Publications, 204 Richmond St., West, Toronto 1, Canada, 1877-. (149) Feedstuffs, Miller Publishing Co., 119 South 6th St., Minneapolis 2, Minn., 1929-. (150) Leather Manufacturer, Shoe Trades Publishing Co., 683 Atlantic Ave., Boston 11, Mass., 1883-. (151) Leather Trades' Review, Bouverie House, 154 Fleet St., London EC4, England, 1867-. (152) Leather World, Leather Trade Publishing Co., Ltd., 8 St. Thomas St., London S.E.1, England, 1909-. (153) National Provisioner, National Provisioner, 15 West Huron St., Chicago 10, Ill., 1889-. (154) Seifen-Öle-Fette-Wachse, Verlag für chemische Industrie, H. Ziolkowsky K.-G., Beet­ hovenstr. 16, Augsburg, Germany, 1874-. (155) U. S. Egg and Poultry Magazine, Institute of American Poultry Industries, 110 North Franklin St., Chicago 6, Ill., 1893-. Books (156) Alexander, Jerome, "Glue and Gelatin," AM. CHEM. Soc., Mono. No. 11, New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1923. (157) American Meat Institute, Committee on Textbooks, "By-Products of the Meat Packing Industry," rev. ed., Chicago, Institute of Meat Packing, The University of Chicago, 1950. (158) American Oil Chemists' Society, 35 East Wacker Drive, Chicago 1, Ill., "Official and Tentative Methods of the American Oil Chemists' Society," 1946. Annual revisions. (159) Bailey, A. E., "Industrial Oil and Fat Products," New York, Interscience Publishers, Inc., 1945. (160) Deuel, H. J., Jr., "The Lipids; Their Chemistry and Biochemistry," Vol. 1, "Chemistry," New York, Interscience Publishers, Inc., 1951. (161) Ewing, W. R., South Pasadena, Calif., "Poultry Nutrition," 4th ed., 1951. (162) Hilditch, T. P., "The Chemical Constitution of Natural Fats," 2nd ed., New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1947. (163) McLaughlin, G. D., Theis, E. R., et al., "The Chemistry of Leather Manufacture," AM. CHEM. Soc., Mono No. 101, New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1945. LITERATURE RESOURCES Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.



(164) Markley, K. S., "Fatty Acids, Their Chemistry and Physical Properties," New York, Interscience Publishers, Inc., 1947. (165) Morrison, F. B., et al. "Feeds and Feeding; a Handbook for the Student and Stockman," 21st ed., Chap. 23, "Meat and Fish By-Products," Ithaca, Ν. Y., Morrison Publishing Co., 1948. (166) Ralston, A. W., "Fatty Acids and Their Derivatives," New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1948. (167) Wilson, J. Α., 1941. "Modern Practice in Leather Manufacture," New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1941. RECEIVED September 26, 1952. Presented before the Divisions of Chemical Literature and Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Symposium on Literature Resources of the Food Industries, at the 122nd Meeting of the

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LITERATURE RESOURCES Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1954.