Literature references in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry for

Survey of The Quantity and Distribution of Biochemical Literature. Ellen Shirley E. Schwartz and Wendell H. Powers. Journal of Chemical Documentation ...
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Literature References

in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry for 1939 AUSTIN M . PATTERSON TATISTICAL studies of the literature references in the Journal of the Americen Chemkl Society have been made by Gross and Gross1 and by Sheppard,=in the Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas by P a t t e r ~ o n ,and ~ in the Journal o f the Association of Ojicial Chemists by d r o f t . q u c h studies have been useful to librarians and others for indications as to which are the most consulted journals and for what length of time the articles in them continue to be in active use.


as cultural


Ind. Eng. Chrm. [.I. Ind. Eng. Chcm.1. ............................ 581 J.Am.Chcm.Soc ............................................... 176 J . Sac. Cham. Ind. (Chcmisry & IndurLry). ........................ 81 B n........................................................... 72 J.Chcm.Soc ................................................... Ind. Enp. Chrm.. A n d Ed.. ..................................... RubberChcm. Tach.............................................. J.Phys.Chrm .................................................. Trans. Am. I n d . Chcm. Engrs.. .................................. C h m m . & M e I . E n p ............................................ U. S . Bur. Mincr oublications. .................................. Kalloid-Z ...................................................... Ann.. ........................ . . . ............................. Serunge W o r k r J ................................................ J.Soc.Chcm.Ind.J~Oon ........................................ Furl. ........................................................ J.Biol.Chrm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proc.Roy.Soc.(London) ........................................ J . Am. Wnlrr Warkr Arroc.. ..................................... IndioRubberJ ................................................. J . &scorch Neil. B w . Slmdords I B w . Sfondords J . Rarsorrhl.. ....... Prm. Am. sac. Testing Malerials.. ............................... Com*t.rand .................................................... Z.*hy$ik.Chcm ................................................ Elcr. Ens. 13. Am. Ins,. Elcc. Ennr.1.. ...........................

Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio




United States Germany Great Britain France


Japan Netherlands India Austria Sweden

Switzerland China Eleven others Unidentified TABLE 3

Y e w of Publirolion



Ball.sor.chim .................................................. J.Chcnt.Phyr .................................................. J . In*. Pclrolcrm Tcr J . R u n . Phys. Chem. Mach. Eng ............. ~ n g m Chcm. . [Z.onpew. Chsnr.] ................................. Forsch. G d i d c Ingmiri'rw.. ...................................... No& B w . Slnndordr publications (except J . Resrorch). ...... . r ..... Nail. P~Dolrumnawr........................................... Colliery Guardian. ............................................... J. N O i l G o r J ...................................................... 13 8petiodicals.12eneh ........................................... 96 6periodieelo.Ileaeh ........................................... 66 8 periodicals, 10 ea 80 8 periodicals. 9 ese 72 7 periadieals, 8 cac 58 13petiodicaIs,?each........................................... 91 2opuiodicals.6eaeh ........................................... 120 18periodieals,5each........................................... 90 35periodieals.4 each ........................................... 140 42puiodicals,3eaeh ........................................... 126 136 68 petiodicalr, 2 eae 239 periodicals, 1 eac 239

leading journal in the general field of chemical industry, ind for this purpose Volume 31 of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (Industrial Edition) was chosen. This volume appeared during 1939, the last year in which i t was practically unaffected by the war. The 514

It has seemed of interest to make a similar study of a T i e n c e , 66, 385 (1927). 1 J. C ~ MEDUC.. . 12,472 (1935). Vet. frav. chim., 59, 538 (1940). J. CHEW EDUC.,18. 315 (1941).


numbers of citations to the different periodicals is seems to be an excellent illustration of the dependence given in Table 1. Journals cited under two or more of applied chemistry on nonindustrial research. A classification of the journals according to their names (as Z. angew. Chenz. and Angm. Chem.) are treated as one journal, but diierent names resulting fields shows: pure science, 142 (1032 citations or onefrom the division or union of journals have been re- third of the whole); nonchemical engineering, 68 (271 garded as representing separate periodicals. In some citations); general chemical industry, 46 (966 citacases all the papers and bulletins issued by the same tions); rubber, 15 (130 citations); fuels, 19 (97 citaGovernment agency (as the U. S. Bureau of Mines) tions) ;- water, sewage, and sanitation, 19 (92 citations) ; petroleum, 16 (85 citations); soils, fertilizers, etc., 30 have been treated as one periodical. There were in all 3159 citations from 512 periodicals (67 citations); and smaller numbers for various other in 16 languages. In addition there were 419 citations chemical industries. References to abstract journals are relatively few to books and pamphlets, 36 to theses, 27 to unpublished papers and addresses, 65 to personal communications; (e. g., Chem. Abstracts, 8; Chem. Zentr., 5; Brit. Chem. and 461 to patents, as follows: U. S. patents, 345; Abstracts, 1). Apparently most authors assume that readers can look up the abstracts without this help. British, 64; German, 25; French, 22; all others, 5. Table 2 shows the representation of different counIn previous studies it has been found that the journal being examined cites itself oftener than i t does any tries by the numbers of their periodicals cited and numother journal. This is particularly true of Ind. Chem. bers of citations. Table 3 shows the relation between the age of articles Eng., possibly because it covers a wide field while the majority of the serials which it cites are special in and patents to the frequency of their citation. Accordnature. This may also account for the very large num- ing to it, nearly half the citations were to articles and patents five years old or less, and two-thuds to those ber of different serials cited. A striking fact brought out by Table 1 is the appear- less than ten years old, but certain ones continue to be ance in it, among the industrial publications, of many cited for a long time. The oldest article referred to was well-known journals devoted to pure science. This published in 1810.